首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克仍然支持狗狗币,狗狗币的下一步是什么?

Elon Musk still supports Dogecoin, What’s next for DOGE?


发布: 2024/01/12 20:04 阅读: 650

原文作者:Todayq News



Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has affirmed his unwavering support for Dogecoin. Musk disclosed that he continues to hold a substantial amount of Dogecoin, while his aerospace company SpaceX maintains a considerable Bitcoin portfolio. This ongoing curiosity about the potential introduction of Dogecoin into Musk’s social media network, X (formerly Twitter), is due to this recent disclosure.

特斯拉和 SpaceX 的首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 确认了他对狗狗币的坚定支持。马斯克透露,他继续持有大量狗狗币,而他的航空航天公司 SpaceX 则持有相当多的比特币投资组合。人们对狗狗币可能被引入马斯克的社交媒体网络 X(前身为 Twitter)的持续好奇源于最近的这一披露。

The inseparable duo


Back in 2021 Musk’s tweet would have resulted with a surge in Doge’s market prices , but recently it doesn’t look the same way. Dogecoin receiving all the additional significance in light of developments surrounding X, is all thanks to the Tesla magnate Elon Musk.

早在 2021 年,马斯克的推文就会导致 Doge 的市场价格飙升,但最近情况似乎并非如此。鉴于围绕 X 的发展,狗狗币获得了所有额外的重要性,这都要归功于特斯拉巨头埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk)。

“I still own bunch of Dogecoin and SpaceX owns bunch of Bitcoin”– Elon Musk in a X Space

“我仍然拥有大量狗狗币,而 SpaceX 拥有大量比特币”——埃隆·马斯克在 X Space 中

This strategic move has caused speculation about the possible introduction of Dogecoin into X, which might potentially enhance the use of digital currencies. With X becoming this mega platform for ‘everything’, even financial transactions and making money moves, Dogecoin could potentially enhance its practicality. Musk’s crew at X Payments LLC already locked in licenses in 14 states, hinting at some serious financial services approach.

这一战略举措引发了人们对 X 可能引入狗狗币的猜测,这可能会增强数字货币的使用。随着 X 成为“一切”的巨型平台,甚至包括金融交易和资金流动,狗狗币可能会增强其实用性。 X Payments LLC 的马斯克团队已经在 14 个州锁定了许可证,这暗示着一些严肃的金融服务方法。

X’s upcoming peer-to-peer payment will potentially improve user engagement, as per speculations. While specific details remain undisclosed, Musk’s vision of making X an “everything app” aligns with the broader integration of financial services.

据猜测,X 即将推出的点对点支付将有可能提高用户参与度。虽然具体细节尚未披露,但马斯克将 X 打造成“一切应用程序”的愿景与更广泛的金融服务整合相一致。

Is the Elon Musk situation concerning?


Despite the optimism surrounding Musk’s involvement, some concerns have emerged within the Dogecoin community. Community member critic Mishaboar, argues that Musk’s influence might be oversimplifying complex issues related to Dogecoin. In a recent post on X, Mishaboar pointed towards the danger of blindly aligning with Musk’s views. The concern is about an echo chamber effect within Musk’s inner circle, where dissenting voices and nuanced perspectives could be sidelined.

尽管人们对马斯克的参与持乐观态度,但狗狗币社区内部还是出现了一些担忧。社区成员评论家 Mishaboar 认为,马斯克的影响力可能过于简单化了与狗狗币相关的复杂问题。在最近关于 X 的一篇文章中,Mishaboar 指出了盲目附和马斯克观点的危险。人们担心的是马斯克核心圈子内的回音室效应,不同的声音和微妙的观点可能会被边缘化。

The potential risks associated with relying too heavily on the Musk influence, given his political ideologies, is also another major concern for Mishaboar and the Dogecoin community. Facing the challenge of maintaining a balanced perspective and avoiding oversimplified solutions as a result.


DOGE price is still down after all the speculation surrounding how Elon Musk will be introducing it on his social platform X. DOGE’s market price remains at 0.08449$, printed red as of this writing. Its 24 hour trading volume dropped by a whopping 20% to stand at $661 million.

在围绕埃隆·马斯克将如何在他的社交平台 X 上推出 DOGE 的所有猜测之后,DOGE 的价格仍然下跌。截至本文撰写时,DOGE 的市场价格仍为 0.08449 美元,呈红色。其 24 小时交易量大幅下降 20%,降至 6.61 亿美元。

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