首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币价格稳定,下跌 0.11% 至 0.06157 美元:交易者的重要见解

Dogecoin Price Stabilizes With 0.11% Dip to $0.06157: Key Insights for Traders

狗狗币价格稳定,下跌 0.11% 至 0.06157 美元:交易者的重要见解

发布: 2023/09/25 16:39 阅读: 710

原文作者:BTC Peers


狗狗币价格稳定,下跌 0.11% 至 0.06157 美元:交易者的重要见解

Dogecoin, the popular meme-inspired cryptocurrency, saw its price dip slightly by 0.11% over the past 24 hours to $0.06157 according to the latest market data. Despite some recent volatility, Dogecoin seems to be stabilizing around the $0.06 level as traders and investors assess the token's near-term outlook.

根据最新市场数据,狗狗币是一种受流行迷因启发的加密货币,其价格在过去 24 小时内小幅下跌 0.11%,至 0.06157 美元。尽管最近出现了一些波动,但随着交易员和投资者评估该代币的近期前景,狗狗币似乎稳定在 0.06 美元的水平附近。

With a current market capitalization of $8.69 billion, Dogecoin remains one of the top ten largest cryptocurrencies by market value. Over the past 24 hours, $88.7 million worth of DOGE changed hands indicating there is still significant interest in trading the altcoin.

狗狗币目前的市值为 86.9 亿美元,仍然是市值排名前十的加密货币之一。在过去 24 小时内,价值 8870 万美元的 DOGE 易手,表明人们对交易这种山寨币仍有浓厚的兴趣。

Short-term traders will note that Dogecoin is down 1.22% over the past 7 days but has outperformed Bitcoin and the broader crypto market which saw steeper declines over the same period. This relative strength seems to underscore Dogecoin's resiliency even amidst uncertain market conditions.

短期交易者会注意到,狗狗币在过去 7 天里下跌了 1.22%,但表现优于比特币和同期跌幅更大的更广泛的加密市场。这种相对强势似乎凸显了狗狗币即使在市场条件不确定的情况下也具有弹性。

Looking at the last month, DOGE has dropped 2.83% underperforming leading cryptocurrencies like Ethereum which gained over the same timeframe. However, zooming out further, the 6-month view paints a more negative picture for Dogecoin which has plunged 20.57% since May 2023.

从上个月来看,DOGE 下跌了 2.83%,落后于同期上涨的以太坊等领先加密货币。然而,进一步缩小范围,6 个月的观点为狗狗币描绘了更为负面的景象,自 2023 年 5 月以来,狗狗币已暴跌 20.57%。

This long-term capitulation highlights Dogecoin's high beta to the overall crypto market. When major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum staged massive rallies in 2021, the Dogecoin price surged exponentially gaining over 10,000% at its peak. However, as the crypto market entered a prolonged bear market throughout 2022 and 2023, Doge has similarly seen its price decline significantly from all-time highs.

这种长期的投降凸显了狗狗币对整个加密货币市场的高贝塔系数。当比特币和以太坊等主要加密货币在 2021 年出现大规模上涨时,狗狗币价格呈指数级飙升,最高时涨幅超过 10,000%。然而,随着加密货币市场在 2022 年和 2023 年进入长期熊市,Doge 的价格也从历史高点大幅下跌。

Still, Dogecoin continues to maintain a strong community of supporters who believe in the project's long-term viability. The altcoin originally started as a lighthearted joke poking fun at the cryptocurrency hype of 2013/2014. However, Dogecoin's accessible brand and image resonated with many crypto investors who saw it as a welcoming gateway to the larger digital asset market.

尽管如此,狗狗币仍然保持着强大的支持者社区,他们相信该项目的长期生存能力。这种山寨币最初只是一个轻松的笑话,取笑 2013/2014 年的加密货币炒作。然而,狗狗币平易近人的品牌和形象引起了许多加密货币投资者的共鸣,他们将其视为进入更大的数字资产市场的欢迎门户。

Celebrity influencers like Elon Musk have also vocally shown support for Dogecoin on social media which has helped push its popularity further. The altcoin's low nominal price of under $0.10 makes it psychologically appealing for investors who want to own large quantities of the token.

像埃隆·马斯克这样的名人影响者也在社交媒体上公开表达了对狗狗币的支持,这有助于进一步推动其受欢迎程度。该山寨币的名义价格低于 0.10 美元,这对于想要大量持有该代币的投资者来说具有心理吸引力。

These positives point to Dogecoin carving out a unique niche within the crypto ecosystem separate from pure price speculation. As a bridge between crypto and internet culture, Dogecoin will likely remain a relevant project even if its near-term price action remains lackluster.


6-12 Month Price Prediction

6-12 个月价格预测

Given Dogecoin's strong branding and community support, I expect the token to experience some recovery within the next 6-12 months. However, DOGE continues to move in lockstep with the overall crypto market which faces tough macroeconomic headwinds like rising interest rates and the potential for a global recession.

