首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币跌破 0.1 美元:市场调整会持续整个 12 月吗?

Dogecoin slips below $0.1: Will the market correction persist throughout December?

狗狗币跌破 0.1 美元:市场调整会持续整个 12 月吗?

发布: 2023/12/14 19:08 阅读: 739



狗狗币跌破 0.1 美元:市场调整会持续整个 12 月吗?

Key takeaways


  • Dogecoin has lost 10% of its value in the last seven days and has dropped below $1.

    狗狗币在过去 7 天内损失了 10% 的价值,跌破 1 美元。

  • Memeinator’s presale is now approaching the $2 million milestone. 

    Memeinator 的预售现已接近 200 万美元的里程碑。

The broader crypto market has been underperforming this week, with Dogecoin’s price slipping below the one-cent mark. However, Memeinator’s presale hasn’t slowed and is now approaching the $2 million milestone. 

本周,更广泛的加密货币市场表现不佳,狗狗币的价格跌破一美分大关。然而,Memeinator 的预售并未放缓,目前已接近 200 万美元的里程碑。

DOGE could record further losses as market correction continues

随着市场继续调整,DOGE 可能会进一步亏损

DOGE, the native coin of the Dogecoin ecosystem, has been underperforming in recent days. It has lost 10% of its value over the last seven days and has dropped below $0.10. At press time, the price of Dogecoin stands at $0.09193, down by 5% in the last 24 hours.

狗狗币生态系统的原生币 DOGE 最近几天表现不佳。在过去 7 天里,它的价值下跌了 10%,跌至 0.10 美元以下。截至发稿时,狗狗币的价格为 0.09193 美元,在过去 24 小时内下跌了 5%。

The poor performance is also affecting other leading meme coins including Shiba Inu and PEPE. However, the Memeinator presale continues smoothly and is close to hitting a new milestone. 

糟糕的表现也影响了其他领先的 meme 币,包括 Shiba Inu 和 PEPE。然而,Memeinator 预售仍在顺利进行,并即将达到新的里程碑。

What is Memeinator?


With Dogecoin and other major cryptocurrencies underperforming this week, it is clear that the crypto market is undergoing a correction. However, investors continue to search for new and worthy projects and Memeinator is a project to keep an eye on.

由于狗狗币和其他主要加密货币本周表现不佳,很明显加密市场正在经历调整。然而,投资者仍在继续寻找新的、有价值的项目,Memeinator 是一个值得关注的项目。

Memeinator is a Web3 project that will launch as a meme token and provide various utilities to its users. According to their whitepaper, the project will focus on eliminating worthless memes and improving content creation for users. 

Memeinator 是一个 Web3 项目,它将作为 meme 代币启动,并为其用户提供各种实用程序。根据他们的白皮书,该项目将专注于消除无价值的模因并改善用户的内容创建。

As a project that seeks to reach a $1 billion market cap, Memeinator will leverage AI technology and blockchain to identify worthless memes, allowing investors to know them and avoid them. Memeinator would reach its billion-dollar market cap by ensuring that its token and products gain massive adoption. 

作为一个力争达到10亿美元市值的项目,Memeinator将利用人工智能技术和区块链来识别无价值的表情包,让投资者了解它们并避开它们。通过确保其代币和产品获得大规模采用,Memeinator 将达到数十亿美元的市值。

The Memeinator presale is currently in its eighth stage and the team has raised more than $1.9 million. The MMTR price began the presale at $0.01 per token, and the price will rise to $0.0485 by the end of the presale, giving early investors an amazing 132% ROI at listing.

Memeinator 预售目前处于第八阶段,团队已筹集超过 190 万美元。 MMTR 预售价格为每个代币 0.01 美元,预售结束时价格将上涨至 0.0485 美元,为早期投资者带来惊人的 132% 上市投资回报率。

The team also revealed that they will launch a Memeinator game at the presale’s conclusion. The Memeinator game will allow players to eliminate enemy memes to win some exciting prizes. 

该团队还透露,他们将在预售结束时推出 Memeinator 游戏。 Memeinator 游戏将允许玩家消除敌人的 meme 来赢得一些令人兴奋的奖品。

Why is the Memeinator presale growing so fast?

为什么 Memeinator 预售增长如此之快?

Memeinator continues to generate buzz amongst investors thanks to the value it intends to provide to users. With the right level of adoption, Memeinator would be used by degens, crypto natives, speculators, and content creators. Thus, giving it the opportunity to become a hit in the market

Memeinator 因其旨在为用户提供的价值而继续在投资者中引起轰动。如果采用程度适当,Memeinator 将被 degens、加密货币原住民、投机者和内容创作者使用。因此,使其有机会成为市场的热门产品。

The Memeinator platform will use AI to analyse and evaluate memes on the internet, identifying lower-quality memes to replace or “destroy. The developers believe that Memeinator will help in uplifting meme culture and quality.

Memeinator 平台将使用人工智能来分析和评估互联网上的模因,识别出低质量的模因来替换或“销毁”。开发人员相信 Memeinator 将有助于提升 meme 文化和质量。

Furthermore, according to the whitepaper, holders and MMTR users will be incentivized. The MMTR token has some excellent features, such as deflationary mechanisms and rewards for holders, incentivising the project for holders in the long term. 20% of the tokens are allocated for marketing, CEX listing and liquidity. 

此外,根据白皮书,持有人和 MMTR 用户将受到激励。 MMTR代币具有一些优秀的功能,例如通货紧缩机制和对持有者的奖励,从长远来看可以激励项目的持有者。 20% 的代币用于营销、CEX 上市和流动性。

Click here to read more about the Memeinator presale.

单击此处了解有关 Memeinator 预售的更多信息。

Is the Memeinator a good buy? 

Memeinator 值得购买吗?

Memeinator has raised nearly $2 million since the presale launched a few weeks ago. It is an exciting project that would see users leverage AI technology to provide excellent value to investors in the medium and long term.

自几周前启动预售以来,Memeinator 已筹集近 200 万美元。这是一个令人兴奋的项目,用户将利用人工智能技术在中长期内为投资者提供卓越的价值。

With a vision to become a billion-dollar market cap project, early Memeinator investors would record huge profits once the token achieves this status. The right level of adoption could see Memeinator become one of the leading meme coins in the crypto market

Memeinator 早期投资者的愿景是成为市值数十亿美元的项目,一旦该代币达到这一地位,他们将获得巨额利润。适当的采用水平可以使 Memeinator 成为加密市场中领先的 meme 硬币之一。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-slips-below-0-1-will-the-market-correction-persist-throughout-december-tbt73518.html

资料来源:https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-slips-below-0-1-will-the-market- Correction-persist-throughout-december-tbt73518.html


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