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“Not Even Elon Musk Can Pump DOGE”: Shiba Inu Top Executive

“连埃隆·马斯克都无法泵出 DOGE”:柴犬高管

发布: 2024/09/17 18:30 阅读: 851



“连埃隆·马斯克都无法泵出 DOGE”:柴犬高管

Cover image via U.Today

封面图片来自 U.Today

Lucie, the anonymous social media marketing lead for the Shiba Inu team, took to her X account to continue discussing the "ugly truth" behind the listing process on some cryptocurrency exchanges.

Lucie 是 Shiba Inu 团队的匿名社交媒体营销负责人,她在她的 X 帐户上继续讨论一些加密货币交易所上市过程背后的“丑陋真相”。

Lucie mentioned Dogecoin and its biggest fan, Tesla CEO Elon Musk.


Lucie's Beliefs Regarding Musk's Inability to Pump DOGE

露西对马斯克无法生产 DOGE 的看法

In a previous X post (formerly Twitter), Lucie highlighted the "ugly truth" about how centralized cryptocurrency trading platforms handle listing requests. She suggested that exchanges often prioritize tokens based on hype rather than fundamentals.

在之前的 X 帖子(以前称为 Twitter)中,Lucie 强调了关于中心化加密货币交易平台如何处理上市请求的“丑陋真相”。她建议交易所通常根据炒作而不是基本面来优先考虑代币。

Lucie stated that even if a token secures a listing, it may not necessarily lead to significant growth.

Lucie 表示,即使代币成功上市,也不一定会带来显着增长。

Her Observations About the Market


Lucie believes that the market is "heavily manipulated" and characterized by self-interest. Despite her anticipation of a bull market, she notes that "no exchanges are pumping coins."


According to Lucie, this is due to a lack of new crypto holders entering the market and insufficient adoption.

Lucie 表示,这是由于缺乏新的加密货币持有者进入市场且采用不足。

Her Advice to the SHIB Community

她对 SHIB 社区的建议

Lucie encourages the SHIB community to support Shibarium while the development team continues to build.

Lucie 鼓励 SHIB 社区在开发团队继续建设的同时支持 Shibarium。

Elon Musk's Lack of Crypto Promotion


In late July, Elon Musk stated in a podcast that he does not plan to endorse crypto formally, unless through memes or humor. He acknowledged the potential of Bitcoin and other cryptos, but emphasized his affection for Dogecoin due to its uniqueness.

7 月下旬,埃隆·马斯克在播客中表示,他不打算正式认可加密货币,除非通过表情包或幽默。他承认比特币和其他加密货币的潜力,但强调了他对狗狗币的喜爱,因为它的独特性。

Prior to 2021, Musk's endorsements of Dogecoin on Twitter significantly influenced its price.

2021 年之前,马斯克在 Twitter 上对狗狗币的认可对其价格产生了重大影响。


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