首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币价格上涨 0.39% 至 0.06078 美元:2023 年 9 月 26 日的主要见解

Dogecoin's 0.39% Price Increase to $0.06078: Key Insights for September 26, 2023

狗狗币价格上涨 0.39% 至 0.06078 美元:2023 年 9 月 26 日的主要见解

发布: 2023/10/07 11:01 阅读: 791

原文作者:BTC Peers


狗狗币价格上涨 0.39% 至 0.06078 美元:2023 年 9 月 26 日的主要见解

Dogecoin, the popular meme-inspired cryptocurrency, saw its price increase by 0.39% over the last 24 hours to $0.06078 according to the latest market data. With a market capitalization of $8.59 billion, Dogecoin remains one of the top 10 largest cryptocurrencies by market cap. In this report, we dive into the key metrics behind Dogecoin's recent price move and uncover insights that can inform investment decisions going forward.

根据最新市场数据,狗狗币是一种受流行迷因启发的加密货币,其价格在过去 24 小时内上涨 0.39%,至 0.06078 美元。狗狗币的市值为 85.9 亿美元,仍然是市值排名前 10 位的加密货币之一。在本报告中,我们深入探讨了狗狗币近期价格走势背后的关键指标,并揭示了可以为未来投资决策提供信息的见解。

The 24-hour trading volume for Dogecoin stands at $60.52 million, suggesting decent liquidity and investor interest behind the recent price uptick. However, zooming out shows that trading volume has declined in recent months, down from highs of over $1 billion per day in early 2023. This indicates fading momentum and more sideways price action may occur short-term unless volume picks back up.

狗狗币的 24 小时交易量为 6052 万美元,表明近期价格上涨背后有良好的流动性和投资者兴趣。然而,缩小范围显示,近几个月的交易量有所下降,低于 2023 年初每天超过 10 亿美元的高点。这表明,除非交易量回升,否则短期内可能会出现动力减弱和更多横盘价格走势。

Over the past hour, Dogecoin has gained 0.27%, showing its price is stabilizing and attempting to find a bottom following the steep declines seen over the past month and year. While -3.20% and -18.35% losses over the past month and 6 months signal Dogecoin remains in a long-term downtrend, the moderation in short-term losses could mark the start of a consolidation phase before the next major price move.

在过去的一个小时里,狗狗币上涨了 0.27%,表明其价格正在企稳,并试图在过去一个月和一年的急剧下跌之后找到底部。虽然过去一个月和 6 个月的 -3.20% 和 -18.35% 损失表明狗狗币仍处于长期下降趋势,但短期损失的缓和可能标志着下一次重大价格变动之前盘整阶段的开始。

Analyzing the percent changes over different time frames provides further insights into Dogecoin's price trend. The -2.83% 7-day losses show sellers remain in control of the market. However, Dogecoin has significantly outperformed Bitcoin over the past week, which has fallen almost 10% over the same period. This indicates Dogecoin is holding up relatively well during the latest cryptocurrency sell-off.

分析不同时间范围内的百分比变化可以进一步了解狗狗币的价格趋势。 -2.83% 的 7 天跌幅表明卖家仍然控制着市场。然而,狗狗币在过去一周的表现明显优于比特币,比特币同期下跌了近 10%。这表明狗狗币在最近的加密货币抛售期间表现相对较好。

What's Driving Dogecoin's Price Action?


Dogecoin's price continues being driven by a mix of technical trading factors and sentiment/hype around the meme-coin. Large holders and whales likely exert outsized influence over Dogecoin's price due to its relatively low market cap and liquidity compared to Bitcoin and Ethereum. This makes Doge susceptible to pump and dumps by large traders.


At the same time, Dogecoin benefits from ongoing attention and hype stemming from influencers like Elon Musk and Mark Cuban. This provides a speculative bid under the cryptocurrency and leads to higher volatility and buzz-driven price spikes. However, for Dogecoin's price to see sustained upside, growing utility and fundamentals need to develop beyond just hype and speculation.


Project developers are working on initiatives like smart contract functionality, lower fees, and faster transaction times to make DOGE more usable as a payments currency. If these efforts succeed in expanding real-world usage, Dogecoin's price could break out of its long-term downtrend. But until utility improves, technical trading and sentiment shifts will drive most of its price swings.

