首页 > 资讯新闻 > 每日交易量飙升至 4 亿美元以上的狗狗币价格预测 – 1 美元 DOGE 可能吗?

Dogecoin Price Prediction as Daily Trading Volume Surges Past $400 Million – $1 DOGE Possible?

每日交易量飙升至 4 亿美元以上的狗狗币价格预测 – 1 美元 DOGE 可能吗?

发布: 2024/01/31 06:39 阅读: 958



每日交易量飙升至 4 亿美元以上的狗狗币价格预测 – 1 美元 DOGE 可能吗?

Dogecoin (DOGE) price predictions remain uninspiring, despite an uptick in trading volumes to above $400 million in the past 24 hours.

尽管过去 24 小时内交易量上升至 4 亿美元以上,但狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价格预测仍然不那么鼓舞人心。

The Dogecoin price was last changing hands just above $0.08, with the 21DMA at $0.0809 acting as a magnet.

狗狗币最后一次易手价格略高于 0.08 美元,其中 21DMA 价格为 0.0809 美元,就像磁铁一样。

As per CoinGecko, 24-hour trading volumes for the world’s largest meme coin by market capitalization was last around $400 million.

根据 CoinGecko 的数据,按市值计算,全球最大的模因币的 24 小时交易量约为 4 亿美元。

That’s a jump from trading volumes seen towards the end of last week.


Between Thursday and Sunday, Dogecoin didn’t clock daily trading volumes of more than $300 million, as per Yahoo Finance data.

根据雅虎财经的数据,周四至周日期间,狗狗币的每日交易量并未超过 3 亿美元。

The uptick in Dogecoin trading volume comes as the broader market picks up.


Bitcoin (BTC) hit two-week highs near $44,000 on Tuesday as concerns about Grayscale selling fade and bullish bets return.

随着对灰度抛售的担忧消退和看涨押注回归,比特币 (BTC) 周二触及近 44,000 美元的两周高点。

Ether (ETH) pushed into the upper $2,300s as major UK bank Standard Chartered predicted a potential rally to $4,000.

英国主要银行渣打银行预测以太坊 (ETH) 可能上涨至 4,000 美元,以太坊 (ETH) 升至 2,300 美元上方。

Spannender Ausblick von Standard Chartered, einer globalen Finanzgröße: Sie erwarten die Genehmigung von den Spot Ethereum ETFs am 23. Mai.

全球金融巨头渣打银行的前景令人兴奋:他们预计现货以太坊 ETF 将于 5 月 23 日获得批准。

Interessant dabei: Sie sehen ein Preisziel von $4,000 für ETH, angelehnt an die BTC-Entwicklung vor dessen ETF-Start. https://t.co/GkbIg15Fga pic.twitter.com/pm6ITjvARI

有趣的是,根据 ETF 推出之前 BTC 的发展情况,您会看到 ETH 的目标价格为 4,000 美元。 https://t.co/GkbIg15Fga pic.twitter.com/pm6ITjvARI

— Hoss (@hoss_crypto) January 30, 2024

— 霍斯 (@hoss_crypto) 2024 年 1 月 30 日

Other altcoins have been doing even better, with the Solana (SOL) price up over 25% in 7 days, as per CoinMarketCap.

根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,其他山寨币的表现甚至更好,Solana (SOL) 价格在 7 天内上涨了 25% 以上。

But while the Dogecoin price is up around 10% from its 2024 lows under $0.075, its price action remains subdued.

不过,尽管狗狗币的价格较 2024 年低于 0.075 美元的低点上涨了约 10%,但其价格走势仍然低迷。

Since breaking below its Q3 2023 uptrend in early January, the Dogecoin price has been languishing in a downtrend.

自 1 月初跌破 2023 年第三季度上涨趋势以来,狗狗币价格一直处于下跌趋势中。

The 50DMA and downwards trendline coincide around $0.087.

50 日均线和下降趋势线在 0.087 美元附近重合。

For Dogecoin price predictions to turn more bullish, Dogecoin would need to pop above this resistance zone.


Dogecoin Price Prediction – Is $1 DOGE Possible?

狗狗币价格预测 – 1 美元狗狗币有可能吗?

Dogecoin’s very short-term outlook remains downbeat thanks to technicals.


But assuming that the broader crypto bull market continues, dips probably won’t last too long or be too deep.


Indeed, as risk appetite across the crypto market increases this year in wake of spot crypto ETF approvals, the Bitcoin halving, a rate-cutting cycle from the Fed and potential political and fiscal tailwinds in the US on election year, Dogecoin is a good candidate to perform well.

事实上,随着现货加密 ETF 获批、比特币减半、美联储降息周期以及美国选举年潜在的政治和财政顺风,今年加密市场的风险偏好有所增加,狗狗币是一个不错的选择表现良好。

That’s particularly true in light of the fact that Dogecoin largely failed to keep pace with Bitcoin and Ether’s big price pumps in 2023, meaning that Dogecoin might represent a comparatively favorable value bet.

鉴于狗狗币在 2023 年基本上未能跟上比特币和以太坊价格大幅上涨的步伐,这一点尤其正确,这意味着狗狗币可能代表着相对有利的价值押注。

Dogecoin briefly reached a market cap of $82 billion in 2021.

