首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克在推特上对加密货币说“不”!原因如下!

Elon Musk says NO to crypto on Twitter! Here’s why!


发布: 2024/06/22 06:40 阅读: 833




Elon Musk, a fervent supporter of Dogecoin, is working on launching a payment service via Twitter. To everyone's surprise, this service will not include crypto at launch.

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 是狗狗币的狂热支持者,他正在致力于通过 Twitter 推出支付服务。令所有人惊讶的是,这项服务在推出时将不包括加密货币。

The news comes after Twitter Payments LLC acquired its first money transfer license in New Hampshire. This indicates that Musk's plans to integrate a payment system into the social media platform are progressing.

此前,Twitter Payments LLC 在新罕布什尔州获得了第一个汇款许可证。这表明马斯克将支付系统整合到社交媒体平台的计划正在取得进展。

The project, dubbed "X Payments," is expected to launch later this year and will function similarly to services like Venmo. However, the initial launch will not include the anticipated crypto feature.

该项目被称为“X Payments”,预计将于今年晚些时候推出,其功能与 Venmo 等服务类似。然而,最初的发布将不包括预期的加密功能。

Documents submitted to regulators in 11 states show that the system will be primarily based on fiat currency payments, with the possibility of adding crypto functionality later.

提交给 11 个州监管机构的文件显示,该系统将主要基于法定货币支付,稍后可能会添加加密功能。

This decision may seem counterintuitive given Musk's known support for crypto. However, it may reflect a cautious approach to the sector due to its volatility and regulatory uncertainties.


The absence of crypto in Twitter's payment plan has sparked mixed reactions within the crypto community. Some see it as a setback for crypto adoption, while others argue it's a strategic move.

Twitter 的支付计划中没有加密货币,这在加密货币社区内引发了不同的反应。一些人认为这是加密货币采用的一个挫折,而另一些人则认为这是一个战略举措。

Despite the disappointment among Dogecoin fans, the introduction of "X Payments" represents a significant step for Twitter. It positions the platform as a potential major player in the digital payments space, albeit with a focus on traditional monetary systems for the time being.

尽管狗狗币粉丝感到失望,但“X Payments”的推出代表了 Twitter 迈出的重要一步。它将该平台定位为数字支付领域的潜在主要参与者,尽管目前重点关注传统货币系统。


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