首页 > 资讯新闻 > 随着 12 亿美元交易量涌入,狗狗币价格预测——更大的激增即将来临?

Dogecoin Price Prediction as $1.2 Billion Trading Volume Floods In – A Bigger Surge Incoming?

随着 12 亿美元交易量涌入,狗狗币价格预测——更大的激增即将来临?

发布: 2023/12/23 07:01 阅读: 929



随着 12 亿美元交易量涌入,狗狗币价格预测——更大的激增即将来临?

Despite a nearly 10% decline over the past week and a 3% drop in the last 24 hours, Dogecoin has seen a remarkable trading volume influx, boasting a over 19% increase in activity. This flurry in trading suggests a strong investor interest in acquiring Dogecoin at its current rate of $0.0950, with an eye on a possible uptrend.

尽管过去一周下跌近 10%,过去 24 小时下跌 3%,但狗狗币的交易量仍显着涌入,活跃度增长了 19% 以上。这种交易热潮表明投资者对以当前 0.0950 美元的价格购买狗狗币有强烈兴趣,并着眼于可能的上升趋势。

While aspirations of hitting the $1 mark remain ambitious, the recent surge in trading activity amidst market fluctuations points to Dogecoin’s resilience and potential for growth.

尽管冲击 1 美元大关的愿望仍然雄心勃勃,但最近市场波动中交易活动的激增表明了狗狗币的弹性和增长潜力。

Dogecoin Price Update


1 Ð = $0.093

1 Ð = 0.093 美元



— MyDoge Wallet (@MyDogeOfficial) December 22, 2023

- MyDoge 钱包 (@MyDogeOfficial) 2023 年 12 月 22 日

The sentiment surrounding Dogecoin remains predominantly bullish, with 74% optimism, though expert predictions from Changelly indicate a conservative outlook for its price by 2024.

尽管 Changelly 的专家预测表明对其 2024 年价格前景持保守态度,但围绕狗狗币的情绪仍然主要是看涨的,乐观情绪占 74%。

Factors such as Bitcoin’s halving and the anticipated ETF approval contribute to the optimism, placing Dogecoin among other altcoins that could witness a surge in the coming period.

比特币减半和预期 ETF 批准等因素助长了乐观情绪,使狗狗币跻身于未来一段时间内可能出现飙升的其他山寨币之列。

Significant Dogecoin Transaction Fuels Market Buzz


Recently, a huge sum of Dogecoin, about 112 million coins worth roughly $10.4 million, was moved from the Robinhood trading app to an unknown wallet. This big transfer has sparked curiosity and speculation among people who follow cryptocurrency.

最近,巨额狗狗币(约 1.12 亿枚,价值约 1040 万美元)从 Robinhood 交易应用程序转移到了一个未知的钱包中。这笔巨额转账引发了关注加密货币的人们的好奇和猜测。

112,079,939 #DOGE (10,435,672 USD) transferred from #Robinhood to unknown wallethttps://t.co/SP9KVrjDVR

112,079,939 #DOGE(10,435,672 美元)从 #Robinhood 转移到未知钱包https://t.co/SP9KVrjDVR

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) December 22, 2023

- 鲸鱼警报 (@whale_alert) 2023 年 12 月 22 日

It’s not the first time a large amount of Dogecoin has been moved like this; similar transfers happened earlier in December involving Robinhood.

这并不是第一次出现大量狗狗币被这样转移的情况。 12 月初也发生过类似的转会,涉及 Robinhood。

Currently, Dogecoin is ranked 11th in the cryptocurrency market, with a recent 3.2% increase in value, trading at $0.094756.


These large transactions are drawing more and more interest, leading to discussions and guesses about what they mean for Dogecoin and the broader digital currency market.


Significant Dogecoin Movement from Robinhood to Unknown Wallet. Over $10 million worth of Dogecoin transferred from Robinhood. Observers notice intriguing patterns in Dogecoin transactions. The post Significant… check us out @ https://t.co/8dh137aX4R pic.twitter.com/1oiZxngsnk

加密货币突发新闻从 Robinhood 到未知钱包的重大狗狗币运动。从 Robinhood 转移的狗狗币价值超过 1000 万美元。观察家注意到狗狗币交易中有趣的模式。该帖子意义重大……请查看我们@ https://t.co/8dh137aX4R pic.twitter.com/1oiZxngsnk

— InnovatekMobile (@Neome_com) December 22, 2023

— InnovatekMobile (@Neome_com) 2023 年 12 月 22 日

In short, the transfer of this massive amount of Dogecoin has caught the attention of many. While it’s not yet clear how this will affect Dogecoin’s value, such significant transactions often lead to a lot of talk and can sway people’s opinions about the market.



Dogecoin, the well-known meme cryptocurrency, is currently riding a rollercoaster in the crypto market. Despite backing from prominent figures like Elon Musk, DOGE recently experienced a 7% price drop, illustrating the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies.

