首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 预计将出现 700% 增长的“史诗般的上涨”

An ‘Epic Pump’ with 700% Growth is Expected for Dogecoin (DOGE) & BorroeFinance ($ROE)

狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 预计将出现 700% 增长的“史诗般的上涨”

发布: 2023/12/15 20:31 阅读: 903



狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 预计将出现 700% 增长的“史诗般的上涨”

In a recent prediction, a crypto analyst made a case for Dogecoin (DOGE) staging a parabolic surge as the market experiences a positive shift. Similarly, one of the new DeFi projects, BorroeFinance ($ROE), is expected to witness massive growth, given its underlying potential.

在最近的预测中,一位加密货币分析师提出了随着市场经历积极转变,狗狗币(DOGE)出现抛物线飙升的理由。同样,鉴于其潜在潜力,新的 DeFi 项目之一 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 预计将出现大规模增长。

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Analyst Says Dogecoin Could Soar 700% Amid Epic Pump

分析师称狗狗币可能会在史诗般的上涨中飙升 700%

On December 6, Captain Faibik, a crypto analyst and X user, took to the social media platform to share his Dogecoin (DOGE) analysis amid the ongoing general market growth. Dogecoin (DOGE), among other digital assets, initiated a rally in the past week due to the prevailing bullish outlook of the market. This development resulted in analysts, including Captain Faibik, sharing their predictions of Dogecoin.

12 月 6 日,加密货币分析师兼 X 用户 Captain Faibik 在社交媒体平台上分享了他在市场总体增长的情况下对狗狗币(DOGE)的分析。由于市场普遍看涨前景,狗狗币(DOGE)等数字资产在过去一周开始上涨。这一发展导致包括法比克船长在内的分析师分享了他们对狗狗币的预测。

Per Faibik’s forecast, Dogecoin is about to witness “an epic pump,” with DOGE expected to register a 700% increase from the current price of $0.09 to $0.70. Considering his statement, “DOGE train has already left the station,” the surge could be underway. The crypto analyst accompanied his post with a chart of Dogecoin, hinting at a potential to engineer the anticipated upsurge.

根据 Faibik 的预测,狗狗币即将见证“史诗般的上涨”,狗狗币预计将从当前的 0.09 美元价格上涨 700% 至 0.70 美元。考虑到他的声明“DOGE列车已经离开车站”,激增可能正在进行中。这位加密货币分析师在他的帖子中附上了狗狗币图表,暗示有可能引发预期的上涨。

Captain Faibik’s commentary coincided with the increasing number of new addresses on the Dogecoin network. Data showed that the figure rose to 5 million in the previous week, marking a significant milestone for the blockchain. This uptick reflects a refreshed interest in DOGE.

Faibik 船长的评论与狗狗币网络上新地址数量的增加相吻合。数据显示,上周这一数字升至 500 万,标志着区块链的一个重要里程碑。这种上升反映出人们对 DOGE 重新产生了兴趣。

As the chart reflects, Dogecoin (DOGE) rose from $0.085 to $0.101 between December 5 and December 10. This uptick represents an 18.85% increase in the flagship meme coin’s price. In parallel, market players are interested in knowing if BorroeFinance ($ROE) could exhibit a similar level of growth as DOGE in the coming bull cycle.

如图所示,狗狗币 (DOGE) 在 12 月 5 日至 10 日期间从 0.085 美元上涨至 0.101 美元。这一上涨意味着旗舰模因币的价格上涨了 18.85%。与此同时,市场参与者有兴趣了解 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 在即将到来的牛市周期中是否能表现出与 DOGE 类似的增长水平。


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BorroeFinance En Route To Wrapping A 300% Rally

BorroeFinance 即将迎来 300% 的反弹

Dogecoin (DOGE) is one of many digital assets with a promising outlook. In the decentralized finance landscape, BorroeFinance ($ROE), a new DeFi coin, projects much the same growth as DOGE. This coin is one of the top DeFi projects that’s recently forayed into the space, alluring institutional investors’ attention.

狗狗币(DOGE)是众多前景光明的数字资产之一。在去中心化金融领域,新的 DeFi 代币 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 的增长预计与 DOGE 大致相同。该代币是最近进军该领域的顶级 DeFi 项目之一,吸引了机构投资者的关注。

One of the prominent features of BorroeFinance is its tenability as a platform to swap future earnings for actual cash. Businesses use the platform to raise funds by converting their invoices, royalties, and subscriptions into non-fungible tokens. These NFTs are sold to interested buyers at subsidized rates.

BorroeFinance 的显着特点之一是其作为将未来收益兑换为实际现金的平台的可持续性。企业使用该平台通过将发票、特许权使用费和订阅转换为不可替代的代币来筹集资金。这些 NFT 以补贴价格出售给感兴趣的买家。

Furthermore, BorroeFinance applies the principles of Web3, focusing on decentralization, inclusivity, and transparency. Its indigenous token, $ROE, holds the potential for a meteoric price increase. This outlook is notable in its presale projection.

此外,BorroeFinance 应用了 Web3 的原则,注重去中心化、包容性和透明度。其本土代币 $ROE 具有价格飞速上涨的潜力。这一前景在其预售预测中值得注意。

BorroeFinance ($ROE) is expected to undergo a significant 300% growth during its public presale. Currently, it has already achieved 75% of the targeted increase, reaching the current price of $0.0175 in the third stage. The projection indicates another 128.5% increase, reaching $0.04 to conclude the presale. 

BorroeFinance ($ROE) 预计在公开预售期间将大幅增长 300%。目前,已经实现了目标涨幅的75%,达到了第三阶段当前价格0.0175美元。预计预售结束时价格将再上涨 128.5%,达到 0.04 美元。

Experts anticipate that upon its exchange listing, BorroeFinance ($ROE) might experience growth up to five times its presale performance.

专家预计,在交易所上市后,BorroeFinance ($ROE) 的增长可能高达预售业绩的五倍。

Learn more about BorroeFinance ($ROE) here:

在此了解有关 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 的更多信息:

Visit BorroeFinance Presale | Join The Telegram Group | Follow BorroeFinance on Twitter

访问 BorroeFinance 预售 |加入 Telegram 群组 |在 Twitter 上关注 BorroeFinance

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The post An ‘Epic Pump’ with 700% Growth is Expected for Dogecoin (DOGE) & BorroeFinance ($ROE) appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

预计狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 BorroeFinance ($ROE) 将实现 700% 增长的“史诗级暴涨”帖子首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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