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Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Face Challenges, While Meme Moguls (MGLS) Raises Over $2.5M

狗狗币和柴犬面临挑战,而 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 筹集了超过 250 万美元

发布: 2024/02/24 21:04 阅读: 914



狗狗币和柴犬面临挑战,而 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 筹集了超过 250 万美元

The global meme token market has experienced a period of stability. However, it has recently faced a significant average daily decline of up to 18% in trading volume. This decline is particularly notable in the two leading meme cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), which currently hold the top positions in the meme coin market with market caps of over $5 billion each. 

全球 meme 代币市场经历了一段稳定时期。然而,最近却面临着日均交易量高达18%的大幅下滑。这种下降在两种领先的模因加密货币——狗狗币(DOGE)和柴犬(SHIB)中尤为显着,它们目前在模因币市场上占据着领先地位,各自的市值均超过 50 亿美元。

Regardless, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu aren’t making any significant strides in their space as both struggle to achieve a substantial jump over their support price. Meanwhile, Meme Moguls (MGLS) keeps making waves and signaling as one of the best meme coins to watch as it nearly brings its current presale stage to a close, racking over $2.5 million in sales.

无论如何,狗狗币和柴犬并没有在各自的领域取得任何重大进展,因为两者都在努力实现其支撑价格的大幅跃升。与此同时,Meme Moguls (MGLS) 不断掀起波澜,并成为最值得关注的 Meme 代币之一,目前的预售阶段已接近尾声,销售额超过 250 万美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Mostly Trades Below Its Price Support Threshold This Past Week


The Dogecoin token, the OG memecoin, continues to wield significant influence in the cryptocurrency arena thanks to its strong community support. The crypto has witnessed only about a 3.52% uptick in price over the past month. However, Dogecoin is not looking positive lately as it reflects a 0.63% weekly loss.

由于其强大的社区支持,狗狗币代币 OG memecoin 继续在加密货币领域发挥着重大影响力。过去一个月,加密货币的价格仅上涨了约 3.52%。然而,狗狗币最近看起来并不乐观,因为它每周下跌 0.63%。

Throughout the past week, Dogecoin trading price has remained within the range of $0.08259 to $0.0897. In the space of seven days, Dogecoin has also not been able to price above its support price of $0.08588 for a long time.

过去一周,狗狗币交易价格一直保持在 0.08259 美元至 0.0897 美元的范围内。在 7 天的时间里,狗狗币的价格也长期无法高于 0.08588 美元的支撑价。

However, the potential of the Dogecoin token ascending to the coveted $1 mark has surged. It is backed by its recent 2.56% market cap size, which has risen to over $12 billion. Ultimately, Dogecoin still has an upside potential amid Bitcoin’s anticipated influence.

然而,狗狗币代币升至令人垂涎的 1 美元大关的潜力已经飙升。它的支持是其最近 2.56% 的市值规模已升至超过 120 亿美元。最终,在比特币的预期影响力中,狗狗币仍然具有上涨潜力。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Displays Efforts to Price Above Its Weekly Support

柴犬 (SHIB) 努力将价格推至每周支撑位之上

A few hours ago, recent trading data revealed a single whale injecting a substantial 390 billion SHIB tokens valued at $3.8 million into the market. It is currently attracting a 2.56% on both the price of Shiba Inu and its market cap which is now over $5.7B

几个小时前,最近的交易数据显示,一头巨鲸向市场注入了 3900 亿个 SHIB 代币,价值 380 万美元。它目前吸引了柴犬价格和市值的 2.56%,目前市值超过 $5.7B

In the wake of this whale activity, the price of the Shiba Inu token has also seen a modest increase of over 5% in the past months. This development of Shiba Inu is, however, shaky as the token has been refusing to price ahead of its support level in the past week.

在鲸鱼活动之后,柴犬代币的价格在过去几个月也小幅上涨了 5% 以上。然而,柴犬的这种发展是不稳定的,因为该代币在过去一周一直拒绝在其支撑位之前定价。

Shiba Inu’s weekly price sits at a range of $0.000009351 – $0.00001003. However, the token is struggling to make higher levels above its weekly support, which may be further fueled by anticipation surrounding the upcoming launch of Shibarium on March 7, 2024.

柴犬的每周价格范围为 0.000009351 美元 - 0.00001003 美元。然而,该代币正在努力突破其每周支撑位,这可能会因 Shibarium 即将于 2024 年 3 月 7 日推出的预期而进一步加剧。

Meme Moguls (MGLS) Stands Out Again as It Makes Over $2.5M

Meme Moguls (MGLS) 再次脱颖而出,营收超过 250 万美元

Meme Moguls (MGLS) stands out among the plethora of meme coins to watch out for as this particular platform offers a distinct edge with its ongoing 5th presale stage. This presale has impressively garnered over $2.5M on its way to reaching $3M

Meme Moguls (MGLS) 在众多值得关注的 meme 币中脱颖而出,因为这个特殊的平台凭借其正在进行的第五次预售阶段提供了明显的优势。此次预售已获得超过 250 万美元,目前已达到 300 万美元

The Meme Moguls token (MGLS), which is currently priced at $0.0036, has witnessed an impressive 90% surge from its initial offering. Furthermore, some analysts are speculating a potential 100x increase in value once it secures a listing on a Tier-1 CEX like Uniswap, in Q1 2024, drawing parallels to the exponential gains seen with other meme coins over the years.

Meme Moguls 代币(MGLS)目前的价格为 0.0036 美元,较首次发行时飙升了 90%,令人印象深刻。此外,一些分析师推测,一旦它于 2024 年第一季度在 Uniswap 等一级 CEX 上市,其价值可能会增加 100 倍,这与多年来其他 meme 代币的指数增长类似。

Functioning as the backbone of the Meme Moguls ecosystem, MGLS powers various features including a play-to-earn game simulating virtual stock trading, staking mechanisms for accruing more tokens, and Moguls World—a metaverse enabling collaborative activities among players.

作为 Meme Moguls 生态系统的支柱,MGLS 提供各种功能,包括模拟虚拟股票交易的边玩边赚游戏、用于累积更多代币的质押机制,以及 Moguls World(一个支持玩家之间协作活动的元宇宙)。

With the conclusion of the MGLS presale approaching on February 28, many are rushing to seize the opportunity to invest in this promising meme coin before its value potentially surges, positioning MGLS as a standout newcomer in the meme coin space.

随着 2 月 28 日 MGLS 预售结束的临近,许多人都争先恐后地抓住机会,在这种有前景的 meme 代币的价值可能飙升之前进行投资,使 MGLS 成为 meme 代币领域中的佼佼者。

Visit Meme Moguls 


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