价格: $0.20051 -1.5559%
市值: 29.73B 1.0305%
成交额 (24h): 2.74B 0%
统治地位: 1.0305%
Price: $0.20051 -1.5559%
市值: 29.73B 1.0305%
成交额 (24h): 2.74B 0%
统治地位: 1.0305% 1.0305%
  • 价格: $0.20051 -1.5559%
  • 市值: 29.73B 1.0305%
  • 成交额 (24h): 2.74B 0%
  • 统治地位: 1.0305% 1.0305%
  • 价格: $0.20051 -1.5559%
首页 > 资讯新闻 > Dogs 只是开始 – 加入目前火爆的 BTFD 代币预售,使用 BIG50 奖励代码

Dogs Was Just the Start – Join the BTFD Coin Presale That’s Blowing Up Right Now With BIG50 Bonus Code

Dogs 只是开始 – 加入目前火爆的 BTFD 代币预售,使用 BIG50 奖励代码

发布: 2024/12/31 07:09 阅读: 988



Meme coins have taken the crypto world by storm. From Dogecoin to Shiba Inu, meme coins have exploded in popularity, with their quirky names, fun communities, and the undeniable “Get Rich Quick” allure. But let’s be real – while Dogecoin and Shiba Inu made their mark, they’re just the tip of the iceberg. Now, a new player has entered the game that’s not just riding the meme coin wave but pushing the envelope on what these coins can do.

Meme 币席卷了加密世界。从狗狗币到柴犬,模因币因其古怪的名字、有趣的社区和不可否认的“快速致富”的吸引力而大受欢迎。但让我们面对现实吧——虽然狗狗币和柴犬已经崭露头角,但它们只是冰山一角。现在,一位新玩家进入了游戏,他不仅顺应了模因币的浪潮,而且挑战了这些币的功能极限。

Enter BTFD Coin, the viral meme coin presale that’s not just capturing attention but lighting up the crypto scene. If you haven’t heard about it yet, let me tell you – it’s about to be the talk of the town. With its Play-to-Earn (P2E) game, staking rewards offering a jaw-dropping 90% Annual Percentage Yield (APY), and a referral program that’ll have you inviting everyone you know, BTFD Coin is not your average meme coin. This presale is already making waves, and we’re only halfway through its 16 stages. And trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this one.

BTFD Coin 是一种病毒式传播的模因代币预售,它不仅吸引了人们的注意力,还点亮了加密货币领域。如果您还没有听说过,让我告诉您——这将成为全城的热门话题。凭借其 Play-to-Earn (P2E) 游戏、提供令人瞠目结舌的 90% 年收益率 (APY) 的质押奖励,以及让您邀请所有认识的人的推荐计划,BTFD 硬币不是普通的模因硬币。此次预售已经掀起波澜,而我们的 16 个阶段才刚刚完成一半。相信我,你不想错过这个。

As the BTFD Coin presale rolls on, it's clear that this isn’t just a trend—it’s a revolution in the making. If you're ready to get in on the action and potentially make a life-changing investment, keep reading. We’re about to dive into how BTFD Coin stacks up against the meme coin giants, including some of the most popular players like Dogs (Dogecoin and its meme coin counterparts). Spoiler alert: BTFD Coin is primed to be the next big thing in crypto. Let's break it down.

随着 BTFD 代币预售的不断进行,很明显这不仅仅是一种趋势,而是一场正在酝酿的革命。如果您准备好采取行动并有可能进行改变生活的投资,请继续阅读。我们将深入探讨 BTFD 币如何与模因币巨头抗衡,其中包括一些最受欢迎的玩家,例如 Dogs(狗狗币及其模因币对应物)。剧透警告:BTFD 币有望成为加密领域的下一个重大事件。让我们来分解一下。

BTFD Coin – The Next Meme Coin Revolution

BTFD 硬币 – 下一场 Meme 硬币革命

BTFD Coin is on a fast track to becoming one of the hottest meme coins in the market, and for good reason. While other meme coins have focused on the power of memes and community, BTFD Coin is stepping things up by introducing a Play-to-Earn (P2E) game that adds tangible value for holders. This isn’t just a joke coin—it’s a game-changer, literally.

BTFD 币正迅速成为市场上最热门的模因币之一,这是有充分理由的。虽然其他 meme 币都专注于 meme 和社区的力量,但 BTFD Coin 正在通过引入 Play-to-Earn (P2E) 游戏来加快步伐,为持有者增加有形价值。这不仅仅是一枚玩笑币——它确实是一个游戏规则的改变者。

Let’s talk about that P2E game for a second. The beta version of the game went live during Stage 10 of the presale, and while there are no rewards just yet (it’s still in testing), the hype surrounding it is off the charts. Imagine being able to earn rewards and have fun while playing a game that’s built into the same ecosystem as your favorite meme coin. That’s exactly what BTFD Coin is bringing to the table. And the full version of the game, with actual rewards, will launch soon, making this presale an even more enticing investment.

