首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币价格飙升,顶级 Meme 代币能否成为排名前三的加密货币并在 2024 年触及 1 美元

Dogecoin Price Pumps, Can The Top Meme Coin Become A Top 3 Ranked Crypto And Hit $1 In 2024

狗狗币价格飙升,顶级 Meme 代币能否成为排名前三的加密货币并在 2024 年触及 1 美元

发布: 2023/11/08 00:49 阅读: 755

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post Dogecoin Price Pumps, Can The Top Meme Coin Become A Top 3 Ranked Crypto And Hit $1 In 2024 appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

狗狗币价格飙升,顶级 Meme 代币能否成为排名前三的加密货币并在 2024 年达到 1 美元的价格首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) price has soared recently, sparking speculation that the world’s largest meme coin could become a top three crypto and hit $1 by 2024.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价格最近飙升,引发了人们的猜测,即世界上最大的模因币可能会成为排名前三的加密货币,并在 2024 年达到 1 美元。

With its strong community and enormous brand recognition, DOGE certainly has potential, with analysts speculating whether it can continue its current momentum into next year.

凭借其强大的社区和巨大的品牌知名度,DOGE 无疑具有潜力,分析师猜测它是否可以将目前的势头延续到明年。

However, a new meme-inspired project called Meme Kombat (MK) is also gaining attention during its presale phase – prompting many to tout it as the next meme coin that could pump.

然而,一个名为 Meme Kombat (MK) 的新模因项目在预售阶段也引起了人们的关注,促使许多人将其吹捧为下一个可以上涨的模因代币。

Dogecoin Price Surge Sparks Speculation of a Year-End Rally


DOGE’s price is currently hovering around $0.073, up 10% from last Thursday’s low.

DOGE 的价格目前徘徊在 0.073 美元左右,较上周四的低点上涨 10%。

Notably, DOGE was up by 16% at one point yesterday before pulling back sharply this morning.

值得注意的是,DOGE 昨天曾一度上涨 16%,但今早大幅回落。

The coin has posted three bullish weekly closes in a row, marking its best run of form since July.

该代币连续三周看涨收盘,创下自 7 月以来的最佳表现。

However, Dogecoin is up less than 5% year-to-date – less than most major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana.

然而,狗狗币今年迄今的涨幅不到 5%,低于比特币、以太坊和 Solana 等大多数主要加密货币。

This relatively poor performance reflects a broader trend among established meme coins, with Shiba Inu (SHIB) also up marginally for the year.


Regardless, DOGE’s price pump over the past few days has increased confidence throughout the investor base that the coin can finish the year strong.

无论如何,过去几天 DOGE 的价格上涨增强了整个投资者的信心,相信该代币能够在今年表现强劲。

CoinMarketCap data shows that DOGE trading volume has risen 84% in the past day, making it the ninth most-traded crypto globally.

CoinMarketCap 数据显示,过去一天 DOGE 交易量增长了 84%,成为全球第九大交易量加密货币。

This points to increased interest and momentum behind Dogecoin as investors seek to gain exposure to the coin’s price before 2023 comes to a close.

这表明人们对狗狗币的兴趣和动力有所增加,因为投资者寻求在 2023 年结束之前了解狗狗币的价格。

Can Dogecoin Realistically Hit $1 & Become a Top 3 Crypto in 2024?

狗狗币能否在 2024 年真正达到 1 美元并成为排名前 3 的加密货币?

While Dogecoin has seen impressive gains recently, it remains an open question whether the meme coin can hit the coveted $1 mark and become a top three cryptocurrency by market cap.

尽管狗狗币最近取得了令人瞩目的涨幅,但这种模因币能否达到令人垂涎的 1 美元大关并成为市值排名前三的加密货币仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。

For DOGE to reach $1, its price would need to surge over 1,280% from current levels – which would give the token a market cap of $141.7 billion.

DOGE 要达到 1 美元,其价格需要从当前水平飙升 1,280% 以上,这将使该代币的市值达到 1,417 亿美元。

Though Dogecoin has defied skeptics before, this would likely require a perfect storm of events, including increased mainstream adoption, additional use cases, high-profile partnerships, and another massive crypto bull run.


