首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克与狗狗币的加密关系; Shiba Inu、Elonator 会得到企业家同样的关注吗?

Elon Musk’s Crypto Relationship With Dogecoin; Will Shiba Inu, Elonator Get The Same Attention From Entrepreneurs?

埃隆·马斯克与狗狗币的加密关系; Shiba Inu、Elonator 会得到企业家同样的关注吗?

发布: 2023/08/26 00:00 阅读: 979



Elon Musk’s crypto fanatics run wild and more often than not, result in price surges. After all, Dogecoin (DOGE) has become a popular meme coin due to Musk’s support. On a logical note, if a business celebrity tells his followers which crypto token he’s invested in, the crypto community is sure to follow in his footsteps.

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的加密货币狂热分子疯狂行事,往往会导致价格飙升。毕竟,由于马斯克的支持,狗狗币(DOGE)已成为流行的模因币。从逻辑上讲,如果一位商界名人告诉他的追随者他投资了哪种加密代币,那么加密社区肯定会追随他的脚步。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is another popular meme coin that is out to claim the throne occupied by Dogecoin. Although it’s not as popular as DOGE, it still gains a massive following that only rises with time. Meanwhile, Elonator (ETOR), a new crypto presale, shows great potential that could lead to a burst of business celebrities investing in this token. If you are ready to copy-trade your way to riches, read on!

柴犬(SHIB)是另一种流行的模因币,它试图夺取狗狗币占据的王位。尽管它不像 DOGE 那样受欢迎,但它仍然拥有大量追随者,而且随着时间的推移,追随者数量只会不断增加。与此同时,新的加密货币预售Elonator(ETOR)显示出巨大的潜力,可能会导致大量商界名人投资该代币。如果您准备好通过跟单交易致富,请继续阅读!

Elon Musk’s Crypto Affiliation With Dogecoin Shows The Way To Bulls

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 与狗狗币的加密货币关系为牛市指明了方向

SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk, had shown his interest in Dogecoin through tweets, and crypto communities were heavily invested in this symbolic relationship. The biggest impact Musk had on DOGE was probably his time on NBC’s Saturday Night Live (SNL) in May 2021 where he called himself the “Dogefather”. This resulted in a strong reaction from the DOGE market, proving that Musk can indeed affect DOGE’s price.

SpaceX 首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 通过推文表达了他对狗狗币的兴趣,加密货币社区对这种象征性关系投入了大量资金。马斯克对 DOGE 最大的影响可能是他 2021 年 5 月在 NBC 的《周六夜现场》(SNL) 节目中称自己为“Dogefather”。这引起了DOGE市场的强烈反应,证明马斯克确实可以影响DOGE的价格。

Elon Musk has a rich history of interacting with the crypto world. Hence, he may show interest in other coins, such as Elonator, a new crypto presale gaining popularity in the market. The token has proven its utility due to a wide variety of products and features that could push it to be one of Elon Musk’s crypto coins in the future. Another coin that crypto communities have speculated to be in Musk’s wallet is Shiba Inu, but is it true?

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 拥有与加密世界互动的丰富历史。因此,他可能会对其他代币表现出兴趣,例如 Elonator,一种在市场上越来越受欢迎的新加密货币预售。该代币已经证明了它的实用性,因为各种各样的产品和功能可能会推动它成为埃隆·马斯克未来的加密货币之一。加密社区猜测马斯克钱包里的另一种硬币是柴犬,但这是真的吗?

Is Elon Musk An Investor In Shiba Inu?


When Elon Musk tweets, rumours and speculations immediately fill the crypto streets. Since the business celebrity is a huge fan of Shiba Inu puppies and Dogecoin, crypto investors wonder if the Shiba Inu coin is one of Elon Musk’s crypto investments. When Musk posted photos of his Shiba Inu puppy on social media, SHIB rose by 8.82%. A person tweeted to Musk, asking him how much SHIB he’s holding. Elon Musk simply replied “None”. Musk later replied that he only owns three tokens: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin. However, no one can deny that Musk’s influence affects SHIB prices.

当埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)发推文时,谣言和猜测立即充斥着加密货币的街道。由于这位商界名人是柴犬小狗和狗狗币的忠实粉丝,加密货币投资者想知道柴犬硬币是否是埃隆·马斯克的加密货币投资之一。当马斯克在社交媒体上发布他的柴犬小狗的照片时,SHIB 上涨了 8.82%。有人向马斯克发推文,询问他持有多少 SHIB。埃隆·马斯克简单地回答“没有”。马斯克后来回答说,他只拥有三种代币:比特币、以太坊和狗狗币。然而,无人能否认马斯克的影响力影响着SHIB的价格。

The latest Shibarium news, however, might help Musk see the asset in a different light. After all, the crypto industry keeps on changing, and upgrades like the Shibarium news can revolutionize Web3. It’s also not impossible for Elonator to climb the popularity ladder and catch Musk’s attention, especially if it’s a token about him. Who knows? Elonator could be the next Elon Musk crypto investment.

然而,最新的 Shibarium 消息可能会帮助马斯克从不同的角度看待这项资产。毕竟,加密行业不断变化,像 Shibarium 新闻这样的升级可以彻底改变 Web3。 Elonator 攀登人气阶梯并引起马斯克的注意也并非不可能,特别是如果这是关于他的象征的话。谁知道? Elonator 可能是埃隆·马斯克的下一个加密货币投资。

ETOR May Benefit From Elon Musk’s Crypto Influence

ETOR 可能受益于埃隆·马斯克的加密货币影响力

Elonator (ETOR) is one of the few crypto tokens that’s about Elon Musk. Although Musk only owns three cryptocurrencies at the moment, there’s no way of telling whether Elonator would be in his good books. The Elon Musk-inspired crypto project aims to provide investors with a dynamic utility coin and solve critical Web3 problems, which other tokens usually don’t care about. Some of their solutions to Web3 problems include increased utility, anti-bot security measures, and so much more.

Elonator (ETOR) 是少数与埃隆·马斯克相关的加密代币之一。尽管马斯克目前只拥有三种加密货币,但无法判断 Elonator 是否会出现在他的好书中。这个受埃隆·马斯克启发的加密项目旨在为投资者提供一种动态的实用代币,并解决其他代币通常不关心的关键 Web3 问题。他们针对 Web3 问题的一些解决方案包括增加实用性、反机器人安全措施等等。

Elonator’s smart contract functionality allows crypto investors to freely stake ETOR tokens and unstake them whenever they want – no need to wait to complete a predetermined period to take back what is rightfully yours. Therefore, ETOR allows for greater flexibility and freedom when staking tokens.

Elonator 的智能合约功能允许加密货币投资者自由质押 ETOR 代币,并在需要时随时解除质押——无需等待完成预定期限即可收回属于您的资产。因此,ETOR 在质押代币时提供了更大的灵活性和自由度。

Elonator also has a lottery system where investors can participate by pooling in ETOR tokens. A winner will be selected at random and can receive 75% of the pooled assets sent directly to their wallets. Meanwhile, the 25% will be sent to a dead wallet address, which increases the demand and value of the token.

Elonator 还有一个抽奖系统,投资者可以通过汇集 ETOR 代币来参与。获胜者将被随机选出,并将获得 75% 的集合资产,该资产将直接发送到他们的钱包中。同时,25%将被发送到死钱包地址,这增加了代币的需求和价值。

Could Elonator Be Musk’s Next Coin?

Elonator 会成为马斯克的下一个代币吗?

In the world of cryptocurrencies, anything could happen! Dogecoin and Shiba Inu prices are heavily affected by Elon Musk, but who knows if other crypto coins and projects will pique his interest? Is Elonator next? It’s possible! The next thing you know, the richest man on earth could be tweeting about Elonator and causing a surge in prices!

在加密货币的世界里,任何事情都有可能发生!狗狗币和柴犬的价格受到埃隆·马斯克的严重影响,但谁知道其他加密货币和项目是否会激起他的兴趣呢?下一个是 Elonator 吗?这是可能的!接下来您就会知道,地球上最富有的人可能会发布有关 Elonator 的推文并导致价格飙升!

Elonator could be a future Elon Musk crypto investment, and you wouldn’t want to miss out on that! So, if you want to profit from ETOR and enjoy all the benefits of its ecosystem, buy into the presale now! Visit the links below to their official website and social media channels, and get potentially rich with this Elon Musk crypto project.

Elonator 可能是埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 未来的一项加密投资,您一定不想错过!因此,如果您想从 ETOR 中获利并享受其生态系统的所有好处,请立即购买预售!访问下面的官方网站和社交媒体渠道链接,并通过这个埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 加密项目致富。

More on Elonator:

有关 Elonator 的更多信息:

预售:https://buy.elonator.com/ 网站:https://elonator.com



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