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'Dogecoin Is Sick,' DOGE Foundation Rep Explains Why

DOGE 基金会代表解释原因:“狗狗币病了”

发布: 2024/02/07 20:03 阅读: 432



DOGE 基金会代表解释原因:“狗狗币病了”

DOGE developer and member of the Dogecoin Foundation Timothy Stebbing has published a tweet stating that Dogecoin is in big trouble.

DOGE 开发者兼狗狗币基金会成员 Timothy Stebbing 发布了一条推文,指出狗狗币遇到了大麻烦。

DOGE developers on the foundation’s board and core developers are currently having a brainstorming session seeking a solution as to how to protect the Dogecoin network.

基金会董事会的 DOGE 开发人员和核心开发人员目前正在进行头脑风暴会议,寻求如何保护狗狗币网络的解决方案。

"Dogecoin is currently sick," here's the issue


According to the tweet, a number of crypto exchanges have contacted the Dogecoin Foundation to say that the original meme cryptocurrency is “jammed/unresponsive.” No particular exchanges were named. Stebbing admitted that there is a major issue of inscriptions that have been clogging the Dogecoin network, so now all the developers and the board members are wracking their brains to generate ideas as to how to solve this problem in any way, “from friendly to extreme.”

根据该推文,许多加密货币交易所已联系狗狗币基金会,表示原始的模因加密货币“被卡住/无响应”。没有具体提及具体的交易所。 Stebbing承认,铭文存在一个重大问题,一直堵塞了狗狗币网络,所以现在所有的开发者和董事会成员都在绞尽脑汁,想出如何以任何方式解决这个问题的想法,“从友好到极端” ”。

Dogecoin is currently sick. We're being contacted by a number of exchanges saying Dogecoin is jammed/unresponsive etc. We know the issue is inscriptions clogging the network, and devs across the board, core, fdn, etc are now putting their heads together on various ideas from…

狗狗币目前生病了。许多交易所联系我们,称狗狗币被堵塞/无响应等。我们知道问题是铭文堵塞了网络,所有开发人员、核心、fdn 等现在正在集思广益,讨论来自……的各种想法。

— Timothy Stebbing (@tjstebbing) February 6, 2024

— 蒂莫西·斯特宾 (@tjstebbing) 2024 年 2 月 6 日

Responding to a commentator, who suggested discussing the issue together as a community, Timothy Stebbing agreed that a discussion is necessary since Dogecoin is a decentralized project. The issue of Dogecoin becoming jammed is that the blockchain is used for making Doginals (inscriptions) on the layer-1 blockchain. Stebbing suggested that “data needs to be moved off-chain at the protocol level,” and the DOGE layer-1 network should be used “for validation, not storage.”

评论员建议作为一个社区共同讨论这个问题,蒂莫西·斯特宾(Timothy Stebbing)在回应评论员时表示,由于狗狗币是一个去中心化项目,因此有必要进行讨论。狗狗币被堵塞的问题是区块链用于在第一层区块链上制作狗狗币(铭文)。 Stebbing 建议“数据需要在协议级别移至链外”,并且 DOGE 第 1 层网络应用于“验证,而不是存储”。

Rocky, I'm not a fan obviously but I'm also not a gatekeeper, Dogecoin is a decentralised project. Absolutely we need discussion. Dogechain and Doglabs (doginals) are using Dogecoin for an alternative purpose that I'm not fundamentally against but if it's going to bring down…

Rocky,我显然不是粉丝,但我也不是看门人,狗狗币是一个去中心化的项目。我们绝对需要讨论。 Dogechain 和 Doglabs(狗)正在将狗狗币用于另一个目的,我并不从根本上反对,但如果它会降低......

— Timothy Stebbing (@tjstebbing) February 6, 2024

— 蒂莫西·斯特宾 (@tjstebbing) 2024 年 2 月 6 日

DOGE transactions spike, but there's a catch

DOGE 交易激增,但有一个问题

As reported earlier, this issue has already been brought up by Dogecoin contributor @Tdogewhisperer. Several days ago, he pointed out that Dogecoin had seen a new peak in transactions, reaching 1.9 million within 24 hours.

正如之前报道的那样,狗狗币贡献者@Tdogewisperer 已经提出了这个问题。几天前,他指出狗狗币的交易量再创新高,24小时内达到190万笔。

However, he clarified that those transactions were not about moving and verifying funds but about making inscriptions on the Dogecoin chain. The contributor emphasized that those inscriptions have no actual value or use case.


Some within the Dogecoin community believe these inscriptions to be something similar to NFTs, while some view them as bloatware/spam.

狗狗币社区中的一些人认为这些铭文与 NFT 类似,而另一些人则认为它们是臃肿软件/垃圾邮件。

100 million DOGE moved to Robinhood

1 亿 DOGE 转移到 Robinhood

Earlier today, the prominent cryptocurrency tracker Whale Alert shared the details of a large crypto transfer as a whopping 100 million Dogecoin were sent to Robinhood.

今天早些时候,著名的加密货币追踪器 Whale Alert 分享了一笔巨额加密货币转账的细节,高达 1 亿的狗狗币被发送给 Robinhood。

The transaction worth $7,836,678 was initiated by an anonymous blockchain wallet, per the aforementioned source.

根据上述消息来源,这笔价值 7,836,678 美元的交易是由匿名区块链钱包发起的。

🚨 100,000,000 #DOGE (7,836,678 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Robinhoodhttps://t.co/REEoqcGAoe

🚨 100,000,000 #DOGE(7,836,678 美元)从未知钱包转移到#Robinhoodhttps://t.co/REEoqcGAoe

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) February 7, 2024

— 鲸鱼警报 (@whale_alert) 2024 年 2 月 7 日

This substantial amount of Dogecoin was sent to Robinhood as the DOGE price has lost 2.56% of its value since Monday. However, today it has made an attempt to recover and added 1.04%.

由于 DOGE 价格自周一以来已下跌 2.56%,因此大量狗狗币被发送至 Robinhood。然而,今天它试图反弹并上涨了1.04%。


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