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DOT Expert Explains Why You Need to ‘Buy Polkadot Before It’s Too Late’

DOT 专家解释了为什么你需要“在为时已晚之前购买 Polkadot”

发布: 2023/11/04 19:01 阅读: 833



Polkadot’s DOT token has garnered much attention lately as analysts spot a bullish setup emerging on the charts. According to expert trader Captain Faibik, now is the time to buy DOT before the price takes off.

Polkadot 的 DOT 代币最近引起了广泛关注,因为分析师发现图表上出现了看涨的格局。专家交易员 Captain Faibik 表示,现在是在价格上涨之前买入 DOT 的最佳时机。

Falling Wedge Breakout


Faibik notes that DOT has been trading within a falling wedge pattern on the weekly chart since January. This is typically a bullish pattern, and Faibik believes the breakout from this wedge has already been confirmed based on the recent price action.

Faibik 指出,自 1 月份以来,DOT 在周线图上一直处于下降楔形模式中。这通常是看涨模式,Faibik 认为,根据最近的价格走势,该楔形的突破已经得到确认。

With DOT currently trading around $4, Faibik’s analysis suggests the breakout could propel the price to over $10 if the bullish momentum continues. That would represent over a 150% gain from current levels.

由于 DOT 目前的交易价格约为 4 美元,Faibik 的分析表明,如果看涨势头持续下去,突破可能会将价格推升至 10 美元以上。这将比当前水平增加 150% 以上。

Weekly RSI Showing Bullish Divergence

每周 RSI 显示看涨背离

In addition to the falling wedge breakout, Faibik points out that the weekly Relative Strength Index (RSI) for DOT is printing a significant bullish divergence. This occurs when price makes lower lows while the RSI indicator starts trending higher – a sign of building upside momentum.

Faibik 指出,除了下降楔形突破之外,DOT 的每周相对强度指数 (RSI) 还显示出显着的看涨背离。当价格触及更低的低点而 RSI 指标开始走高时,就会发生这种情况——这是建立上行动能的迹象。

Buy Before It’s Too Late


Given the confluence of the falling wedge breakout and bullish RSI divergence, Faibik believes traders should buy Polkadot before the next leg up in price. In his words, “Buy Polkadot before it’s too late.”

鉴于下降楔形突破和看涨 RSI 背离的结合,Faibik 认为交易者应该在价格下一轮上涨之前买入 Polkadot。用他的话来说,“在为时已晚之前购买 Polkadot”。

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Faibik seems confident that DOT could be on the cusp of major gains if it can hold the breakout. For traders who get in at current levels around $4, the technical setup suggests impressive upside potential according to this expert. With DOT already recovering off its lows, Faibik is urging buyers to jump in now before the next explosive move starts gathering pace.

Faibik 似乎有信心,如果 DOT 能够守住突破,它可能会处于重大上涨的风口浪尖。这位专家表示,对于在当前 4 美元左右水平入场的交易者来说,技术设置表明了令人印象深刻的上涨潜力。由于 DOT 已经从低点回升,Faibik 敦促买家在下一次爆炸性走势开始加速之前立即入场。

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The post DOT Expert Explains Why You Need to ‘Buy Polkadot Before It’s Too Late’ appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

DOT 专家解释为什么你需要“在为时已晚之前购买 Polkadot”一文首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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