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Elon Musk’s X acquires money transmitter license, eyes payment services market


发布: 2024/01/31 06:50 阅读: 424




Elon Musk’s social media platform, X (previously known as Twitter), has recently acquired a money transmitter license in Nevada. This development is a significant step in Musk’s ambition to evolve X into a multifaceted application, venturing beyond social media into financial services. The platform is poised to introduce a peer-to-peer payment service, potentially competing with established players like Venmo and PayPal.

埃隆·马斯克的社交媒体平台 X(以前称为 Twitter)最近获得了内华达州的货币传输许可证。这一发展是马斯克将 X 发展成为多方面应用程序、超越社交媒体进入金融服务的雄心壮志的重要一步。该平台准备推出点对点支付服务,有可能与 Venmo 和 PayPal 等老牌企业竞争。

The road to a multifunctional platform

In line with Musk’s vision for X as an ‘everything app,’ the upcoming payment feature is designed to enhance user experience and open new avenues for commerce. The specifics of this service are still under wraps, but it is expected to offer significant utility to users, fostering a more integrated and versatile platform. Although an official timeline for the launch is not disclosed, Musk hinted at a potential rollout by mid-2024 during an X-Space discussion with Cathie Wood.

通往多功能平台之路根据马斯克将 X 作为“一切应用程序”的愿景,即将推出的支付功能旨在增强用户体验并开辟新的商业途径。这项服务的具体细节仍处于保密状态,但预计它将为用户提供重要的实用性,形成一个更加集成和多功能的平台。尽管官方并未透露此次发射的时间表,但马斯克在与 Cathie Wood 的 X-Space 讨论中暗示,可能会在 2024 年中期推出。

X Payments, the financial arm of the platform, has been making headway in legal compliance, registering in 32 states with licenses already secured in 18. This expansion is indicative of a strategic and methodical approach to rolling out the payment service nationwide.

该平台的金融部门 X Payments 在法律合规方面一直在取得进展,在 32 个州注册,并已在 18 个州获得许可证。这种扩张表明了在全国范围内推出支付服务的战略性和系统性方法。

Cryptocurrency integration: A possibility?

Given Musk’s well-known enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies, particularly Dogecoin (DOGE), speculation is rife about the integration of crypto payments in X’s new service. Musk’s other ventures, like Tesla, have already embraced DOGE for merchandise transactions, showcasing his commitment to the digital currency. However, despite these precedents and Musk’s personal inclination towards crypto, X has yet to confirm the inclusion of cryptocurrency payments in its upcoming feature.

加密货币整合:有可能吗?鉴于马斯克对加密货币,尤其是狗狗币(DOGE)众所周知的热情,人们对 X 的新服务中加密支付整合的猜测甚嚣尘上。马斯克的其他企业,如特斯拉,已经采用 DOGE 进行商品交易,展示了他对数字货币的承诺。然而,尽管有这些先例以及马斯克个人对加密货币的倾向,X 尚未确认在其即将推出的功能中包含加密货币支付。

The conjecture surrounding this integration stems from Musk’s influence in the crypto world. His endorsements have historically swayed the market, especially in the case of DOGE. The potential for X to incorporate crypto payments could signal a significant shift in how mainstream platforms perceive and utilize digital currencies.

围绕这种整合的猜想源于马斯克在加密世界的影响力。他的支持历来影响着市场,尤其是 DOGE。 X 整合加密支付的潜力可能标志着主流平台如何看待和使用数字货币的重大转变。

In conclusion, Elon Musk’s X is on the cusp of entering the financial services sector, with a focus on user-friendly payment solutions. While the integration of cryptocurrency remains uncertain, the platform’s expansion into this new domain underlines Musk’s innovative approach and the evolving landscape of social media platforms. As X navigates the complexities of financial regulations and market expectations, its journey into payments could redefine the role of social media in commerce and finance.

总而言之,埃隆·马斯克的 X 正处于进入金融服务领域的风口浪尖,重点是用户友好的支付解决方案。尽管加密货币的整合仍不确定,但该平台向这一新领域的扩张凸显了马斯克的创新方法和社交媒体平台不断发展的格局。随着 X 应对金融监管和市场预期的复杂性,其支付之旅可能会重新定义社交媒体在商业和金融中的作用。


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