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Dogecoin’s Rise: How and Why It’s Happening


发布: 2023/12/07 06:12 阅读: 373



There has been talk for some time that the price of DOGE was ready to exceed $0.1, and it has finally happened. The meme coin king, despite being away from Elon Musk’s support, was trading above $0.1 at the time of writing this article and has achieved double-digit gains for the day. So, what’s next?

一段时间以来,人们一直在谈论 DOGE 的价格即将突破 0.1 美元,而这一切终于发生了。尽管没有埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的支持,这位模因币之王在撰写本文时的交易价格仍高于 0.1 美元,并且当日实现了两位数的涨幅。下一个是什么?

Why Is Dogecoin Rising?


Dogecoin, which started as a joke 10 years ago, has reached a massive investor community over the years. The increase in its price reached such a point that in May 2021, it aimed for $1. However, due to comments made by Elon Musk on the SNL Show he participated in, the price moved away from its target, which was seen as a dream years ago. Now, after massive sales, it is giving signals of a comeback by exceeding $0.1 again.

狗狗币最初只是 10 年前的一个笑话,多年来已经吸引了庞大的投资者群体。其价格涨幅达到了 2021 年 5 月的目标,达到 1 美元。然而,由于埃隆·马斯克在他参加的《周六夜现场》节目中发表的言论,价格偏离了多年前被视为梦想的目标。现在,在大规模销售之后,它再次突破 0.1 美元,发出了卷土重来的信号。

The fundamental reason for the rise was the rally that Bitcoin‘s price has been gaining momentum for weeks. So much so that we saw that even high-risk assets like LUNC, UST, PEPE made significant gains. We were saying that this could bring liquidity to rivals like Shiba and DOGE. And so it happened, while most popular altcoins stayed put, high-risk cryptocurrencies experienced speculative surges.

上涨的根本原因是比特币价格连续几周的上涨势头。以至于我们看到,即使是 LUNC、UST、PEPE 等高风险资产也取得了显着收益。我们说这可以为 Shiba 和 DOGE 等竞争对手带来流动性。事情就这样发生了,虽然大多数流行的山寨币保持不变,但高风险的加密货币却经历了投机激增。

DOGE Comments and Predictions

DOGE 评论和预测

For the first time since April, the DOGE price exceeding $0.1 has also revitalized demand in futures trading. According to Coinglass data, the size of open positions increased by 58% for DOGE in the last week. A full $625 million of positions is supporting the DOGE price to rise even further.

DOGE价格自4月份以来首次突破0.1美元,也重振了期货交易的需求。根据Coinglass的数据,上周DOGE的未平仓头寸规模增加了58%。足足 6.25 亿美元的头寸正在支撑 DOGE 价格进一步上涨。

The size of open positions at its peak on November 2, 2022, and the price surpassing $0.1 suggest that the rally could aim for new highs. Investors who believe that DOGE’s price will rise faster compared to Bitcoin are starting to shift their interest to it, taking higher risks during this rise period.

未平仓头寸规模在 2022 年 11 月 2 日达到峰值,且价格超过 0.1 美元,表明反弹可能会创下新高。那些认为 DOGE 的价格将比比特币上涨得更快的投资者开始将兴趣转向它,并在上涨期间承担更高的风险。

DOGE, which has not yet achieved the desired level of gains against BTC, has more room to grow. DOGE is still at bear market levels in BTC parity, and if we see movement here, a 300% rally up to $0.3 above $0.15 should not surprise investors.

DOGE相对于BTC的涨幅尚未达到预期水平,但仍有更大的增长空间。 DOGE 仍处于 BTC 平价的熊市水平,如果我们看到这里的走势,那么 300% 的反弹至 0.15 美元上方 0.3 美元应该不会令投资者感到惊讶。

However, due to the rapid rise in the price of Bitcoin and the anticipated corrective movement not yet occurring, investors should be cautious against possible sudden profit-taking.


Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/dogecoins-rise-how-and-why-its-happening/



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