While unlikely, if the market experiences exponential growth in 2024, potentially due to the release of a spot BTC ETF, then DOGE could ride the wave of positive sentiment to a new all-time high.

虽然不太可能,但如果市场在 2024 年经历指数级增长(可能是由于现货 BTC ETF 的发布),那么 DOGE 可能会乘着积极情绪的浪潮达到新的历史高点。

However, with the DOGE Fear & Greed Index still at “Neutral,” investors are unsure whether significant price appreciation is possible in the near term – meaning the next few weeks could be pivotal for DOGE.

然而,由于 DOGE 恐惧与贪婪指数仍处于“中性”,投资者不确定短期内价格是否可能大幅上涨,这意味着未来几周可能对 DOGE 至关重要。

Which Newer Meme Coins Could Be Set to Pump?

哪些新的 Meme 硬币可以设置为泵送?

With Dogecoin’s future still uncertain, many newer meme-inspired cryptos are popping up, aiming to capture investor attention.


One such project is the newly launched Meme Kombat, which is gaining significant traction during its presale phase.

其中一个项目是新推出的 Meme Kombat,该项目在预售阶段就获得了巨大的关注。

Crypto Arena Game Meme Kombat Gears Up for Launch & Raises $1.2M During Presale

Crypto Arena 游戏 Meme Kombat 准备发布并在预售期间筹集了 120 万美元

Meme Kombat is an innovative platform where players can watch and bet on fights between their favourite meme coin mascots, like Doge, Shiba, and Pepe the Frog.

Meme Kombat 是一个创新平台,玩家可以观看并投注他们最喜爱的 Meme 硬币吉祥物(如 Doge、Shiba 和 Pepe the Frog)之间的战斗。

These meme warriors have different skills and stats that determine their performance in each AI-generated battle, leading to unpredictable and engaging outcomes.


Per Meme Kombat’s whitepaper, users can bet on these battles using the native MK token, with winners earning more tokens and other prizes.

根据 Meme Kombat 的白皮书,用户可以使用原生 MK 代币对这些战斗进行投注,获胜者可以获得更多代币和其他奖品。

The Meme Kombat platform also features staking, allowing users to earn passive income set at 112% APY.

Meme Kombat 平台还具有质押功能,允许用户赚取年利率 112% 的被动收入。

By staking their MK tokens through the Meme Kombat website, players can allocate tokens for betting while also accumulating daily rewards – with the added benefit of reducing price volatility once MK is listed on the open market.

通过通过 Meme Kombat 网站质押 MK 代币,玩家可以分配代币进行投注,同时还可以积累每日奖励 - 额外的好处是,一旦 MK 在公开市场上市,即可减少价格波动。

Meme Kombat is currently in the middle of a successful presale phase, with 50% of the total 1 billion supply reserved for early buyers.

Meme Kombat 目前正处于成功的预售阶段,10 亿枚供应总量中的 50% 保留给早期买家。

Prospective investors can buy MK for $0.183 per token, although this price will increase in two days due to the presale’s tiered structure.

潜在投资者可以以每个代币 0.183 美元的价格购买 MK,尽管由于预售的分层结构,该价格将在两天内上涨。

Over $1.2 million has been raised thanks to this approach, with thousands of people joining the official Telegram community to keep tabs on the project’s progress.

通过这种方式,已经筹集了超过 120 万美元,数千人加入了官方 Telegram 社区来密切关注该项目的进展。

As a unique combination of memes and gaming with earning opportunities, Meme Kombat looks primed for a prosperous end to 2023 – with early backers suggesting that MK’s price could pump throughout 2024 and beyond.

作为 Meme 和游戏与赚钱机会的独特结合,Meme Kombat 看起来将为 2023 年的繁荣做好准备 - 早期支持者表示 MK 的价格可能会在 2024 年及以后持续上涨。

MK tokens are on sale at memekombat.io and can be purchased using ETH or USDT.

MK 代币在 memekombat.io 出售,可以使用 ETH 或 USDT 购买。


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