众所周知的模因加密货币狗狗币目前在加密货币市场上经历了过山车式的变化。尽管得到了埃隆·马斯克等知名人士的支持,DOGE 最近的价格还是下跌了 7%,这说明了加密货币的波动性。

"Elon Musk -X Platform Dogecoin (DOGE) Integration Confirmed? Could This Change Everything? #doge"

“Elon Musk -X 平台狗狗币 (DOGE) 集成已确认?这会改变一切吗?#doge”

Watch Now: https://t.co/w8DT379fZM#dogecoin #BITCOIN #doge #dogearmy #dogenews #Elonmusk #BTCUSD #Ethererum $doge #cryptocurrency pic.twitter.com/4lkyJ24zZZ

立即观看:https://t.co/w8DT379fZM#dogecoin #BITCOIN #doge #dogearmy #dogenews #Elonmusk #BTCUSD #Ethererum $doge #cryptocurrency pic.twitter.com/4lkyJ24zZZ

— Crypto Daily Trade Signals (@cryptodailyTS) December 22, 2023

— 加密货币每日交易信号 (@cryptodailyTS) 2023 年 12 月 22 日

This price fluctuation is a reminder of the inherent unpredictability of the crypto market, especially for tokens like Dogecoin, which are significantly influenced by community support and celebrity endorsements.


The role of social media in Dogecoin’s market dynamics is particularly significant. A seemingly harmless conversation on social media between Elon Musk and Dogecoin’s co-creator, Billy Markus, unexpectedly affected the market in a negative way.


This incident underscores the powerful, yet unpredictable impact of social media on the value of cryptocurrencies, particularly those like Dogecoin that are closely tied to public perception and celebrity backing.


In summary, Dogecoin’s recent struggles reflect the combined influence of market volatility and the complex role of social media, which collectively contribute to the ongoing uncertainty and potential price swings of this popular cryptocurrency.


Dogecoin Price Prediction 


In the dynamic crypto landscape, Dogecoin (DOGE) stands out with its recent price fluctuations. Currently trading at $0.0949400, Dogecoin exhibits an intriguing technical picture.

在动态的加密货币领域,狗狗币(DOGE)因其最近的价格波动而脱颖而出。狗狗币目前的交易价格为 0.0949400 美元,展现出有趣的技术面貌。

The coin has key resistance levels at $0.0983, $0.1054, and $0.1116, while immediate support lies at $0.0876. Further support can be found at $0.0834 and $0.0797.

该代币的关键阻力位为 0.0983 美元、0.1054 美元和 0.1116 美元,而直接支撑位为 0.0876 美元。进一步支撑位为 0.0834 美元和 0.0797 美元。

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) hovers around 56, indicating a slightly bullish sentiment without crossing into overbought territory.

相对强弱指数 (RSI) 徘徊在 56 左右,表明市场情绪略微看涨,但并未进入超买区域。

Significantly, the price of Dogecoin has surpassed the 50-Day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of $0.0931, reinforcing a short-term bullish trend.

值得注意的是,狗狗币的价格已超过 0.0931 美元的 50 天指数移动平均线 (EMA),强化了短期看涨趋势。

Dogecoin Price Chart – Source: Tradingview

狗狗币价格图表 – 来源:Tradingview

Most notably, Dogecoin has broken out of a symmetrical triangle pattern, a key technical indicator often associated with a potential upward movement.


Given these factors, Dogecoin’s market outlook is cautiously bullish above $0.0934.

考虑到这些因素,狗狗币的市场前景在 0.0934 美元上方谨慎看涨。

Looking ahead, it’s expected to test higher resistance levels, but traders should remain alert to shifts in market dynamics.


Meme Kombat: Web3 Gaming Pioneer Surpasses $4.2 Million in Presale

Meme Kombat:Web3 游戏先锋预售金额超过 420 万美元

Meme Kombat, an innovative Web3 gaming platform, has successfully raised over $4.2 million, edging closer to its $5 million target. With the Meme Kombat Token ($MK) price poised to rise to $0.268 in just over 5 days, the platform continues to garner substantial interest in the crypto community.

Meme Kombat 是一个创新的 Web3 游戏平台,已成功筹集超过 420 万美元,距离 500 万美元的目标越来越近。随着 Meme Kombat 代币 ($MK) 的价格有望在短短 5 天内上涨至 0.268 美元,该平台继续在加密社区中引起巨大兴趣。

Currently priced at $0.257, the $MK token is central to Meme Kombat’s ecosystem, offering high staking yields and active earning opportunities. Approximately 30% of the token supply is earmarked for staking rewards and in-game incentives, promoting a stable and engaging economy.

$MK 代币目前的价格为 0.257 美元,是 Meme Kombat 生态系统的核心,提供高质押收益率和积极的盈利机会。大约 30% 的代币供应专门用于质押奖励和游戏内激励,促进稳定且有吸引力的经济。

Meme Kombat is set to revolutionize gaming experiences, with the launch of its first season expected between October and November 2023 and the introduction of Meme Kombat 2 by the year’s end. These initiatives underscore the platform’s commitment to continuous innovation and enhancement of gameplay features.

Meme Kombat 将彻底改变游戏体验,第一季预计在 2023 年 10 月至 11 月期间推出,Meme Kombat 2 将于年底推出。这些举措强调了该平台对持续创新和增强游戏功能的承诺。

The upcoming price increase of the $MK token and its impressive presale performance highlight Meme Kombat’s potential in the burgeoning Web3 gaming market.

$MK 代币即将涨价及其令人印象深刻的预售表现凸显了 Meme Kombat 在蓬勃发展的 Web3 游戏市场中的潜力。

Visit Meme Kombat Here

在这里访问 Meme Kombat

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.



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