鉴于狗狗币强大的品牌和社区支持,我预计该代币将在未来 6-12 个月内经历一些复苏。然而,DOGE 继续与整个加密货币市场保持同步,该市场面临着利率上升和全球经济衰退潜力等严峻的宏观经济阻力。

If we enter a deeper bear market in 2023, the Dogecoin price may retest 2022 lows around 2-3 cents before any sustainable reversal can take hold. That said, the latest round of US inflation data indicates prices may be starting to cool. If these trends continue, investor risk appetite could improve - lifting speculative assets like Dogecoin off recent lows.

如果我们在 2023 年进入更深的熊市,狗狗币价格可能会重新测试 2022 年的低点 2-3 美分左右,然后才能出现可持续的逆转。尽管如此,最新一轮的美国通胀数据表明价格可能开始降温。如果这些趋势持续下去,投资者的风险偏好可能会改善,从而使狗狗币等投机资产脱离近期低点。

I anticipate the Dogecoin price trading rangebound between 4-8 cents throughout most of 2023 before breaking out to 12-15 cents in 2024 once macro uncertainty starts to fade. However, DOGE will likely underperform larger cap coins like Ethereum which have more utility and use cases driving price appreciation.

我预计狗狗币价格在 2023 年的大部分时间里交易区间为 4-8 美分,然后在 2024 年宏观不确定性开始消退时突破至 12-15 美分。然而,DOGE 的表现可能会逊色于以太坊等较大市值的代币,后者具有更多的实用性和用例来推动价格升值。

Will Meme Coins Like Dogecoin Stand the Test of Time?


Meme coins like Dogecoin emerged as a hugely popular segment of the cryptocurrency market during the last hype cycle. These projects derived their value purely from community engagement, social media buzz, and speculation rather than technical utility.


While retail traders piled into coins like DOGE, Shiba Inu, and Floki Inu at first, the question remains whether meme coins can stand the test of time as the crypto market matures.

虽然零售交易者一开始大量买入 DOGE、Shiba Inu 和 Floki Inu 等代币,但问题仍然是,随着加密市场的成熟,meme 代币能否经受住时间的考验。

Some analysts argue that the lack of fundamentals underneath Dogecoin makes it nothing more than a temporary fad. Without use cases beyond internet tipping and payments, developers could eventually abandon the network if hype starts to dissipate.


However, others note that Dogecoin's cultural significance imprints a more lasting perception of value for investors. With its roots firmly grounded in internet subculture, DOGE taps into powerful social forces that traditional cryptocurrency projects do not.

然而,其他人指出,狗狗币的文化意义给投资者留下了更持久的价值认知。 DOGE 扎根于互联网亚文化,它利用了传统加密货币项目所没有的强大社会力量。

As the first meme coin, Dogecoin benefits from its 'first-mover' status and already has eight years of proven history in a volatile crypto industry. This gives DOGE a degree of institutional inertia and name recognition most newer altcoins lack.

作为第一个模因币,狗狗币受益于其“先行者”地位,并且在动荡的加密行业中已经拥有八年的成熟历史。这使得 DOGE 具有一定程度的制度惯性和大多数较新的山寨币所缺乏的知名度。

While meme coins almost certainly represent an overheated speculative mania, certain projects like Dogecoin may continue to retain niche value given their quirky origins. But investors should always exercise caution when evaluating cryptos like DOGE primarily built on hype rather than intrinsic utility.

虽然模因币几乎肯定代表了一种过热的投机狂热,但像狗狗币这样的某些项目由于其古怪的起源可能会继续保留利基价值。但投资者在评估像 DOGE 这样主要建立在炒作而非内在效用的加密货币时应始终保持谨慎。

Is Now a Good Time to Buy Dogecoin?


With Dogecoin's price stabilizing after a steep 6-month decline, prospective buyers may wonder if now presents a good accumulation opportunity. Dollar-cost averaging around current levels could pay off handsomely if DOGE's bull run resumes in 2024-2025.

随着狗狗币的价格在经历了 6 个月的急剧下跌后趋于稳定,潜在买家可能会想知道现在是否是一个很好的积累机会。如果 DOGE 的牛市在 2024-2025 年恢复,当前水平附近的平均美元成本可能会带来丰厚的回报。

However, meme coins carry substantially higher risk than other crypto assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Dogecoin lacks the institutional adoption and network effects that give larger cryptocurrencies staying power through market cycles.


Without these technical foundations, DOGE's price remains entirely dependent on community engagement and social media buzz. If that community momentum starts to wane in the absence of fundamentals, the Dogecoin price could continue deteriorating over the long run.

如果没有这些技术基础,DOGE 的价格仍然完全取决于社区参与度和社交媒体热度。如果在缺乏基本面的情况下社区势头开始减弱,从长远来看,狗狗币的价格可能会继续恶化。

For these reasons, Dogecoin generally only makes sense for speculative traders willing to accept substantial risk. Responsible investors may be better served focusing on established coins with proven use cases. While potentially less exciting in the near-term, this strategy protects capital while still offering upside if the overall crypto market rebounds.



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