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Don’t Get Caught Up In The Dogecoin Hype, Bitcoin Spark Has Much More Potential

不要陷入狗狗币的炒作中,比特币 Spark 具有更大的潜力

发布: 2023/11/18 19:28 阅读: 980



Dogecoin and other memes survive on hype in the absence of real utility. Dogecoin leads in driving the meme viral appeal to capture attention in the fast-paced crypto arena. Amidst the noise, Bitcoin Spark (BTCS) offers a more promising and financially sound investment opportunity with its innovative technology and long-term prospects. Bitcoin Spark presents a compelling case for those seeking a more substantial investment in the ever-evolving landscape.

狗狗币和其他模因在缺乏实际效用的情况下靠炒作生存。狗狗币在推动模因病毒式传播以吸引快节奏的加密货币领域的注意力方面处于领先地位。在喧嚣之中,比特币 Spark(BTCS)以其创新技术和长期前景提供了更有前途且财务稳健的投资机会。比特币 Spark 为那些在不断变化的环境中寻求更大规模投资的人提供了一个令人信服的案例。

Elon Musk Dogecoin

埃隆·马斯克 狗狗币

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, X, and SpaceX, has an interesting relationship with Dogecoin. His tweets and public statements often influenced Dogecoin prices and popularity since it jokingly appeared in 2013. He has tweeted about Dogecoin severally, referring to it as the ‘people’s crypto,’ and posting memes related to the Shiba Inu dog logo. His tweets and endorsements have led to significant volatility in the Dogecoin price, with sharp increases and decreases based on his statements. Musk’s radical Dogecoin push was in April when he replaced the Twitter (X) bird logo with Dogecoin. The result was a price spike that dropped after 24 hours. While Musk’s tweets have brought attention to Dogecoin and contributed to its popularity, they have also sparked debates about the influence of celebrities on the cryptocurrency market. Some see Elon Musk’s Dogecoin involvement as a way to bring humor and accessibility to the crypto space, while others caution against the potential risks of market manipulation. An example is a $258B class lawsuit against Elon Musk. Nevertheless, investors need to cautiously approach the Elon Musk Dogecoin cryptocurrency, considering the impact of external factors on the DOGE price and dynamics.

Tesla、X 和 SpaceX 的首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 与狗狗币有着有趣的关系。自 2013 年狗狗币开玩笑地出现以来,他的推文和公开声明经常影响狗狗币的价格和受欢迎程度。他曾多次发布有关狗狗币的推文,将其称为“人民的加密货币”,并发布与柴犬标志相关的表情包。他的推文和认可导致狗狗币价格大幅波动,根据他的言论急剧上涨和下跌。马斯克在 4 月份对狗狗币进行了激进的推动,当时他用狗狗币取代了 Twitter (X) 的小鸟标志。结果是价格飙升,24 小时后下跌。虽然马斯克的推文引起了人们对狗狗币的关注并为其受欢迎做出了贡献,但它们也引发了有关名人对加密货币市场影响力的争论。一些人认为埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 参与狗狗币是为加密货币领域带来幽默和可访问性的一种方式,而另一些人则警告市场操纵的潜在风险。一个例子是针对埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 $258B 集体诉讼。尽管如此,投资者需要谨慎对待埃隆·马斯克狗狗币加密货币,考虑外部因素对 DOGE 价格和动态的影响。

Bitcoin Spark (BTCS)


Bitcoin Spark, a record-breaking Bitcoin fork project, is currently in the final ICO phase ten at $3.75 before launching on Nov 30 at an impressive $10. With a 4% bonus to top the token holdings and an expected 277% ROI, Bitcoin Spark presents an exciting investment opportunity worth investors abandoning the meme hype for real use cases. Assuringly, the early investors in phase one have locked their 800% ROI or more upon a predicted explosive launch.

Bitcoin Spark 是一个破纪录的比特币分叉项目,目前正处于 ICO 第十阶段,价格为 3.75 美元,然后于 11 月 30 日以令人印象深刻的 10 美元推出。 Bitcoin Spark 的代币持有量最高可获得 4% 的奖励,预计投资回报率为 277%,它提供了一个令人兴奋的投资机会,值得投资者放弃迷因炒作,转向真实的用例。可以肯定的是,第一阶段的早期投资者已经在预期的爆炸式发布中锁定了 800% 或更高的投资回报率。

Bitcoin Spark appeals to users and investors in its platform through affordability, inclusivity, and accessibility. BTCS addresses BTC’s prevalent issues, such as a centralized and exclusive mining field. It deploys a Proof of Process protocol that encourages computing power rental to empower those short on mining resources. The platform can also capitalize on CPU or GPU demand by institutions to enhance its revenue through computing power rentals.

