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Dogecoin’s Uncertain Future Amidst Crypto Turbulence


发布: 2024/01/15 06:00 阅读: 527

原文作者:BH NEWS



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您还可以在 BH NEWS 上阅读此新闻:加密货币动荡中狗狗币的不确定未来

Despite a new era for markets with last week’s ETF approval, the current downturn challenges hopes for 2024, especially if Bitcoin remains below $20,000. Emotional trading heavily influences investors’ reactions to positive or negative developments in the cryptocurrency space.

尽管上周 ETF 获得批准,市场进入了新时代,但当前的低迷对 2024 年的希望构成了挑战,特别是如果比特币仍低于 20,000 美元的话。情绪交易严重影响投资者对加密货币领域积极或消极发展的反应。

Dogecoin, the “king of meme coins,” has not lived up to expectations despite its market cap. It’s been nearly two years since developers announced work on a smart contract solution, and the Dogecoin Foundation’s reactivation has failed to make a significant impact, with Elon Musk’s interest in the cryptocurrency waning.

尽管市值很高,但“模因币之王”狗狗币并未达到预期。自开发人员宣布开发智能合约解决方案以来已经近两年了,狗狗币基金会的重新激活未能产生重大影响,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)对加密货币的兴趣逐渐减弱。

DOGE’s viability is threatened by its speculative nature and lack of utility. Its continued relevance depends on influencers engaging with it. Without such engagement, the social dominance and headlines of 2021 may not return, potentially leading to a lower trading volume and price target.

DOGE 的生存能力受到其投机性质和缺乏实用性的威胁。它的持续相关性取决于影响者的参与。如果没有这种参与,2021 年的社会主导地位和头条新闻可能不会回归,可能导致交易量和价格目标降低。

Long-term perspectives on Dogecoin are grim, as evidenced by the declining trend in miner reserves despite the general market uptick. Significant DOGE holders are selling off their reserves, with a nearly 8% reduction in just 90 days, indicating a loss of confidence and potential.

狗狗币的长期前景不容乐观,尽管市场总体上涨,但矿工储备却呈下降趋势就证明了这一点。 DOGE 的重要持有者正在抛售其储备,短短 90 天内减少了近 8%,表明信心和潜力丧失。

Key metrics like social and search volumes show waning interest in DOGE, further weakened by the rise of newer meme coins like PEPE and BONK. Investors aware of the long-term risks may have to wait for Dogecoin’s resurgence, which does not seem imminent despite the possibility of short visits by liquidity to assets like Shib and Doge during extended market rallies.

社交和搜索量等关键指标显示人们对 DOGE 的兴趣正在减弱,而 PEPE 和 BONK 等新模因币的崛起进一步削弱了这种兴趣。意识到长期风险的投资者可能不得不等待狗狗币的复苏,尽管在长期的市场反弹期间,流动性可能会短暂访问 Shib 和 Doge 等资产,但狗狗币的复苏似乎并不迫在眉睫。

The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Dogecoin’s Uncertain Future Amidst Crypto Turbulence

该帖子首次出现在 BH NEWS:加密货币动荡中狗狗币的不确定未来


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