首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币价格预测“过度看涨杠杆”导致大幅下跌——市场正在重置吗?

Dogecoin Price Prediction as ‘Excess Bullish Leverage’ Leads to Sharp Drop – Is the Market Resetting?


发布: 2023/12/13 06:17 阅读: 676




DOGE Chart / Source: TradingView

DOGE 图表 / 来源:TradingView

Dogecoin (DOGE) has pulled back sharply from the multi-month highs it hit on Monday at $0.1075 amid a flushing out of excessive bullish leverage that had built up during the cryptocurrency’s push higher in the past few weeks.

狗狗币(DOGE)已从周一触及的数月高点 0.1075 美元大幅回调,原因是过去几周加密货币推高期间建立的过度看涨杠杆被冲掉。

DOGE was last changing hands around $0.0940, down over 12% from Monday’s amid a wave of long position liquidations in the futures market.

由于期货市场出现多头平仓浪潮,DOGE 最后换手价格约为 0.0940 美元,较周一下跌超过 12%。

As per coinglass.com, leveraged long futures positions worth over $9 million were liquidated on Monday, the largest amount in one day in at least three months.

据 coinglass.com 报道,周一价值超过 900 万美元的杠杆期货多头头寸被清算,这是至少三个月来单日最大清算金额。

The open interest-weighted funding rate paid to open a leveraged futures position has also dropped back from multi-month highs hit earlier in December and was last around 0.0233% versus Saturday’s highs of over 0.05%.

开立杠杆期货头寸所支付的未平仓利息加权融资利率也从 12 月初触及的数月高点回落,最新约为 0.0233%,而周六的高点超过 0.05%。

That shows that the latest punishing liquidation event for the bulls has dampened the demand to open fresh long futures positions, though the market’s bias still remains bullish with the funding rate still in positive territory.


Taken together, the latest major wipeout of long positions and drop in the funding rate suggests the Dogecoin market has swung back from a state of arguably excessive bullishness.


Whilst the latest calming of excessive bullishness has coincided with a sharp drop in the Dogecoin price, some may argue that the latest correction marks a positive reset for the market.


When overly-leveraged, weak-handed bulls are flushed out of the market amid short-term price dip, longer-term bulls with a higher tolerance for price volatility get a new opportunity to add to their positions.


These buyers form a stronger base for the DOGE price to see sustained upside, as they are much less likely to take profit or panic sell at the first sight of a short-term price decline.

这些买家为 DOGE 价格持续上涨奠定了更坚实的基础,因为他们一看到短期价格下跌就获利了结或恐慌性抛售的可能性要小得多。

Price Prediction – Where Next for Dogecoin (DOGE)?


With the broader market likely to continue trading with a downside bias in wake of recent US economic data failing to fuel fresh hopes for an interest rate-cutting cycle next year, Dogecoin’s price may continue to decline in the short term.


But dip buyers will surely be waiting on the sidelines to jump in, with the crypto market broadly in consensus that we have entered a new bull market cycle.


$0.0875 is a good area of price support for DOGE, with the 21DMA and November high coinciding nicely.

0.0875 美元是 DOGE 的良好价格支撑区域,21 日均线和 11 月高点恰好重合。

Medium-term price predictions are likely to remain bullish and if DOGE can break above resistance in the mid-$0.10s (which it failed to in recent days), the door remains open for a pump back to late 2022 highs in the $0.16 area.

中期价格预测可能仍然看涨,如果 DOGE 能够突破 0.10 美元中期的阻力位(最近几天未能成功),那么回到 2022 年末高点 0.16 美元区域的大门仍然敞开。

DOGE Alternative to Consider – Meme Kombat ($MK)

DOGE 值得考虑的替代方案 – Meme Kombat ($MK)

While Dogecoin (DOGE) could offer good upside prospects for the months ahead, traders should always look to diversify their crypto holdings.


For those with a strong risk tolerance, investing in promising up and coming web3 project by buying into their token presales is one good way to generate potential quick exponential gains.

对于那些具有较强风险承受能力的人来说,通过购买其代币预售来投资有前途的 web3 项目是产生潜在的快速指数收益的一种好方法。

Cryptonews.com spends a lot of time analysing which presales have potential, and one such project that they are big fans of is an exciting new project called Meme Kombat.

Cryptonews.com 花费了大量时间分析哪些预售具有潜力,他们非常喜欢的一个这样的项目是一个令人兴奋的新项目,名为 Meme Kombat。

Meme Kombat blends together the world of crypto gaming and gambling with its exciting platform where users are able to bet on the outcomes of exciting battles between characters based on some of the crypto world’s most popular meme coins.

Meme Kombat 将加密游戏和赌博的世界与其令人兴奋的平台融为一体,用户可以根据加密世界中一些最受欢迎的 Meme 硬币对角色之间激动人心的战斗结果进行投注。

Early $MK investors can also benefit from generous staking rewards, which are currently more than 100% annually.

早期的 $MK 投资者还可以从丰厚的质押奖励中受益,目前每年的奖励超过 100%。

The project has already raised close to $2.8 million, despite launching just weeks ago.

尽管该项目仅在几周前启动,但已筹集了近 280 万美元。

Visit Meme Kombat Here

在这里访问 Meme Kombat

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.



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