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Dogecoin Surges 7.36% As X Payments Integration Boosts Confidence

X Payments 整合增强信心,狗狗币飙升 7.36%

发布: 2024/01/22 07:01 阅读: 438



  • Dogecoin surges 7.36% due to X payments integration.
  • 由于 X 支付整合,狗狗币飙升 7.36%。

  • MACD golden cross boosts Dogecoin’s bullish outlook.
  • MACD 金叉提振了狗狗币的看涨前景。

  • Elon Musk’s influence is pivotal for Dogecoin’s future.
  • 埃隆·马斯克的影响力对于狗狗币的未来至关重要。

Dogecoin (DOGE) experienced a remarkable 7.36% surge in value over the past 24 hours, coupled with its first Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) golden cross signaling a potentially promising future for the meme-inspired cryptocurrency. 

狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价值在过去 24 小时内大幅上涨 7.36%,加上其第一个移动平均线收敛分歧 (MACD) 金叉,预示着这种受迷因启发的加密货币的潜在光明前景。

Analysts and traders have attributed this bullish momentum to the recent launch of the X Payments platform, a financial segment of X (formerly Twitter), which is closely associated with tech entrepreneur Elon Musk.

分析师和交易员将这种看涨势头归因于最近推出的 X Payments 平台,该平台是 X(前身为 Twitter)的金融部门,与科技企业家埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)密切相关。

See Also: Binance Futures To Launch USDC Margin DOGE Perpetual Contract

另请参阅:币安合约交易平台将推出 USDC 保证金 DOGE 永续合约

Elon Musk’s Influence On DOGE And X Payments

埃隆·马斯克对 DOGE 和 X Payments 的影响

The MACD golden cross, a significant technical indicator in the world of cryptocurrencies, occurred when a short-term Moving Average (MA) crossed above a major long-term MA. 

MACD 金叉是加密货币领域的一项重要技术指标,当短期移动平均线 (MA) 穿越主要长期移动平均线时就会出现。

This event typically suggests that the cryptocurrency is primed for a sustained uptrend. While technical analysis does not guarantee future performance, it has undoubtedly stoked optimism among Dogecoin enthusiasts.


The catalyst for Dogecoin’s impressive price increase can be traced back to the introduction of X Payments, an integral part of the X platform rebranded by Elon Musk. Musk, who has publicly expressed his fondness for Dogecoin, hinted at the possibility of integrating DOGE as a payment option within the “Everything app.”

狗狗币价格大幅上涨的催化剂可以追溯到 X Payments 的推出,它是埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 重新命名的 X 平台不可或缺的一部分。马斯克公开表达了他对狗狗币的喜爱,并暗示有可能将狗狗币作为支付选项整合到“Everything 应用程序”中。

Back in January 2023, Fortune reported that Musk’s company was contemplating the inclusion of cryptocurrency payments on the platform. 

早在 2023 年 1 月,《财富》杂志就报道称,马斯克的公司正在考虑在该平台上纳入加密货币支付功能。

Although Musk has not confirmed this move, the Dogecoin community remains optimistic about the prospect. 


One compelling reason for this optimism is the fact that Musk’s electric vehicle company, Tesla, already accepts Dogecoin as a legitimate means of payment. 


Additionally, Musk revealed in a recent disclosure that he still holds Dogecoin, adding further credibility to the idea.


See Also: Elon Musk’s Tesla Supercharging Station To Accept Dogecoin Payments


Dogecoin’s Price Surge And Potential Challenges


Upon the announcement of X Payments, Dogecoin’s trading volume experienced a notable surge, driving the price to reach as high as $0.090. 

X Payments 宣布后,狗狗币的交易量出现显着飙升,推动价格高达 0.090 美元。

However, the coin encountered resistance in this zone and had retraced to $0.085 at the time of writing.

然而,该货币在该区域遇到阻力,并在撰写本文时回落至 0.085 美元。

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) for DOGE stood at 64.11, having briefly touched 76.72 earlier, suggesting that the cryptocurrency was temporarily overbought. This may have triggered a quick sell-off, resulting in the price dip.

DOGE 的相对强弱指数 (RSI) 为 64.11,早些时候曾短暂触及 76.72,表明该加密货币暂时超买。这可能引发了快速抛售,导致价格下跌。

Nonetheless, the Fibonacci retracement analysis indicates that Dogecoin’s price may have the potential to continue its ascent in the short to mid-term. 


The chart highlights the 0.618 Fibonacci level at $0.082, which serves as a potential support level should a pullback occur. 

该图表突出显示了 0.082 美元的 0.618 斐波那契水平,如果发生回调,该水平将成为潜在的支撑位。

With the MACD golden cross and increased buying pressure, analysts speculate that DOGE could climb as high as $0.11, where the 3.618 Fibonacci level is positioned.

随着 MACD 黄金交叉和购买压力的增加,分析师推测 DOGE 可能会攀升至 0.11 美元,即 3.618 斐波那契水平。

The Road Ahead For Dogecoin


The future trajectory of Dogecoin’s price largely hinges on developments related to X Payments and Elon Musk’s decisions. 

狗狗币价格的未来走势很大程度上取决于 X Payments 的发展和埃隆·马斯克的决定。

If the X platform embraces Dogecoin as a payment option, it could catalyze a significant upward movement, possibly inching closer to the ambitious $1 price prediction that has captivated the cryptocurrency community. 

如果 X 平台采用狗狗币作为支付选项,它可能会引发显着的上涨趋势,可能会逐渐接近吸引加密货币社区的雄心勃勃的 1 美元价格预测。

However, if Musk opts not to integrate DOGE into the platform, the path to $1 may become a more challenging endeavor.

然而,如果马斯克选择不将 DOGE 整合到该平台中,那么通向 1 美元的道路可能会变得更具挑战性。

The post Dogecoin Surges 7.36% As X Payments Integration Boosts Confidence appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

X 支付集成增强信心,狗狗币飙升 7.36% 的帖子首先出现在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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