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Dogecoin Struggles with Market Dynamics Despite User Growth Surge


发布: 2024/02/07 06:06 阅读: 415

原文作者:BH NEWS



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您还可以在 BH NEWS 上阅读此新闻:尽管用户增长激增,狗狗币仍在市场动态中挣扎

Despite fluctuations in its value, Dogecoin has seen a remarkable increase in new wallet addresses, indicating a growing interest in the cryptocurrency. However, with the price recently falling below the $0.08 support level, concerns arise about the coin’s short-term trajectory. Notably, the coin’s network strength is on the upswing, as evidenced by the growing number of users, despite the sales pressure from miners.

尽管狗狗币的价值出现波动,但新钱包地址的数量显着增加,表明人们对这种加密货币的兴趣与日俱增。然而,随着价格最近跌破 0.08 美元的支撑位,人们开始担心代币的短期走势。值得注意的是,尽管面临来自矿工的销售压力,但该代币的网络实力正在上升,用户数量的不断增长就证明了这一点。

Network Expansion Signals Optimism


The latest network data reveals a record-breaking surge in Dogecoin adoption, with over 413,800 new addresses created, many holding less than one Dogecoin. This unprecedented growth in user base suggests a positive outlook for the coin’s future, despite the current market challenges it faces.

最新的网络数据显示,狗狗币的采用率出现了破纪录的激增,创建了超过 413,800 个新地址,其中许多地址持有的狗狗币不到一枚。尽管当前面临市场挑战,但用户群的空前增长表明该代币的未来前景乐观。

Market Correction and the DOGE-1 Mission Delay

市场调整和 DOGE-1 任务延迟

A planned space mission, which excited investors as a potential boost for Dogecoin’s value, has been continuously postponed, diminishing the hype around the coin. The delays, coupled with a market correction period that has persisted for several weeks, have contributed to a decrease in Dogecoin’s price. Speculations and expectations around big events like the DOGE-1 Mission to the Moon have been met with disappointment due to the repeated rescheduling.

计划中的太空任务因对狗狗币价值的潜在提升而令投资者兴奋不已,但该任务已被不断推迟,从而削弱了围绕狗狗币的炒作。这些延迟,加上持续数周的市场调整期,导致狗狗币价格下跌。由于多次重新安排时间,围绕 DOGE-1 登月任务等重大事件的猜测和期望都令人失望。

The Dogecoin community has voiced concerns over the mission’s timeline, which was initially slated to be carried out aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Geometric Energy Corporation’s CEO even used Dogecoin to pay for the mission. Still, the postponements have led to a sense of disillusionment among supporters.

狗狗币社区对此次任务的时间表表示担忧,该任务最初计划在 SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号火箭上执行。几何能源公司的首席执行官甚至使用狗狗币来支付此次任务的费用。尽管如此,推迟还是让支持者感到失望。

In the short term, Dogecoin hovers near the $0.077 support level, with the community showing more interest in the network’s expansion than immediate price action. The long-term sentiment around Dogecoin remains a topic of debate, with its future heavily reliant on market trends and the fruition of highly anticipated events such as the space mission.

短期内,狗狗币徘徊在 0.077 美元的支撑位附近,社区对网络的扩张表现出比立即的价格走势更感兴趣的兴趣。围绕狗狗币的长期情绪仍然是一个争论的话题,其未来在很大程度上取决于市场趋势以及太空任务等备受期待的事件的成果。

The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Dogecoin Struggles with Market Dynamics Despite User Growth Surge

该帖子首次出现在 BH NEWS:尽管用户增长激增,狗狗币仍面临市场动态


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