Bitcoin Spark 通过可负担性、包容性和可访问性吸引其平台的用户和投资者。 BTCS解决了BTC普遍存在的问题,例如矿场中心化、排他性等。它部署了过程证明协议,鼓励计算能力租赁,为那些缺乏采矿资源的人提供支持。该平台还可以利用机构对CPU或GPU的需求,通过算力租赁来增加收入。

BTCS drives its main functions via a Bitcoin Spark mining application, accessible to a broader audience and compatible with smartphones for widespread participation. As such, anyone can mine and benefit from the platform’s fairly distributed rewards, computed in a nonlinear system.

BTCS 通过比特币 Spark 挖矿应用程序驱动其主要功能,该应用程序可供更广泛的受众使用,并与智能手机兼容以供广泛参与。因此,任何人都可以挖掘并受益于平台公平分配的奖励(在非线性系统中计算)。

Bitcoin Spark’s platform depicts transparency, stability, and compliance, as per rigorous ContractWolf audit findings. Furthermore, the audit process gives the platform the confidence it needs before launch and eventual listing on prominent exchanges. The BTCS platform certifies smart contract layers that will eventually yield dApps and a Bitcoin Spark Wallet for safe custody and BTCS management.

根据严格的 ContractWolf 审计结果,Bitcoin Spark 的平台体现了透明度、稳定性和合规性。此外,审核过程为平台提供了在推出和最终在知名交易所上市之前所需的信心。 BTCS 平台对智能合约层进行认证,最终将产生 dApp 和用于安全保管和 BTCS 管理的比特币 Spark 钱包。

Will Dogecoin go to $1?


Dogecoin would need a 15X increase to attain its targeted $1, coupled with significant challenges. Unlike cryptocurrencies with a limited supply, like Bitcoin Spark, Dogecoin has an unlimited issuance, creating a hurdle for price stability. The constant influx of new coins, about 5 billion annually, may lead to a gradual decline in value if demand doesn’t keep up.

狗狗币需要增加 15 倍才能达到 1 美元的目标,而且还面临着巨大的挑战。与比特币 Spark 等供应有限的加密货币不同,狗狗币的发行量是无限的,这为价格稳定造成了障碍。如果需求跟不上,新硬币的不断涌入(每年约 50 亿枚)可能会导致价值逐渐下降。

Another obstacle is Dogecoin’s lack of utility compared to other cryptocurrencies. While some have diverse use cases like NFTs and decentralized applications, Dogecoin is primarily used for payments. This limited functionality diminishes its appeal and potential demand from investors.

另一个障碍是狗狗币与其他加密货币相比缺乏实用性。虽然有些有不同的用例,如 NFT 和去中心化应用程序,但狗狗币主要用于支付。这种有限的功能削弱了其吸引力和投资者的潜在需求。

Revisiting Dogecoin’s price history, its brief surge in 2021 was driven by social media hype and speculation, not utility. Since then, it has faced a downward trend, with sporadic rallies linked to Elon Musk’s endorsements on Twitter (now X).

回顾狗狗币的价格历史,它在 2021 年的短暂上涨是由社交媒体炒作和投机推动的,而不是实用性。从那时起,它就面临着下降的趋势,零星的反弹与埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在推特(现在的X)上的支持有关。

The future outlook for Dogecoin seems challenging, with little indication of sustained momentum beyond Musk’s sporadic efforts. The likelihood of the DOGE coin price surpassing $1 is slim due to supply and demand dynamics. Investors may find better opportunities in more established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Spark, as Dogecoin’s heydays seem to be in the past.

狗狗币的未来前景似乎充满挑战,除了马斯克的零星努力之外,几乎没有迹象表明狗狗币有持续的动力。由于供需动态,DOGE 币价格超过 1 美元的可能性很小。投资者可能会在比特币 Spark 等更成熟的加密货币中找到更好的机会,因为狗狗币的鼎盛时期似乎已经过去了。

Learn more on BTCS and ICO:

了解有关 BTCS 和 ICO 的更多信息:

Website: https://bitcoinspark.org/


Buy BTCS: https://network.bitcoinspark.org/register

购买 BTCS:https://network.bitcoinspark.org/register

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免责声明:本新闻稿或赞助帖子中所写的任何信息均不构成投资建议。 Thecoinrepublic.com 没有、也不会认可本页面上任何公司或个人的任何信息。我们鼓励读者根据自己的发现进行自己的研究并采取任何行动,而不是根据本新闻稿或赞助帖子中编写的任何内容。对于因使用本新闻稿或赞助帖子中提到的任何内容、产品或服务而直接或间接造成的任何损害或损失,Thecoinrepublic.com 不承担任何责任。


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