首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克确认儿子“Lil X”仍然持有狗狗币,DOGE 社区做出反应

Elon Musk Confirms Son 'Lil X' Still Hodls Dogecoin, DOGE Community Reacts

埃隆·马斯克确认儿子“Lil X”仍然持有狗狗币,DOGE 社区做出反应

发布: 2024/06/21 01:09 阅读: 232



埃隆·马斯克确认儿子“Lil X”仍然持有狗狗币,DOGE 社区做出反应

Tesla CEO Confirms Son's Dogecoin Holdings


Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, has confirmed that his son, affectionately known as 'lil X,' continues to hold his Dogecoin (DOGE) assets, pleasing the DOGE community.

特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克证实,他的儿子(被亲切地称为“lil X”)继续持有他的狗狗币(DOGE)资产,这让 DOGE 社区感到高兴。

Confirmation via Twitter Exchange

通过 Twitter Exchange 确认

The indirect confirmation came in response to a tweet by Dogecoin graphic designer "dogedesigner." The designer shared that 'lil X' is a dedicated "toddler holder," never expressing any desire to sell his DOGE.

这一间接确认是对狗狗币图形设计师“dogedesigner”的推文的回应。设计师表示,“lil X”是一个专注的“幼儿支架”,从未表达过出售他的 DOGE 的任何愿望。

"It’s true! 😂" - Elon Musk (@elonmusk), June 20, 2024

“这是真的!😂” - Elon Musk (@elonmusk),2024 年 6 月 20 日

"X is a toddler hodler. Never once has he said sell," Dogedesigner tweeted. Musk responded with an affirmation accompanied by a laughter emoji.

Dogedesigner 在推特上写道:“X 是个蹒跚学步的持有者。他从来没有说过卖出。”马斯克以肯定的语气回应,并附上一个大笑的表情符号。

Community Reactions


This playful confirmation garnered attention from the crypto community. An X (formerly Twitter) user shared a throwback to Musk's tweet from February 10, 2021.

这个有趣的确认引起了加密社区的关注。一位 X(以前称为 Twitter)用户分享了马斯克 2021 年 2 月 10 日的推文。

"Bought some Dogecoin for lil X, so he can be a toddler hodler," Musk tweeted. Another X user asked, "how many Doge X has?"

“给小X买了一些狗狗币,这样他就可以成为一名幼儿持有者,”马斯克在推特上写道。另一位X用户问道:“Doge X有多少个?”

Musk's Influence


The Dogecoin community has historically been influenced by Musk's tweets. His statements often trigger immediate market reactions. This latest tweet has again placed the spotlight on Dogecoin.


Musk, self-proclaimed as the "Dogefather," has been a vocal supporter of Dogecoin, making frequent mentions in his tweets. He even allows Dogecoin as a payment option for certain Tesla merchandise.


Impact on Dogecoin Price


In May, Musk's tweet about the passing of Kabosu, the face of the DOGE meme, led to an immediate spike in the Dogecoin price. As of writing, the Dogecoin price has dipped 0.08% in the past 24 hours to $0.122, yet to respond to the renewed attention.

今年 5 月,马斯克发布了关于狗狗模因卡博苏去世的推文,导致狗狗币价格立即飙升。截至撰写本文时,狗狗币价格在过去 24 小时内下跌 0.08% 至 0.122 美元,但尚未对重新引起的关注做出反应。


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