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Dogecoin-Themed DOGE-1 Satellite Launch Draws Closer, Here Are The Coins To Watch

以狗狗币为主题的 DOGE-1 卫星发射越来越近,以下是值得关注的硬币

发布: 2023/12/25 11:09 阅读: 998

原文作者:Best Owie


以狗狗币为主题的 DOGE-1 卫星发射越来越近,以下是值得关注的硬币

The Dogecoin-themed satellite, DOGE-1, which was funded using DOGE is getting closer to its launch. According to Geometric Energy Corporation, the company behind the launch, it is scheduled for takeoff on January 12, 2024, from the Kennedy Space Center in conjunction with Elon Musk’s SpaceX. With less than a month left to go for this launch, here are the three tokens to keep an eye on for a potential rally.

由 DOGE 资助的狗狗币主题卫星 DOGE-1 即将发射。据此次发射背后的几何能源公司称,它计划于 2024 年 1 月 12 日与埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 SpaceX 联合从肯尼迪航天中心起飞。距离此次发行还有不到一个月的时间,以下是值得关注的三种代币,以期可能出现反弹。

Dogecoin (DOGE)

Naturally, Dogecoin comes first on this list given its direct connection to the launch of the satellite. It first made the headlines in 2021 when the mission was announced, and unlike other rocket launches, this mission was apparently funded entirely using the DOGE token. For this reason, it has become a highly anticipated event, especially among Dogecoin holders who see it as evidence of real-world use cases.

狗狗币(DOGE)自然,狗狗币在这个列表中名列前茅,因为它与卫星的发射有直接联系。它在 2021 年宣布该任务时首次成为头条新闻,与其他火箭发射不同,该任务显然完全使用 DOGE 代币资助。因此,它已成为备受期待的事件,特别是对于狗狗币持有者来说,他们将其视为现实世界用例的证据。

As the rocket is expected to take off in January, prices of the meme coin are expected to rise as the anticipation grows. Just like the DOGE price surged in 2021 when the mission was first announced, another surge is expected to happen following the launch.

相关阅读:狗狗币支付即将到来吗? DOGE Wallet CTO 表示是的由于火箭预计在一月份起飞,随着预期的增长,meme 币的价格预计也会上涨。就像 2021 年首次宣布该任务时 DOGE 价格飙升一样,预计发射后还会出现另一次飙升。

If the launch goes as expected and the Dogecoin price surges in response, then it could see the DOGE price finally cross $0.12. Additionally, ‘Dogefather’ Elon Musk could also post about the launch and his tweets have been known to send DOGE prices soaring.

如果发布按预期进行并且狗狗币价格随之飙升,那么狗狗币价格最终可能会突破 0.12 美元。此外,“Dogefather”埃隆·马斯克也可能发布有关此次发布的信息,众所周知,他的推文会导致 DOGE 价格飙升。

GEC Token

Another token that is expected to surge as the DOGE-1 satellite takeoff is the GEC Token. This token was issued by Geometric Energy Corporation and is already seeing a lot of support ahead of the launch. Its price peaked at $2.79 around two weeks ago, with its market cap rising as high as $30 million.

GEC 代币 随着 DOGE-1 卫星的起飞,另一种有望飙升的代币是 GEC 代币。该代币由 Geometric Energy Corporation 发行,在发布之前就已经得到了很多支持。大约两周前,其价格达到 2.79 美元的峰值,市值升至 3000 万美元。

GEC is currently trading at $0.74 which puts its market cap at $9 million. This could prove to be a unique opportunity for accumulation especially if the coin’s price surges moving towards the launch. However, for now, interest in the coin remains muted as the attention of crypto investors remains focused on a potential Bitcoin Spot ETF approval by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

GEC 目前的交易价格为 0.74 美元,市值为 900 万美元。这可能被证明是一个独特的积累机会,特别是如果代币的价格在发行前飙升。然而,目前,由于加密货币投资者的注意力仍然集中在美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 批准的潜在比特币现货 ETF 上,人们对比特币的兴趣仍然不大。

Xi Token

The emergence and subsequent popularity of the Xi token have to do with the fact that the coin has been announced as the official way to pay for advertisements on the DOGE-1 satellite. The coin is the native token of the XI Protocol which is a distributed ledger technology solely focused on data and how they’re represented in space.

Xi 代币 Xi 代币的出现和随后的流行与该代币已被宣布为支付 DOGE-1 卫星广告的官方方式有关。该币是 XI 协议的原生代币,XI 协议是一种分布式账本技术,仅专注于数据及其在空间中的表示方式。

Xi token carries a lot of potential leading up to and after the Dogecoin-themed DOGE-1 satellite launch because it is the only way advertisers can pay for ads. With no other payment method available, this will translate to high demand for the tokens as advertisers buy them up to use as payments.

相关阅读:Shiba Inu 首席开发人员反思新合作伙伴关系以推动全球采用Xi 代币在以狗狗币为主题的 DOGE-1 卫星发射前后具有很大的潜力,因为这是广告商支付广告费用的唯一方式。由于没有其他可用的支付方式,这将转化为对代币的高需求,因为广告商购买代币用于支付。

According to CoinMarketCap, the Xi Token price is currently sitting at $0.008334 at the time of writing, with a market cap of $3.5 million.

根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,截至撰写本文时,Xi 代币价格目前为 0.008334 美元,市值为 350 万美元。

Follow Best Owie on X (formerly Twitter) for market insights, updates, and the occasional funny tweet… Featured image from CoinMarketCap, chart from TradingView.com

在 X(以前称为 Twitter)上关注 Best Owie,了解市场见解、更新以及偶尔有趣的推文……精选图片来自 CoinMarketCap,图表来自 TradingView.com


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