项目开发人员正在致力于智能合约功能、更低的费用和更快的交易时间等举措,以使 DOGE 作为支付货币更可用。如果这些努力成功扩大了现实世界的使用,狗狗币的价格可能会突破长期下跌趋势。但在效用改善之前,技术交易和情绪变化将推动其大部分价格波动。

What's the Future Price Outlook for Dogecoin?


Given Dogecoin's continued struggles with lack of development and utility, it's unlikely to see a sustained price recovery in 2023 unless hype and speculation reach mania levels. However, if developers deliver on the roadmap and expand functionality, Dogecoin could bottom out and stabilize over the next 6-12 months between $0.05 to $0.10.

鉴于狗狗币持续面临缺乏开发和实用性的困境,除非炒作和投机达到狂热水平,否则 2023 年价格不太可能持续回升。然而,如果开发人员实现路线图并扩展功能,狗狗币可能会触底并在未来 6-12 个月内稳定在 0.05 美元至 0.10 美元之间。

Long-term, Dogecoin may remain mostly as a speculative asset and meme-coin unless it differentiates itself from the pack with unique utility. Meme hype cycles will likely cause temporary price spikes, but DOGE needs more real-world usage to unlock long-term growth. Conservative estimates have Dogecoin topping out around $0.25 by end of 2024, while more optimistic projections put it reaching $1+ if hype reaches similar levels as 2021.

从长远来看,狗狗币可能仍主要作为一种投机资产和迷因币,除非它能将自己与具有独特效用的同类产品区分开来。 Meme 炒作周期可能会导致暂时的价格飙升,但 DOGE 需要更多的现实世界使用来释放长期增长。保守估计,到 2024 年底,狗狗币的价格将达到 0.25 美元左右,而更乐观的预测是,如果炒作达到与 2021 年类似的水平,狗狗币将达到 1 美元以上。

How Can You Start Investing in Dogecoin?


For traders and investors looking to gain exposure to Dogecoin's price movements, opening an account on a leading crypto exchange like Binance, Coinbase or Kraken is the easiest way to buy and sell DOGE. These platforms allow you to trade DOGE against major fiat currencies like the US dollar or stablecoins like USDT.

对于希望了解狗狗币价格走势的交易者和投资者来说,在 Binance、Coinbase 或 Kraken 等领先的加密货币交易所开设账户是买卖 DOGE 的最简单方法。这些平台允许您将 DOGE 与美元等主要法定货币或 USDT 等稳定币进行交易。

Once you fund your account, you can simply place buy and sell orders for DOGE using spot or margin trading. More advanced traders may want to use futures contracts or options to speculate on Dogecoin's price. Always use proper risk management as DOGE remains highly volatile.

一旦您为账户注入资金,您就可以使用现货或保证金交易简单地下达 DOGE 的买入和卖出订单。更高级的交易者可能希望使用期货合约或期权来推测狗狗币的价格。由于 DOGE 仍然高度波动,因此始终使用适当的风险管理。

Dollar cost averaging a small position over time can smooth out Dogecoin's wild price swings. But only invest money you can afford to lose and beware of FOMO buying at hype-driven peaks. Dogecoin should remain a very small part of a diversified crypto portfolio.




Dogecoin's price continues being driven by hype cycles, whale manipulation, and technical trading in the absence of strong fundamentals. While Dogecoin is unlikely to see sustained gains in 2023, development efforts to boost utility could stabilize and bottom out prices between $0.05 to $0.10 over the next year. Longer-term price potential remains around $0.25 to $1 depending on if hype reaches similar levels as the 2021 mania peak. Traders and investors can gain Dogecoin exposure by using regulated exchanges, but proper risk management is essential.

在缺乏强劲基本面的情况下,狗狗币的价格继续受到炒作周期、鲸鱼操纵和技术交易的推动。虽然狗狗币不太可能在 2023 年持续上涨,但提高实用性的开发努力可能会在明年稳定价格并将其触底至 0.05 美元至 0.10 美元之间。长期价格潜力仍约为 0.25 美元至 1 美元,具体取决于炒作是否达到与 2021 年狂热峰值类似的水平。交易者和投资者可以通过受监管的交易所获得狗狗币敞口,但适当的风险管理至关重要。


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