首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克证实他仍然拥有“一堆”狗狗币,那么为什么投资者为了这种新的山寨币而抛弃他呢?

Elon Musk Confirms He Still Owns A “Bunch” Of Dogecoin, So Why Are Investors Deserting Him For This New Altcoin?


发布: 2024/01/26 13:02 阅读: 559

原文作者:CoinPedia News



The post Elon Musk Confirms He Still Owns A “Bunch” Of Dogecoin, So Why Are Investors Deserting Him For This New Altcoin? appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

埃隆·马斯克确认他仍然拥有“一堆”狗狗币,那么为什么投资者为了这种新的山寨币而抛弃他呢?首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

Elon Musk has acknowledged that he still holds a “bunch” of Dogecoin, the well-known parody currency. But despite this well-known endorsement, investors are shifting their attention to Pullix, a new DeFI cryptocurrency. Investors are taking notice of the new altcoin due to its broad usage and strong price rise.

埃隆·马斯克承认,他仍然持有“一堆”狗狗币,这是一种著名的模仿货币。但尽管有这种众所周知的认可,投资者仍将注意力转向 Pullix,一种新的 DeFi 加密货币。由于其广泛的用途和强劲的价格上涨,投资者正在关注这种新的山寨币。

Tesla Boss Still Holds Dogecoin (DOGE)


Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, disclosed in an X Space discussion that he still owns a large amount of meme coin dogecoin (DOGE) and that his spaceship manufacturing company, SpaceX, still has a large amount of bitcoin.

特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克在 X Space 讨论中透露,他仍然拥有大量的模因币狗狗币(DOGE),并且他的宇宙飞船制造公司 SpaceX 仍然拥有大量的比特币。

For years, the CEO of Tesla and Dogefather has championed this meme coin community. He said that he directly owned Dogecoin, Bitcoin and Ethereum before.

多年来,特斯拉和 Dogfather 的首席执行官一直支持这个模因硬币社区。他表示,他之前直接拥有狗狗币、比特币和以太坊。

In June 2021, Musk spoke of continuing to buy and support Dogecoin. SpaceX and Tesla now accept Dogecoin for some products, while Musk’s Boring Company offers payments in Dogecoins to ride the Las Vegas Transit System loop.

2021 年 6 月,马斯克谈到继续购买和支持狗狗币。 SpaceX 和 Tesla 现在的部分产品接受狗狗币,而马斯克的 Boring Company 则提供狗狗币支付方式来乘坐拉斯维加斯交通系统环线。

Lately, the billionaire promised to have a Happy Meal on TV as soon as McDonald’s takes Dogecoin. Notwithstanding the tremendous support from Elon Musk, DOGE has been ranging between $0.07566 and $0.0898 for over a week.

最近,这位亿万富翁承诺,一旦麦当劳接受狗狗币,他就会在电视上享用开心乐园餐。尽管得到埃隆·马斯克的大力支持,DOGE 一周多以来一直在 0.07566 美元至 0.0898 美元之间波动。

Poor price movement has made investors hunt for better crypto coins. Among the altcoins that have attracted their attention is Pullix.

价格走势不佳促使投资者寻找更好的加密货币。 Pullix 是吸引他们注意的山寨币之一。

Investors Move To Pullix (PLX) for 100x Gains 

投资者转向 Pullix (PLX) 以获得 100 倍的收益

Pullix (PLX) is making headlines in the cryptocurrency market after jumping 100% to $0.08 in less than a month. Several investors have expressed interest in the project as Jr becomes the best crypto to buy. One reason for this intense interest is Pullix’s anticipated introduction in Q1 2024, which analysts predict would result in a 100x increase in demand. 

Pullix (PLX) 在不到一个月的时间里飙升 100% 至 0.08 美元,成为加密货币市场的头条新闻。随着 Jr 成为最值得购买的加密货币,一些投资者对该项目表示了兴趣。引起如此强烈兴趣的原因之一是 Pullix 预计将于 2024 年第一季度推出,分析师预测这将导致需求增加 100 倍。

In addition, Pullix is developing the first hybrid exchange in the DeFi market. The key feature will be faster transactions and more tradable assets. Pullix broadens its reach, unlike CEX, such as Binance, which focuses only on cryptocurrency. It facilitates the trade of currencies such as forex and commodities.

此外,Pullix 正在开发 DeFi 市场上的第一个混合交易所。关键特征将是更快的交易和更多的可交易资产。 Pullix 扩大了其覆盖范围,这与币安等 CEX 不同,后者只专注于加密货币。它促进了外汇和大宗商品等货币的交易。

This variety fosters a dynamic trade environment. For example, the Over-The-Counter (OTC) Derivatives market trades more than $40 trillion every day, whilst the currency market trades $7.6 trillion per day. But there’s more to Pullix. It is committed to providing a seamless user experience. The capacity to trade anonymously is a significant part of this. 

这种多样性培育了充满活力的贸易环境。例如,场外衍生品市场每天的交易量超过 40 万亿美元,而货币市场每天的交易量为 7.6 万亿美元。但 Pullix 的魅力还不止于此。它致力于提供无缝的用户体验。匿名交易的能力是其中的重要组成部分。

Furthermore, Pullix avoids the need for lengthy Know Your Customer (KYC) verifications. This strategy not only safeguards privacy but also simplifies and broadens trade to a larger audience. As a result, for those wishing to trade various assets anonymously, Pullix is a leading choice in the DeFi market.

此外,Pullix 无需进行冗长的了解您的客户 (KYC) 验证。这一策略不仅可以保护隐私,还可以简化交易并将其扩大到更多受众。因此,对于那些希望匿名交易各种资产的人来说,Pullix 是 DeFi 市场的首选。

The PLX token is used in platform transactions and can be staked to earn rewards, thereby being the best crypto to buy. Moreover, there is a Market-Making Liquidity Contribution functionality that facilitates passive revenue generation. Pullix users will act as market makers and provide liquidity to the platform.​

PLX 代币用于平台交易,可以质押以获得奖励,因此是最好的加密货币。此外,还有做市流动性贡献功能,有助于被动创收。 Pullix 用户将充当做市商并为平台提供流动性。​

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and other cryptocurrencies users can use to provide liquidity. In return, they get a share of fees that were generated from their exchange. For market makers who trade on the exchange, the platform provides an annual return of 8% to 18%.

用户可以使用比特币、以太坊、Solana 和其他加密货币来提供流动性。作为回报,他们获得交易所产生的费用的一部分。对于在交易所进行交易的做市商,平台提供8%至18%的年回报率。

Final Thoughts


Despite several shout-outs by Elon Musk, Dogecoin’s price performance has been largely abysmal. In addition, its chances of being integrated as a payment token on X are minimal.

尽管埃隆·马斯克多次大声疾呼,但狗狗币的价格表现基本上很糟糕。此外,它作为支付代币集成到 X 上的机会也很小。

As a consequence, investors are abandoning ship and heading over to more promising projects, such as Pullix, that have real functionality. Its altcoin is priced at $0.8 but is estimated to gain 10x in the first quarter, making it one of the DeFi cryptocurrencies to buy.

For more information regarding Pullix’s presale see links below:

因此,投资者正在放弃这艘船,转向更有前途的项目,例如 Pullix,具有真正功能的项目。其山寨币售价为 0.8 美元,但预计第一季度将上涨 10 倍,使其成为值得购买的 DeFi 加密货币之一。有关 Pullix 预售的更多信息,请参阅以下链接:

 Visit Pullix


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