首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币和波场币持有者跳槽,考虑新币:原因如下

Dogecoin and Tron holders jumping ship, consider new coin: here’s why


发布: 2023/11/30 18:02 阅读: 367



Dogecoin (DOGE) declined due to heightened network activities, while Tron (TRX) contracted even after partnering with Pundi X. Consequently, investors are now exploring a new decentralized finance (defi) project, BorroeFinance (ROE). 

狗狗币 (DOGE) 由于网络活动增加而下跌,而 Tron (TRX) 即使在与 Pundi X 合作后也出现收缩。因此,投资者现在正在探索一个新的去中心化金融 (defi) 项目 BorroeFinance (ROE)。

Dogecoin falls despite rising network activities


There has been a recent increase in activity on the Dogecoin blockchain, with rising transaction volumes attributed to “ordinals” and new tokens created on Dogecoin’s platform. Shibetoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Dogecoin, acknowledged this growth in response to a pseudonymous user.

最近,狗狗币区块链上的活动有所增加,交易量的增加归因于“序数”和狗狗币平台上创建的新代币。狗狗币创始人 Shibetoshi Nakamoto 在回应一位匿名用户时承认了这一增长。

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In May 2023, Dogecoin enabled the creation of “DRC-20” tokens on its network. However, many projects launching are struggling with adoption or posting sharp declines.

2023 年 5 月,狗狗币在其网络上启用了“DRC-20”代币的创建。然而,许多启动的项目都在为采用而苦苦挣扎,或者出现急剧下降。

Over the past week, the trading activity related to experimental tokens has shifted towards Dogecoin. The total trading volume has fallen by almost 70%, from approximately $830 million to $247 million between Nov. 22 and Nov. 26. 

过去一周,与实验性代币相关的交易活动已转向狗狗币。 11 月 22 日至 26 日期间,总交易量下降了近 70%,从约 8.3 亿美元降至 2.47 亿美元。

DOGE prices fell by 2.2% during this time, settling at $0.078.

DOGE 价格在此期间下跌 2.2%,收于 0.078 美元。

BorroeFinance attracts Dogecoin And Tron investors

BorroeFinance 吸引了狗狗币和 Tron 投资者

With the recent struggles of DOGE and TRX, investors are turning their attention to ROE as a potential recovery option.

随着近期 DOGE 和 TRX 的挣扎,投资者将注意力转向 ROE,将其视为潜在的复苏选择。

BorroeFinance aims to empower web3 users and content creators to generate cash flow from their contributions to the ecosystem. 

BorroeFinance 旨在让 web3 用户和内容创作者能够从他们对生态系统的贡献中产生现金流。

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It has a marketplace where owners of outstanding invoices, subscriptions, and royalties can trade them for funds. 


BorroeFinance mints future earnings as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and sells them at a discounted price to interested buyers at the seller’s request.

BorroeFinance 将未来收益铸造为不可替代代币(NFT),并根据卖方的要求以折扣价出售给感兴趣的买家。

In stage 2 of the BorroeFinance presale, ROE is trading at $0.015. 

在 BorroeFinance 预售的第二阶段,ROE 的交易价格为 0.015 美元。

However, with supporters expecting more growth, the project has also been attracting DOGE and TRX investors.

然而,随着支持者期待更多的增长,该项目也吸引了 DOGE 和 TRX 投资者。

Tron partners with Pundi X

Tron 与 Pundi X 合作

Tron recently partnered with Pundi X, a blockchain-based POS solutions provider, to integrate the XPOS platform. 

Tron 最近与基于区块链的 POS 解决方案提供商 Pundi X 合作,集成了 XPOS 平台。

The goal is to incorporate digital currencies with conventional commerce, extending the advantages of blockchain technology to a broader range of people.


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您可能还喜欢:TRON 瞄准前 10 名,可能会翻转狗狗币

Users can now easily manage their assets and perform transactions using the XPOS device, which supports the Tron ecosystem, including TRX and TRC-20 tokens. 

用户现在可以使用 XPOS 设备轻松管理资产并执行交易,该设备支持 Tron 生态系统,包括 TRX 和 TRC-20 代币。

Despite this, TRX prices initially fell before recovering. According to experts, the coin might drop to the $0.10 region in the coming sessions.

尽管如此,TRX 价格最初还是下跌,然后才恢复。据专家称,在接下来的几个交易日中,代币可能会跌至 0.10 美元区域。

Learn more about BorroeFinance (ROE) here:

在此了解有关 BorroeFinance (ROE) 的更多信息:

Visit BorroeFinance Presale | Join the Telegram Group | Follow BorroeFinance on X

访问 BorroeFinance 预售 |加入 Telegram 群组 |在 X 上关注 BorroeFinance

Read more: Cardano may rally; FTX Token and Borroe Finance register gains

了解更多:卡尔达诺可能会反弹; FTX Token 和 Borroe Finance 收益

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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