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Here’s Where Dogecoin And Shiba Inu Would Be With The Market Cap Of Ethereum


发布: 2024/03/30 06:26 阅读: 405



Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are trending higher than they were a year ago, but they are still a long way from their 2021 all-time high prices. While they both feature prominently in the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market cap, they are still far below the market cap of Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap. So, if both DOGE and SHIB attained the market cap of Ethereum, what price would they be trading at?

狗狗币和柴犬的价格趋势比一年前更高,但距离 2021 年的历史最高价格还有很长的路要走。尽管它们都在市值排名前 20 的加密货币中占据显着地位,但它们的市值仍远低于市值第二大加密货币以太坊的市值。那么,如果 DOGE 和 SHIB 都达到了以太坊的市值,它们的交易价格会是多少?

Dogecoin With The Market Cap Of Ethereum

The Dogecoin market cap is currently sitting $30.7 billon while the price is at $0.214. This makes it the largest meme coin in the space in terms of market cap and puts it ahead of the likes of Shiba Inu. However, if the DOGE market cap were to reach the market cap of Ethereum, the price would trade much higher than it is now.

狗狗币与以太坊的市值狗狗币目前的市值为 307 亿美元,而价格为 0.214 美元。这使其成为该领域市值最大的模因代币,并领先于柴犬等代币。然而,如果 DOGE 的市值达到以太坊的市值,价格将比现在高得多。

The MarketCapOf website shows where one cryptocurrency would be trading with the market cap of another, and in this case, it’s Dogecoin compared to Ethereum. If the DOGE market cap were to reach $424 billion, which is the current market cap of ETH, its price would trade at $2.96. Such a price point would mean that the DOGE price would be trading at 1,300% higher than its current price level.

相关阅读:Shiba Inu 首席开发人员告诉以太坊创始人,“这只是开始”,原因如下 MarketCapOf 网站显示了一种加密货币将与另一种加密货币的市值进行交易,在这种情况下,它是狗狗币与以太坊的比较。如果 DOGE 市值达到 4240 亿美元(即 ETH 目前的市值),那么其价格将为 2.96 美元。这样的价格点意味着 DOGE 的交易价格将比当前价格水平高出 1,300%。

Source: MarketCapOf

Then to take it one step further, the website shows where the Dogecoin price would be if its market cap were to reach the all-time high market cap of Ethereum. This would put it at $3.97 per coin with a market cap of $571.66 billion. It would also be 1,800% higher than its current price.

资料来源:MarketCapOfThen 更进一步,该网站显示了如果狗狗币的市值达到以太坊历史最高市值,狗狗币的价格将会是多少。这意味着每枚代币的价格为 3.97 美元,市值为 5716.6 亿美元。它还将比当前价格高出 1,800%。

On the flip side, ETH, with the market cap of DOGE, would mean that the former would be trading at $255.89 per coin. It would be 93% lower than its current price, with a market cap of $30.7 billion.

另一方面,ETH 的市值相当于 DOGE,这意味着前者的交易价格为每枚 255.89 美元。这将比目前的价格低 93%,市值为 307 亿美元。

Shiba Inu With The Market Cap Of Ethereum

Comparing the Shiba Inu price with the market cap of Ethereum leaves a large disparity between its current value and where it will be. As the website shows, SHIB’s price, if it reaches $424 billion, would sit at $0.00071637. Consequently, this would mean a more than 2,300% increase from its current level.

柴犬与以太坊的市值将柴犬的价格与以太坊的市值进行比较,其当前价值与未来价值之间存在巨大差距。正如网站所示,SHIB 的价格如果达到 4240 亿美元,将为 0.00071637 美元。因此,这意味着比当前水平增加 2,300% 以上。

Then, looking at SHIB with the all-time high market cap of ETH puts it at 3,100% higher at $0.0009691. Inversely, Ethereum trading at the market cap of Shiba Inu puts it at a mere $150, which is 96% lower than its current price of $3,500.

相关阅读:Shiba Inu 团队推出最新版的 SHIB 杂志然后,看看 SHIB 与 ETH 的历史最高市值,其价格上涨了 3,100%,达到 0.0009691 美元。相反,以柴犬市值计算的以太坊交易价格仅为 150 美元,比当前 3,500 美元的价格低了 96%。

This comparison shows the disparity between the assets despite all being some of the largest cryptocurrencies in the space. It also gives investors an idea of what to expect if the price of these coins were to continue growing over time.


DOGE bulls push price to $0.214 | Source: DOGEUSDT on Tradingview.com
Featured image from Coinpedia, chart from Tradingview.com

DOGE 多头将价格推至 0.214 美元 |资料来源:Tradingview.com 上的 DOGEUSDT 精选图片来自 Coinpedia,图表来自 Tradingview.com


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