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Why Dogecoin might reach an ATH in Q2 2024

为什么狗狗币可能会在 2024 年第二季度达到 ATH

发布: 2024/02/28 06:23 阅读: 490



  • DOGE was up by more than 5% in the last 24 hours.
  • DOGE 在过去 24 小时内上涨了 5% 以上。

  • Dogecoin was mimicking its last bully cycle’s performance, and several metrics also looked bullish. 
  • 狗狗币正在模仿其上一个欺凌周期的表现,并且几个指标看起来也看涨。

As Bitcoin’s [BTC] price turned bullish, several other cryptos also followed a similar trend, and Dogecoin [DOGE] was one of them. While the meme coin’s price surged, it replicated a pattern that it had earlier showcased during the last bull rally, hinting at a further uptrend. 

随着比特币 [BTC] 价格上涨,其他几种加密货币也遵循了类似的趋势,狗狗币 [DOGE] 就是其中之一。虽然模因币的价格飙升,但它复制了上次牛市反弹期间表现出的模式,暗示进一步的上涨趋势。

Dogecoin is getting off the leash


AMBCrypto reported a few days ago that Dogecoin’s price was in a consolidation zone, meaning that it was moving sideways. Such episodes are often followed by days of high volatility. That turned out to be true on this occasion, as the meme coin’s value surged.

AMBCrypto 几天前报道称,狗狗币的价格处于盘整区域,这意味着它正在横盘整理。此类事件之后往往会出现几天的高波动。随着模因币的价值飙升,这一次事实证明这是真的。

As per CoinMarketCap, DOGE was up by more than 5.5% in the last 24 hours alone. At the time of writing, DOGE was trading at $0.0908 with a market capitalization of over $13 billion, making it the 10th largest crypto.

根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,DOGE 仅在过去 24 小时内就上涨了 5.5% 以上。截至撰写本文时,DOGE 的交易价格为 0.0908 美元,市值超过 130 亿美元,使其成为第十大加密货币。

In fact, if the latest data is to be considered, DOGE’s price might witness a further bull rally as it was mimicking its last bull cycle’s actions.

事实上,如果考虑最新数据,DOGE 的价格可能会见证进一步的牛市反弹,因为它正在模仿上一个牛市周期的行为。

Ali, a popular pseudonymous crypto analyst, posted a tweet on 26th February mentioning that DOGE’s price appeared to mirror patterns observed in its past bull markets. If the trend continues, then investors might witness a parabolic breakout of DOGE in April. 

受欢迎的匿名加密货币分析师 Ali 于 2 月 26 日发布了一条推文,提到 DOGE 的价格似乎反映了过去牛市中观察到的模式。如果这种趋势持续下去,那么投资者可能会在四月份见证 DOGE 的抛物线突破。

What investors should expect


Since this was a somewhat long-term analysis, AMBCrypto checked DOGE’s current state to understand whether there is anything in store in the short term.

由于这是一个有点长期的分析,AMBCrypto 检查了 DOGE 的当前状态,以了解短期内是否有任何变化。

Our analysis of Santiment’s data revealed that DOGE’s social volume remained high, thanks to its bullish price action. This also positively affected market sentiment, as Dogecoin’s weighted sentiment graph went up in the recent past. 

我们对 Santiment 数据的分析显示,由于其看涨的价格行为,DOGE 的社交量仍然很高。这也对市场情绪产生了积极影响,因为狗狗币的加权情绪图表在最近有所上升。

Source: Santiment


To understand whether the on-going bull rally would last, we then had a look at DOGE’s daily chart. The analysis revealed that DOGE’s MACD displayed a bullish crossover.

为了了解当前的牛市反弹是否会持续,我们查看了 DOGE 的日线图。分析显示,DOGE 的 MACD 显示出看涨交叉。

Additionally, its Relative Strength Index (RSI) also registered an uptick, indicating that the chances of a continued northward price movement were high. The meme coin faces strong resistance near $0.097, and a breakout above that level might help DOGE reach new highs in the coming weeks. 

此外,其相对强弱指数(RSI)也有所上升,表明价格继续北上的可能性很高。 Meme 代币在 0.097 美元附近面临强劲阻力,突破该水平可能有助于 DOGE 在未来几周内创下新高。

Source: TradingView


How much are 1,10,100 DOGEs worth today    

今天 1,10,100 DOGE 值多少钱

Apart from these aforementioned metrics and indicators, the meme coin’s network activity also remained on par. A look at Santiment’s data pointed out that DOGE’s daily active addresses remained high throughout the last week.

除了上述的指标和指标外,模因币的网络活动也保持不变。 Santiment的数据显示,上周DOGE的每日活跃地址仍然很高。

Moreover, its transaction count was also high, which is generally a positive signal for a crypto. 


Source: Santiment


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