我们来谈谈 P2E 游戏。该游戏的测试版在预售第 10 阶段上线,虽然目前还没有奖励(仍在测试中),但围绕它的炒作却是空前的。想象一下,在玩与您最喜欢的模因币内置于同一生态系统的游戏时,能够获得奖励并享受乐趣。这正是 BTFD Coin 所带来的。带有实际奖励的完整版游戏即将推出,这使得本次预售成为一项更具吸引力的投资。

But that’s not all. BTFD Coin has rolled out a staking program with a whopping 90% APY. You read that right—90%! You can start staking your coins now, and with the current market dynamics, that kind of return could be a game-changer. The staking went live on December 2, and it’s already proving to be one of the hottest features of this presale. Just imagine the gains when the price goes up!

但这还不是全部。 BTFD Coin 推出了年利率高达 90% 的质押计划。你没看错——90%!您现在就可以开始抵押您的代币,根据当前的市场动态,这种回报可能会改变游戏规则。质押于 12 月 2 日上线,已经成为本次预售最热门的功能之一。想象一下价格上涨时的收益吧!

And let’s not forget about the BTFD Coin referral program. This is where the real fun begins. As an early investor, you can start referring your friends and family to join the presale and earn rewards in return. It’s a win-win situation that lets you rack up even more tokens while helping to grow the BTFD Coin community.

我们不要忘记 BTFD 硬币推荐计划。这才是真正的乐趣开始的地方。作为早期投资者,您可以开始推荐您的朋友和家人加入预售并赚取奖励。这是一个双赢的局面,可以让您积累更多代币,同时帮助发展 BTFD 币社区。

BTFD Coin’s presale has already raised over $4.6 million, with more than 60 billion coins sold to over 7000 holders. If you’re wondering about the price, it started at a mere $0.000004 per coin and is now up to $0.000142 in Stage 13. The presale will end with a listing price of $0.0006, meaning the potential for returns is huge. Using the BIG50 code will further give you more coins as a bonus.

BTFD Coin 的预售已筹集超过 460 万美元,已向 7000 多名持有者出售了超过 600 亿枚代币。如果您想知道价格,每枚代币的起始价格仅为 0.000004 美元,现在在第 13 阶段涨至 0.000142 美元。预售将以 0.0006 美元的挂牌价结束,这意味着回报潜力巨大。使用 BIG50 代码将进一步为您提供更多金币作为奖励。

If that doesn’t get your heart racing, I don’t know what will. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in on the ground floor of something massive. So, what are you waiting for? Get involved in the BTFD Coin presale now and watch your investment soar!

如果这还不能让你心跳加速,我不知道还有什么能让你心跳加速。这是一个千载难逢的机会,可以进入大型事物的底层。那么,您还在等什么?立即参与 BTFD Coin 预售,见证您的投资飙升!

Dogs – A Meme Coin Phenomenon


We can’t talk about meme coins without mentioning Dogs. Dogecoin, the OG of meme coins, and its newer counterparts like Shiba Inu have taken the crypto world by storm. These coins started as jokes but quickly became some of the most well-known names in the market. The meme coin market has grown exponentially, and even though Dogecoin has its ups and downs, it has maintained a strong presence due to its large community and the endorsements of high-profile figures like Elon Musk.

谈论模因币就不能不提到狗。狗狗币(Dogecoin),模因币的元祖,以及 Shiba Inu 等较新的同类货币,已经席卷了加密世界。这些硬币最初只是一个笑话,但很快就成为市场上最知名的名字。模因币市场呈指数级增长,尽管狗狗币有起有落,但由于其庞大的社区和埃隆·马斯克等知名人物的认可,它仍然保持着强大的影响力。

But despite the massive following and success of Dogecoin, its main appeal has been the community and the meme culture that surrounds it. The reality, though, is that Dogecoin doesn’t offer much more than a fun, low-cost entry point into crypto. Yes, people love the memes, and yes, Dogecoin has seen some explosive price increases, but let’s be honest: It doesn’t offer the same kind of utility that BTFD Coin brings to the table.

