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DTX Leads Dogecoin Price, Becomes Top Altcoin to Buy

DTX 引领狗狗币价格,成为最值得购买的山寨币

发布: 2024/04/24 22:31 阅读: 306



DTX 引领狗狗币价格,成为最值得购买的山寨币

After plunging to $0.14 earlier, the Dogecoin (DOGE) price has seen a noteworthy increase. The recent halving of Bitcoin and the observance of “DOGE Day” coincide with the price recovery of DOGE, which has encouraged investors.

在早些时候暴跌至 0.14 美元之后,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价格出现了显着上涨。近期比特币减半和“DOGE日”恰逢DOGE价格回升,这令投资者受到鼓舞。

However, Dogecoin price fails to exhibit significant uptrends to secure a position in the top altcoin to buy in the year 2024. The upward potential of the meme-coin has failed to impress market analysts as its price surge can not be considered concrete.

然而,狗狗币的价格未能表现出显着的上涨趋势,无法确保在 2024 年成为最值得购买的山寨币。这种模因币的上涨潜力未能给市场分析师留下深刻的印象,因为其价格飙升不能被认为是具体的。

DTX Exchange, on the other hand, has secured a significant place in the view of market analysts as its unique features have impressed investors. Strong buying sentiment has put it on a pedestal in the line of top altcoins to buy in the following year.


Dogecoin Fails To Exhibit Uptrends This Bull Run


Despite the upbeat market sentiment, the Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD) suggests that the Dogecoin price may not quickly reach the $0.20 mark. Nevertheless, traders remain optimistic about the long-term profitability of the coin.

尽管市场情绪乐观,但累积交易量 Delta (CVD) 表明狗狗币价格可能不会很快达到 0.20 美元大关。尽管如此,交易员仍对代币的长期盈利能力持乐观态度。

Daily chart analysis of the Dogecoin price indicates exhaustion. This signals that the DOGE followers are exhausted amid the ongoing Dogecoin price trajectory as it dip to $0.14. Despite the boosted coin value caused by ‘DOGE DAY’, the price hike remains temporary as it occurred due to the “buy the rumor” event.

狗狗币价格的每日图表分析显示其已耗尽。这表明狗狗币的追随者在狗狗币价格跌至 0.14 美元的持续走势中已经筋疲力尽。尽管“DOGE DAY”导致代币价值上涨,但价格上涨仍然是暂时的,因为这是由于“购买谣言”事件而发生的。

There is conjecture regarding a possible “sell the news” effect, though, which might affect the price after the celebration. Selling pressure appears likely based on current CVD trends. With these market dynamics influencing the cryptocurrency landscape, Dogecoin fails to be a top altcoin to buy in this bull run.

不过,有人猜测可能存在“卖出消息”效应,这可能会影响庆祝活动后的价格。根据当前的 CVD 趋势,可能出现抛售压力。由于这些市场动态影响着加密货币格局,狗狗币未能成为本次牛市中最值得购买的山寨币。

However, DTX Exchange has secured massive support from market experts making it a top altcoin to buy owing to its distinguished features and soaring presale.

然而,DTX Exchange 因其卓越的功能和飙升的预售而获得了市场专家的大力支持,使其成为最值得购买的山寨币。

DTX Exchange (DTX): 1000X Leverage Makes It A Top Altcoin To Buy

DTX Exchange (DTX):1000 倍杠杆使其成为最值得购买的山寨币

DTX Exchange (DTX) is a trading exchange that enables users to trade cryptocurrencies, forex, equities, and contract-for-differences (CFDs). The platform boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure and innovative trading features, offering users unparalleled opportunities. Notably, DTX will be the first large-scale exchange to provide users with 1000X leverage, all while eliminating the need for KYC (Know Your Customer) requirements.

DTX Exchange(DTX)是一个交易交易所,使用户能够交易加密货币、外汇、股票和差价合约(CFD)。该平台拥有最先进的基础设施和创新的交易功能,为用户提供无与伦比的机会。值得注意的是,DTX 将成为第一个为用户提供 1000 倍杠杆的大型交易所,同时消除 KYC(了解您的客户)要求。

With minimal trading costs, traders can maximize their investments thanks to the platform’s community-centric strategy. In addition to having access to prospective airdrops, community members are entitled to governance and voting rights. The platform offers various products, including the DTX wallet and multitier accounts, catering to a wide range of user requirements and enhancing the overall trading experience.


DTX Presale Goes Unprecedented As It Raises Over $330K in Presale Stage 1

DTX 预售空前,在预售第一阶段筹集了超过 33 万美元

DTX’s recent presale success has got tremendous relevance due to its over $330,000 stage 1 raise. This news has sent shivers down the spine of the bull market, casting a shadow over several new projects. The crypto sphere regards it as a disruptive force as it successfully gathers over 3,000 holders within days. This makes DTX Exchange a compulsory tool for massive growth.

DTX 最近的预售成功因其第一阶段融资超过 330,000 美元而具有巨大的相关性。这一消息让牛市的脊柱不寒而栗,给几个新项目蒙上了阴影。加密货币领域将其视为一股颠覆性力量,因为它在几天内成功聚集了 3,000 多名持有者。这使得 DTX Exchange 成为大规模增长的必备工具。

The ongoing presale presents marks a prime time for investors to be a part of DTX Exchange and play an integral role in shaping its future. DTX is poised to capitalize on this market opportunity, especially given its presale price of $0.02. It has readily raised over $200K within no time. It will soon sell at the $0.075 level in stage 2.

正在进行的预售活动标志着投资者成为 DTX Exchange 的一部分并在塑造其未来方面发挥不可或缺的作用的黄金时机。 DTX 准备充分利用这一市场机会,特别是考虑到其预售价为 0.02 美元。它很快就筹集了超过 20 万美元。它很快将在第二阶段以 0.075 美元的价格出售。

Learn more:


Visit DTX Presale

访问 DTX 预售

Read Whitepaper


Join The DTX Community

加入 DTX 社区

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The post DTX Leads Dogecoin Price, Becomes Top Altcoin to Buy appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

DTX 引领狗狗币价格,成为最值得购买的山寨币一文首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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