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Elon Musk Reveals His DOGECOIN Holdings in Recent Twitter Space

埃隆·马斯克在最近的 Twitter 空间中透露了他持有的狗狗币

发布: 2024/01/12 15:46 阅读: 234

原文作者:Mustafa Mulla


埃隆·马斯克在最近的 Twitter 空间中透露了他持有的狗狗币

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, known for his love of cool tech, recently shared that he’s still holding a bunch of Dogecoin. Originally started as a lighthearted joke, Dogecoin gained some fame, partly thanks to Musk’s support in 2021. Interestingly, Musk also mentioned that his company, SpaceX, also has its hands on some Bitcoin. Musk’s interest in the digital currency world seems to extend beyond just Dogecoin.

以热爱酷炫科技而闻名的亿万富翁企业家埃隆·马斯克最近表示,他仍然持有一堆狗狗币。狗狗币最初只是一个轻松的笑话,后来获得了一些名气,部分归功于马斯克在 2021 年的支持。有趣的是,马斯克还提到,他的公司 SpaceX 也持有一些比特币。马斯克对数字货币世界的兴趣似乎不仅仅局限于狗狗币。

I Still Own A Bunch Of Dogecoin

In a recent discussion on X Space (formerly Twitter Space), Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk openly acknowledged his ongoing ownership of Dogecoin. This revelation echoes Musk’s consistent support for the quirky cryptocurrency, positioning it as his preferred digital asset in the expansive crypto landscape.

我仍然拥有一堆狗狗币 在 X Space(以前称为 Twitter Space)最近的一次讨论中,亿万富翁企业家埃隆·马斯克公开承认他仍然拥有狗狗币。这一消息呼应了马斯克对这种奇特加密货币的一贯支持,并将其定位为他在广阔的加密货币领域中的首选数字资产。

Contrary to the crypto community’s expectations, Musk has retained his Dogecoin holdings, adding that SpaceX, his aerospace manufacturer and space transportation company, maintains a significant position in Bitcoin. This dual allegiance to both Dogecoin and Bitcoin underscores Musk’s diversified approach to digital assets.

与加密社区的预期相反,马斯克保留了他所持有的狗狗币,并补充说他的航空航天制造商和太空运输公司 SpaceX 在比特币中保持着重要地位。这种对狗狗币和比特币的双重忠诚凸显了马斯克对数字资产的多元化态度。

Intriguingly, Musk’s influence on Dogecoin’s market dynamics seems to be undergoing a transformation. In the heyday of 2021, a mere tweet or mention from Musk would send Dogecoin prices soaring. However, recent comments from Musk about Dogecoin have not triggered the same level of market response.

有趣的是,马斯克对狗狗币市场动态的影响似乎正在发生转变。在 2021 年的鼎盛时期,仅仅马斯克的一条推文或提及都会让狗狗币价格飙升。然而,马斯克最近关于狗狗币的言论并未引发同等程度的市场反应。

Meanwhile, the current crypto landscape, marked by a modest 6% increase in Dogecoin’s price after Musk’s disclosure, suggests a departure from the past when Musk’s words alone could catalyze significant market movements. This shift signifies that Dogecoin, once highly responsive to Musk’s influence, has now established a more independent market presence.

与此同时,当前的加密货币格局,以马斯克披露后狗狗币的价格小幅上涨 6% 为标志,表明与过去的情况背道而驰,当时马斯克的言论就可能引发重大的市场波动。这一转变意味着,曾经对马斯克影响力高度敏感的狗狗币现在已经建立了更加独立的市场存在。

Why Musk’s Words Still Matter

Even if Dogecoin doesn’t jump like before, people still care that Elon Musk likes it. People who love Dogecoin in the online community, like Doge Influencer, share Musk’s words a lot. It’s like saying, “Hey, the cool tech guy still thinks Dogecoin is cool!” Even if the price doesn’t fly high now, Musk’s support still matters to Dogecoin fans.

为什么马斯克的话仍然重要即使狗狗币没有像以前那样跳跃,人们仍然关心埃隆·马斯克是否喜欢它。在线社区中喜爱狗狗币的人(例如 Doge Influencer)经常分享马斯克的话。这就像在说:“嘿,这个酷炫的技术家伙仍然认为狗狗币很酷!”即使现在价格没有飞高,马斯克的支持对狗狗币粉丝来说仍然很重要。


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