尽管狗狗币拥有大量追随者并取得了成功,但它的主要吸引力仍然是社区和围绕它的模因文化。但现实是,狗狗币仅仅提供了一个有趣的、低成本的加密货币入口点。是的,人们喜欢这些模因,是的,狗狗币的价格已经出现了一些爆炸性的上涨,但说实话:它并没有提供 BTFD 币带来的那种实用性。

Dogecoin’s price has risen and fallen like a rollercoaster, largely driven by hype rather than real-world applications or features. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun to hold a meme coin and ride the wave of excitement, but it’s hard to ignore the fact that Dogecoin doesn’t have the same level of innovation or features as BTFD Coin. BTFD Coin isn’t just about memes—it’s about creating value through staking rewards, gaming, and community incentives.

狗狗币的价格像过山车一样涨跌,很大程度上是由炒作驱动的,而不是现实世界的应用程序或功能。不要误会我的意思,持有模因币并驾驭兴奋的浪潮很有趣,但很难忽视这样一个事实:狗狗币不具有与 BTFD 币相同水平的创新或功能。 BTFD Coin 不仅仅是模因,它还通过质押奖励、游戏和社区激励来创造价值。

If you’re someone who’s enjoyed the rise of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu but is looking for the next big thing, BTFD Coin is where the action is. Don’t get stuck with a meme coin that’s already had its time. The future is here, and it’s called BTFD Coin.

如果您喜欢狗狗币和柴犬的崛起,但正在寻找下一个重大事件,那么 BTFD 币就是您的最佳选择。不要被已经过时的模因币所困。未来已来,它被称为 BTFD 币。

The BTFD Coin Presale Performance – A FOMO-Worthy Investment

BTFD 代币预售表现——一项值得 FOMO 的投资

Let’s talk numbers for a second. The BTFD Coin presale has been absolutely on fire. In the first two weeks alone, it raised over $2.5 million. This kind of momentum doesn’t just happen by accident. Investors are jumping on the opportunity, and the presale has already reached Stage 13 with more than 60 billion coins sold. The fact that the presale has surpassed $4.6 million in total contributions speaks volumes about the confidence investors have in BTFD Coin.

让我们谈谈数字。 BTFD Coin 预售绝对火爆。仅在前两周,它就筹集了超过 250 万美元。这种势头并非偶然发生。投资者纷纷抓住这个机会,预售已进入第 13 阶段,售出超过 600 亿枚代币。预售总捐款额已超过 460 万美元,这一事实充分说明了投资者对 BTFD Coin 的信心。

Analysts are already predicting huge things for BTFD Coin. The price is expected to reach $0.0006 by the end of the presale, and given how fast it’s growing, some even believe it could shoot even higher after the listing. If you’re someone who loves the thrill of early investments and wants to ride the wave of a meme coin that’s on the verge of blowing up, this is your chance.

分析师已经预测 BTFD Coin 将会有巨大的发展。预计预售结束时价格将达到 0.0006 美元,考虑到其增长速度,一些人甚至认为上市后价格可能会更高。如果你喜欢早期投资带来的刺激,并且想跟上即将爆炸的模因币的浪潮,那么这就是你的机会。

With the Play-to-Earn game, staking rewards, and a thriving community, BTFD Coin could easily follow in the footsteps of Dogecoin and other meme coins, but with way more substance.

凭借 Play-to-Earn 游戏、质押奖励和蓬勃发展的社区,BTFD 币可以轻松追随狗狗币和其他模因币的脚步,但具有更多的实质内容。

Conclusion – Join the BTFD Coin Presale Now

结论 – 立即加入 BTFD 代币预售

Meme coins have come a long way, and BTFD Coin is about to take the meme coin revolution to the next level. With its Play-to-Earn game, staking rewards, and referral program, this viral meme coin presale offers way more than just meme hype. The potential returns are massive, and with over $4.6 million raised already, this presale is heating up fast.

Meme 币已经取得了长足的进步,BTFD 币即将将 Meme 币革命推向新的水平。凭借其“Play-to-Earn”游戏、质押奖励和推荐计划,这种病毒式的模因硬币预售提供的不仅仅是模因炒作。潜在的回报是巨大的,并且已经筹集了超过 460 万美元,预售正在迅速升温。

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get in early. The BTFD Coin presale is in full swing, and the clock is ticking. Join the BTFD Coin presale now, and get ready to watch your investment soar to new heights. Make the most of this wealth-generation opportunity and secure your place in the future of meme coins. Don’t forget to use BIG50 code to get 50% extra coins. 

那么,您还在等什么?不要错过这个提前入场的机会。 BTFD Coin 预售正在如火如荼地进行中,时间紧迫。立即加入 BTFD Coin 预售,准备好见证您的投资飙升至新高度。充分利用这一创造财富的机会,确保您在模因币的未来中占据一席之地。不要忘记使用 BIG50 代码来获得 50% 的额外金币。 

Find Out More:


Website: https://www.btfd.io/


Twitter: https://x.com/BTFD_COIN


Telegram: https://t.me/btfd_coin



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