首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克是否正在悄悄资助 DOGE 的开发?

Is Elon Musk Quietly Funding DOGE Development?

埃隆·马斯克是否正在悄悄资助 DOGE 的开发?

发布: 2023/09/04 21:00 阅读: 369

原文作者:Coin Edition


  • Elon Musk, the owner of social media app Twitter, is aiming to bring out a major “PayPal update” to Twitter.
  • 社交媒体应用 Twitter 的所有者埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的目标是为 Twitter 带来重大的“PayPal 更新”。

  • Musk is reported to be quietly funding Dogecoin development as well. 
  • 据报道,马斯克也在悄悄资助狗狗币的开发。

  • DOGE currently trades at $0.06331, after a climb of 1.50% over the past week.
  • DOGE 目前交易价格为 0.06331 美元,过去一周上涨 1.50%。

According to recent reports, Elon Musk the billionaire tech entrepreneur, is aiming to bring out a major “PayPal update” to Twitter. Many speculate that this could cause widespread crypto market chaos. Additionally, Musk is reported to be quietly funding Dogecoin development. 

据最近报道,亿万富翁科技企业家埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的目标是为 Twitter 带来重大的“PayPal 更新”。许多人猜测这可能会导致广泛的加密市场混乱。此外,据报道,马斯克正在悄悄资助狗狗币的开发。

As per a recent Forbes article, Musk is now planning to turn Twitter into an updated version of PayPal, and is currently working on acquiring licenses for the same. DOGE fans have speculated that it is possible DOGE could be registered as a payment option in the updated Twitter app.

根据福布斯最近的一篇文章,马斯克现在计划将 Twitter 转变为 PayPal 的更新版本,并且目前正在努力获取相同的许可证。 DOGE 粉丝猜测 DOGE 可能会在更新的 Twitter 应用程序中注册为支付选项。

Musk has already stated several times that there are plans to upgrade Dogecoin to rise above Bitcoin and other major crypto, and become what he calls the “currency of Earth.” Back in July, the billionaire replaced the Bird picture on Twitter (X) for a day with an image of the Dogecoin symbol. Following this, DOGE fans rejoiced and believed …

马斯克已经多次表示,计划升级狗狗币,使其超越比特币和其他主要加密货币,成为他所说的“地球货币”。早在 7 月,这位亿万富翁就把 Twitter (X) 上的 Bird 图片替换为狗狗币符号的图片。在此之后,DOGE粉丝们欣喜若狂,并相信……

埃隆·马斯克正在悄悄资助 DOGE 开发吗?首先出现在硬币版上。


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