首页 > 资讯新闻 > Dogen 预售飙升 13,000%,着眼于终结狗狗币和柴犬霸权

Dogen Presale Soars With 13,000% Surge, Sets Sights on Ending Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Supremacy

Dogen 预售飙升 13,000%,着眼于终结狗狗币和柴犬霸权

发布: 2024/09/19 05:10 阅读: 842



Dogen 预售飙升 13,000%,着眼于终结狗狗币和柴犬霸权

Cryptocurrency World Rocked as Dogen Presale Surges 13,000%

Dogen 预售飙升 13,000%,加密货币世界震动

The cryptocurrency market is abuzz with excitement as Dogen's presale has achieved an astonishing 13,000% growth. This meteoric rise has ignited discussions about Dogen's potential to dethrone established cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. Crypto enthusiasts and investors are keeping a close eye on Dogen's trajectory, eager to see if it can emerge as a dominant player in the digital currency arena.

加密货币市场一片兴奋,Dogen 的预售实现了惊人的 13,000% 增长。这种迅速崛起引发了关于 Dogen 是否有可能取代狗狗币和柴犬等现有加密货币的讨论。加密货币爱好者和投资者正在密切关注 Dogen 的发展轨迹,渴望看看它是否能够成为数字货币领域的主导者。

Shiba Inu: A Memecoin Within the Ethereum Ecosystem

Shiba Inu:以太坊生态系统中的 Memecoin

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is a cryptocurrency inspired by Dogecoin and classified as a memecoin. It operates on the Ethereum blockchain, granting it compatibility with various applications within the Ethereum network. Launched in August 2020 by an anonymous developer known as Ryoshi, SHIB gained attention due to its large initial supply of one quadrillion tokens. A significant portion was allocated to Ethereum's co-creator, Vitalik Buterin, who later charitably donated a substantial amount and burned 40% of the supply, increasing SHIB's visibility. Unlike Dogecoin, SHIB can be utilized in decentralized applications such as ShibaSwap, and it harbors plans for future developments, including an NFT platform and community governance.

柴犬(SHIB)是一种受狗狗币启发的加密货币,被归类为模因币。它在以太坊区块链上运行,使其与以太坊网络内的各种应用程序兼容。 SHIB 由一位名为 Ryoshi 的匿名开发商于 2020 年 8 月推出,因其初始供应量高达 1000 万亿枚代币而受到关注。很大一部分分配给了以太坊的联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin,他后来慈善捐赠了大量资金并销毁了 40% 的供应量,提高了 SHIB 的知名度。与狗狗币不同的是,SHIB 可以用于 ShibaSwap 等去中心化应用程序,并且它包含未来的发展计划,包括 NFT 平台和社区治理。

Dogecoin: The Playful Cryptocurrency with Community Power


Introduced in 2013, Dogecoin (DOGE) was intended as a lighthearted alternative to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It featured a Shiba Inu dog meme for its logo. Contrary to Bitcoin's finite supply, Dogecoin has no cap, producing 10,000 new coins every minute. It initially gained traction as a "memecoin." In 2021, its value surged dramatically, ranking it among the top ten cryptocurrencies with a market cap exceeding $50 billion. This rise was fueled by social media hype, particularly from Elon Musk's endorsements, and a booming crypto market. Created by Billy Marcus and Jackson Palmer as a joke, Dogecoin's success demonstrates the influence of community and social media in shaping financial trends.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 于 2013 年推出,旨在作为比特币等加密货币的轻松替代品。它的标志是柴犬模因。与比特币的有限供应相反,狗狗币没有上限,每分钟生产 10,000 个新硬币。它最初作为“模因币”而受到关注。 2021年,其价值大幅飙升,跻身市值超过500亿美元的十大加密货币之列。这一增长是由社交媒体炒作(尤其是埃隆·马斯克的认可)和蓬勃发展的加密货币市场推动的。狗狗币是比利·马库斯和杰克逊·帕尔默开玩笑地创建的,它的成功证明了社区和社交媒体在塑造金融趋势方面的影响力。

DOGEN: The Meme Token for Ambitious Individuals

DOGEN:雄心勃勃的个人的 Meme 代币

Unleash your inner alpha with DOGEN, the meme token designed for those who aspire to live a life of luxury. DOGEN represents the apex predator that never misses an opportunity to triumph. This token is intended for winners who refuse to compromise. Envision luxury cars, abundant wealth, and alluring companions — that's the Alpha DOGEN lifestyle!

