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Dogecoin Price Skyrockets Eyeing $0.1 As Physical DOGE Heads To The Moon

随着实物狗狗登月,狗狗币价格飙升至 0.1 美元

发布: 2023/11/17 00:32 阅读: 636



Dogecoin (DOGE) bulls are not leaving any stone unturned, especially with the community hyped up due to the plans to send the physical meme coin to our Moon.


The largest meme coin exploded to above $0.8 following a break above an important bullish pattern we explored last week. Its 24-hour volume surged in tandem to support the uptrend, up 86% to $1.1 billion.

在突破我们上周探讨的重要看涨模式后,最大的 meme 代币暴涨至 0.8 美元以上。其24小时成交量同步飙升,支撑上涨趋势,上涨86%至11亿美元。

Dogecoin’s market cap has also reacted positively to the growth in value, increasing by 6.8% to $11.3 billion, based on the price data by CoinMarketCap.

根据 CoinMarketCap 的价格数据,狗狗币的市值也对价值的增长做出了积极的反应,增长了 6.8%,达到 113 亿美元。

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Dogecoin Price Prediction: Navigating The Bullish Market To $01

狗狗币价格预测:牛市走向 01 美元

Investors and traders are less concerned about Dogecoin price retreating but whether the ninth-largest crypto can rally to hit $0.1 before the week ends. Trading at $0.0789, Dogecoin must flip above the immediate support/resistance to increase the probability of extending gains to higher levels.

投资者和交易员不太担心狗狗币价格回落,而是担心第九大加密货币能否在周末前反弹至 0.1 美元。狗狗币的交易价格为 0.0789 美元,必须突破直接支撑/阻力,才能增加将涨幅扩大到更高水平的可能性。

One of the biggest bullish indicators is the validated double-bottom pattern, hinting at a 38% breakout to $0.1. This pattern often marks the beginning of a trend change. It is usually accompanied by a significant increase in the trading volume, which creates volatility to sustain the uptrend.

最大的看涨指标之一是经过验证的双底形态,暗示将突破 38% 至 0.1 美元。这种模式通常标志着趋势变化的开始。它通常伴随着交易量的显着增加,从而产生波动以维持上升趋势。

The resistance at $0.08 is not by surprise to many, as it coincides with a similar top formed in late July. A consolidation is expected before Dogecoin makes a larger breakout targeting $0.1.

0.08 美元的阻力位对许多人来说并不意外,因为它与 7 月底形成的类似顶部一致。在狗狗币实现更大突破(目标为 0.1 美元)之前,预计会出现盘整。

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) shows that bulls have the reins after briefly letting go of the uptrend to make space for profit-taking. As long as the RSI is moving north and into the overbought region above. 70, the path with the least resistance will remain to the north.

相对强弱指数(RSI)显示,多头在短暂放弃上升趋势以腾出获利空间后掌握了控制权。只要 RSI 向北移动并进入上方的超买区域。 70、阻力最小的路径仍然是向北。

Astrobotic Will Send A Physical Dogecoin To The Moon

Astrobotic 将向月球发送实体狗狗币

The Dogecoin community is buzzing following the release of an update regarding the plan to send a physical Dogecoin to the Moon. According to a post on Twitter (now X), Astrobotic, a Pittsburg-based company will include a physical DOGE “in the DHL Moonbox via ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket on 12/23/2023.”

在有关向月球发送实体狗狗币的计划的更新发布后,狗狗币社区热闹非凡。根据 Twitter(现为 X)上的一篇帖子,总部位于匹兹堡的 Astrobotic 公司将“于 2023 年 12 月 23 日通过 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur 火箭将实体 DOGE 放入 DHL Moonbox”。

Peregrine Mission One (PM1) is the mission expected to launch the Dogecoin to the Moon alongside 21 payloads belonging to governments, research institutions, and companies as well as the Commercial Lunar Payload Services, an initiative by NASA.

游隼一号任务 (PM1) 预计将狗狗币与属于政府、研究机构和公司的 21 个有效载荷一起发射到月球,以及 NASA 发起的商业月球有效载荷服务。

A physical Bitcoin (BTC) will also be included in the payload, courtesy of BitMEX, one of the leading crypto exchanges. The mission will also launch a copy of the Genesis Block, the first block of the Bitcoin blockchain to be mined, thanks to Bitcoin Magazine.

物理比特币 (BTC) 也将包含在有效负载中,由领先的加密货币交易所之一 BitMEX 提供。感谢比特币杂志,该任务还将推出创世区块的副本,这是比特币区块链中第一个被开采的区块。

Dogecoin is not new to lunar missions as in 2022 Elon Musk’s SpaceX planned to launch the meme coin to the Moon, fully financed by DOGE tokens. Although the mission was delayed until January 2024, it stood out as the first-ever commercial payload to the moon paid for entirely by crypto—DOGE.

狗狗币对于登月任务来说并不陌生,埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 SpaceX 计划在 2022 年将这种模因币发射到月球,并完全由 DOGE 代币提供资金。尽管该任务被推迟到 2024 年 1 月,但它成为有史以来第一个完全由加密货币 DOGE 支付费用的登月商业有效载荷。

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The post Dogecoin Price Skyrockets Eyeing $0.1 As Physical DOGE Heads To The Moon appeared first on CoinGape.

随着实物狗狗前往月球,狗狗币价格飙升至 0.1 美元的帖子首先出现在 CoinGape 上。


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