狗狗币的市值在 2021 年一度达到 820 亿美元。

Assuming the cryptocurrency can surpass this level in 2024 or 2025, DOGE stands a chance of reaching $1.

假设加密货币能够在 2024 年或 2025 年超过这一水平,DOGE 有机会达到 1 美元。

There are currently around 142 billion Dogecoins in issuance, meaning DOGE would have to reach a market cap of $142 billion for each token to be worth $1.

目前狗狗币的发行量约为 1,420 亿枚,这意味着 DOGE 的市值必须达到 1,420 亿美元,每个代币价值 1 美元。

Dogecoin price bulls will be hoping that Elon Musk’s X helps DOGE on its path to $1.

狗狗币价格多头希望埃隆·马斯克的 X 能帮助狗狗币走向 1 美元。

X is teasing the launch of a new payments platform.

X 正在酝酿推出一个新的支付平台。

Musk, a long-time Dogecoin supporter, has teased that Dogecoin could play a role in X’s future payments system.

马斯克是狗狗币的长期支持者,他开玩笑说狗狗币可以在 X 未来的支付系统中发挥作用。

Dogecoin could be a strong investment choice for 2024.

狗狗币可能是 2024 年强有力的投资选择。

Better Meme Coin Alternative to Dogecoin

更好的 Meme 硬币替代狗狗币

Dogecoin’s bloated market cap means it is a highly risky bet, with limited upside potential and big downside risk.


All meme coins are risky, but some up-and-coming project’s at least offer a strong possibility of 100x gains.

所有 meme 币都有风险,但一些新兴项目至少提供了 100 倍收益的强大可能性。

One such project that has been closely followed by analysts at Cryptonews.com is Sponge V2.

Sponge V2 是 Cryptonews.com 分析师密切关注的此类项目之一。

Sponge V2 is the reincarnation of the legendary Spongebob Squarepants-themed $SPONGE token, which reached a market cap of nearly $100 million earlier in 2023 and delivered gains to its earlier investors in the region of 100x.

Sponge V2 是传奇的海绵宝宝主题 $SPONGE 代币的转世,该代币于 2023 年初达到近 1 亿美元的市值,并为其早期投资者带来了 100 倍左右的收益。

$SPONGE token holders will be able to stake their tokens to receive an equivalent amount of $SPONGEV2 tokens, as well as to start earning staking rewards (paid out in $SPONGEV2) with a minimum APY of 40%.

$SPONGE 代币持有者将能够质押其代币以获得等量的 $SPONGEV2 代币,并开始赚取最低年利率 40% 的质押奖励(以 $SPONGEV2 支付)。

Around $4 million worth of $SPONGE tokens have already been staked and are gaining an APY of over 300%.

价值约 400 万美元的 $SPONGE 代币已被质押,年化收益 (APY) 超过 300%。

Huge milestone alert, #SPONGERS!


There are now over 6 billion $SPONGE tokens staked with a value of $3,958,206.14!

目前已有超过 60 亿美元 SPONGE 代币被质押,价值 3,958,206.14 美元!

Our holders are enjoying an impressive current APY of +250%.


Join us and absorb the damp!! #SpongeV2 #Crypto #Web3 #Alts #100x pic.twitter.com/llxFF0hfby

加入我们,吸收湿气!! #SpongeV2 #Crypto #Web3 #Alts #100x pic.twitter.com/llxFF0hfby

— $SPONGE (@spongeoneth) January 26, 2024

- $SPONGE (@spongeoneth) 2024 年 1 月 26 日

$SPONGEV2’s main advantage over $SPONGE is that it will power a new play-to-earn game racing game.

$SPONGEV2 相对于 $SPONGE 的主要优势在于,它将为一款新的边玩边赚钱的赛车游戏提供动力。

Hype surrounding Sponge V2 has driven significant gains in the price of the original Sponge token in recent weeks.

最近几周,围绕 Sponge V2 的炒作推动了原始 Sponge 代币的价格大幅上涨。

At above $0.0006, $SPONGE is up over 4x versus its November lows, as per DEXTools.

根据 DEXTools 的数据,$SPONGE 价格高于 0.0006 美元,较 11 月低点上涨超过 4 倍。

Stop playing….start absorbing


We’re gunning for top spot $SPONGE #SpongeV2 #DOGE #PEPE #FLOKI #BONK #Crypto pic.twitter.com/uv0Ezshl8g

我们正在争夺头把交椅 $SPONGE #SpongeV2 #DOGE #PEPE #FLOKI #BONK #Crypto pic.twitter.com/uv0Ezshl8g

— $SPONGE (@spongeoneth) January 26, 2024

- $SPONGE (@spongeoneth) 2024 年 1 月 26 日

At a still tiny market cap of $15 million, the meme coin has a lot of potential upside as traders keep flocking to Sponge V2.

随着交易者不断涌向 Sponge V2,这款 Meme 币的市值仍然很小,仅为 1500 万美元,但它具有很大的潜在上涨空间。

Visit Sponge V2 Here

在这里访问 Sponge V2


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