使用 DOGEN 释放您内心的阿尔法,DOGEN 是专为那些渴望奢华生活的人设计的模因代币。 DOGEN 代表着绝不会错过任何胜利机会的顶级掠食者。该代币适用于拒绝妥协的获胜者。想象豪华汽车、丰富的财富和诱人的伴侣——这就是 Alpha DOGEN 的生活方式!

Hold Like a Boss, Conquer the Market


Prepare to embody an Alpha DOGEN and embrace the finer aspects of life. DOGEN is poised for a 700% takeoff by the end of its presale — and that's just the beginning. With DOGEN, you may anticipate potential thousand-fold returns as meme tokens lead the way in this altcoin season.

准备好体现阿尔法道根并拥抱生活的美好方面。 DOGEN 预计在预售结束时销量将达到 700%,而这仅仅是开始。有了 DOGEN,您可能会预期潜在的千倍回报,因为 meme 代币在这个山寨币季节中处于领先地位。

The sooner you invest, the greater your potential gains! This is an opportunity that others will covet, and you have the chance to lead the pack.


Missed the Rise of Other Meme Tokens?

错过了其他 Meme 代币的崛起?

DOGEN is the latest contender in the Solana meme token arena, joining the ranks of BONK, WIF, and Popcat, renowned for their impressive 1000% growth. Currently undervalued, DOGEN is poised to elevate the crypto narrative to new heights, potentially shattering records in this ongoing bull run.

DOGEN 是 Solana meme 代币领域的最新竞争者,加入了以令人印象深刻的 1000% 增长而闻名的 BONK、WIF 和 Popcat 的行列。目前估值被低估,DOGEN 准备将加密货币叙事提升到新的高度,有可能在这场持续的牛市中打破记录。

Community-Driven with Tangible Value


DOGEN is not a fleeting trend; it represents a growing movement. The team behind DOGEN is dedicated to cultivating a thriving community of driven leaders who are determined to conquer the market. This token offers substantial value, encompassing exciting campaigns and exclusive perks for early adopters. DOGEN presents an opportunity to align with a project poised for longevity.

DOGEN 并不是一种转瞬即逝的趋势;它代表了一场不断发展的运动。 DOGEN 背后的团队致力于培养一个由决心征服市场的有干劲的领导者组成的蓬勃发展的社区。该代币提供了巨大的价值,包括令人兴奋的活动和早期采用者的独家福利。 DOGEN 提供了一个与长期项目保持一致的机会。

Referral Program for Maximum Rewards


DOGEN's multi-level referral program provides generous incentives: you'll earn 7% on every token purchased by those who utilize your referral code. Additionally, there are escalating rewards as your referrals bring in more users, allowing you to cultivate your earning potential.

DOGEN 的多级推荐计划提供慷慨的奖励:使用您的推荐代码的人购买每个代币,您将赚取 7%。此外,随着您的推荐带来更多用户,奖励也会不断增加,从而让您能够培养您的收入潜力。



As the 2024 bull run progresses, DOGEN emerges as a formidable challenger, aiming to eclipse the dominance of SHIB and DOGE. Designed as the meme token for ambitious individuals, DOGEN caters to those seeking luxury and success, delivering tangible benefits such as exclusive campaigns for early adopters. With an anticipated 700% growth by the end of its presale and the potential for exponential returns during this lucrative altcoin season, DOGEN positions itself as a compelling investment choice. Following in the footsteps of successful tokens like BONK, WIF, and Popcat, DOGEN is poised for groundbreaking achievements. Backed by a community of ambitious leaders, DOGEN offers a unique blend of status and tangible rewards.

随着 2024 年牛市的进展,DOGEN 成为一个强大的挑战者,旨在超越 SHIB 和 DOGE 的主导地位。 DOGEN 被设计为雄心勃勃的个人的模因代币,迎合那些寻求奢华和成功的人,提供切实的好处,例如针对早期采用者的独家活动。 DOGEN 预计预售结束时将实现 700% 的增长,并且在这个利润丰厚的山寨币季节中有望实现指数回报,因此 DOGEN 将自己定位为令人信服的投资选择。追随 BONK、WIF 和 Popcat 等成功代币的脚步,DOGEN 即将取得突破性的成就。在一群雄心勃勃的领导者的支持下,DOGEN 提供独特的地位和有形奖励。


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