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Elon Musk’s X Platform Set to Integrate In-App Payments Mid-2024

Elon Musk 的 X 平台将于 2024 年中期集成应用内支付

发布: 2023/12/22 21:05 阅读: 368



Elon Musk 的 X 平台将于 2024 年中期集成应用内支付

  • Musk stated his intention to completely deploy payment services by the mid 2024.
  • 马斯克表示,他打算在 2024 年中期之前全面部署支付服务。

  • Bureaucratic procedures were the main reason the feature could not go live sooner.
  • 官僚程序是该功能无法更快上线的主要原因。

Midway through 2024, Elon Musk’s X platform is anticipated to include in-app payment capabilities, however the incorporation of cryptocurrency currently seems distant.

到 2024 年中期,埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 X 平台预计将包含应用内支付功能,但目前加密货币的纳入似乎还很遥远。

In an interview with Cathie Wood of ARK Invest on December 21st, Musk stated his intention to completely deploy payment services by the “middle of next year,” subject to the acceptance of several money transmitter license applications.

12 月 21 日,马斯克在接受 ARK Invest 的 Cathie Wood 采访时表示,他打算在“明年年中”之前完全部署支付服务,但前提是接受多个货币转移牌照申请。

According to Musk, bureaucratic procedures were the main reason he was unable to activate the social networking platform’s payment feature sooner. Although X was “a bit late” in delivering all the required paperwork, Musk said he was unaware of any possible “showstoppers” that would have their money transmitter license applications denied.

马斯克表示,官僚程序是他无法尽快激活社交网络平台支付功能的主要原因。尽管 X 在提交所有必需的文件方面“有点晚了”,但马斯克表示,他不知道有任何可能的“搅局者”会导致其汇款许可证申请被拒绝。

No Updates on Crypto Inclusion


There was a lot of anticipation among crypto fans that Musk will include his favorite cryptocurrency, Dogecoin or Bitcoin, in the X payments network. It seems Musk has further dampened crypto-related euphoria by admitting he devotes “hardly any” time pondering digital assets; however, he has never verified this.

加密货币粉丝们非常期待马斯克将在 X 支付网络中纳入他最喜欢的加密货币——狗狗币或比特币。马斯克承认自己“几乎没有”花时间思考数字资产,这似乎进一步抑制了与加密货币相关的乐观情绪。但他从未证实过这一点。

Even while Musk now seems unconcerned in cryptocurrency, electric car maker Tesla still has over $148 million in Bitcoin on hand, and Dogecoin is accepted at the Tesla Shop. Dogecoin was reportedly accepted as payment for trips on the Las Vegas metro system by Musk’s tunnel construction company, The Boring Company, in 2022.

尽管马斯克现在似乎对加密货币并不关心,但电动汽车制造商特斯拉手头仍然拥有超过 1.48 亿美元的比特币,而且特斯拉商店也接受狗狗币。据报道,马斯克的隧道建设公司 The Boring Company 于 2022 年接受狗狗币作为拉斯维加斯地铁系统的出行支付方式。

But Musk said that digital assets and money are only a “database for resource allocation” in his mind, and that fiat currency is “actually fine” as long as authorities don’t attempt to manipulate its supply and debase it.


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