首页 > 资讯新闻 > 2024 年以太坊 (ETH) 会涨到多高?专家们讨论加密货币预计将在...之前超越比特币(BTC)和狗狗币(DOGE)

How High Will Ethereum (ETH) Go in 2024? Experts Discuss Cryptocurrencies Expected To Outperform Bitcoin (BTC) And Dogecoin (DOGE) Ahead of ...

2024 年以太坊 (ETH) 会涨到多高?专家们讨论加密货币预计将在...之前超越比特币(BTC)和狗狗币(DOGE)

发布: 2023/12/27 17:06 阅读: 708



2024 年以太坊 (ETH) 会涨到多高?专家们讨论加密货币预计将在...之前超越比特币(BTC)和狗狗币(DOGE)

In crypto, Ethereum (ETH) stands out for its substantial growth and potential, especially with the anticipated approval of cryptocurrency ETFs. Other coins, like Bitcoin (BTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Pullix (PLX) are also making headlines, today we will discuss the future of these tokens and why they are all continuing to attract attention ahead of the 2024 bull run.

在加密货币领域,以太坊 (ETH) 因其大幅增长和潜力而脱颖而出,尤其是在加密货币 ETF 预期获得批准的情况下。其他代币,如比特币 (BTC)、狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 Pullix (PLX) 也成为头条新闻,今天我们将讨论这些代币的未来以及为什么它们在 2024 年牛市之前继续受到关注。

Ethereum’s (ETH) Ascent: A Look at 2024 Prospects

以太坊 (ETH) 的崛起:2024 年前景展望

Ethereum’s trajectory in the crypto market is noteworthy, especially with its recent performance showcasing an impressive 82.05% year-on-year growth. This surge, positioning its value at $2,207.20, underscores the platform’s increasing relevance in the broader digital economy. 

以太坊在加密货币市场的发展轨迹值得关注,尤其是其最近的表现同比增长了 82.05%,令人印象深刻。这一飙升使其价值达到 2,207.20 美元,突显该平台在更广泛的数字经济中的相关性日益增强。

The anticipated approval of cryptocurrency ETFs could further catalyze Ethereum’s appeal to a broader investor base, potentially elevating its status beyond current market leaders like Bitcoin and Dogecoin. 

加密货币 ETF 的预期批准可能会进一步促进以太坊对更广泛投资者群体的吸引力,有可能提升其地位,超越比特币和狗狗币等当前市场领导者。

As 2024 approaches, experts closely watch Ethereum’s advancements in technology and market adoption, with many predicting further growth. This optimism is grounded in Ethereum’s continuous innovations and its evolving role in decentralized finance and non-fungible tokens, areas that are rapidly gaining interest and investment.

随着 2024 年的临近,专家们密切关注以太坊在技术和市场采用方面的进步,许多人预测以太坊将进一步增长。这种乐观情绪植根于以太坊的持续创新及其在去中心化金融和不可替代代币中不断发展的作用,这些领域正在迅速引起人们的兴趣和投资。



Bitcoin’s (BTC) Future: Navigating Market Dynamics

比特币 (BTC) 的未来:驾驭市场动态

As the pioneer and leading cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC) continues to hold a significant position in the market, despite recent fluctuations. Currently valued at $42,802.81, Bitcoin has experienced a 13.38% decline in its 24-hour trading volume, which stands at $20.73 billion. This volatility underscores the dynamic and unpredictable nature of the crypto market. 

作为加密货币的先驱和领先者,尽管最近出现波动,比特币(BTC)仍然在市场中占据重要地位。比特币目前估值为 42,802.81 美元,24 小时交易量下降 13.38%,为 207.3 亿美元。这种波动性凸显了加密货币市场的动态性和不可预测性。

Amidst this, Ethereum (ETH) is emerging as a potential contender to outperform Bitcoin. Ethereum’s significant year-on-year growth and advancements in decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) position it as a strong candidate to potentially surpass Bitcoin’s market dominance. As investors and enthusiasts look towards 2024, the interaction between these two leading cryptocurrencies and the impact of potential ETF approvals will be critical in shaping their trajectories. 

在此背景下,以太坊(ETH)正在成为超越比特币的潜在竞争者。以太坊在去中心化金融(DeFi)和不可替代代币(NFT)方面的逐年显着增长和进步使其成为潜在超越比特币市场主导地位的有力候选者。当投资者和爱好者展望 2024 年时,这两种领先的加密货币之间的相互作用以及潜在 ETF 批准的影响对于塑造它们的发展轨迹至关重要。

The evolving landscape of digital currencies presents a fascinating scenario where Ethereum’s innovative capabilities could challenge Bitcoin’s long-standing supremacy in the crypto world.




Dogecoin  (DOGE): Assessing Its Market Position


Dogecoin (DOGE), initially created as a whimsical alternative to more traditional cryptocurrencies, has shown notable market resilience. With its current price at $0.09047, Dogecoin has seen an 11.68% increase in value over the past month. This growth reflects the unique position Dogecoin holds in the crypto world, often driven by a strong community and popular culture influences. 

狗狗币(DOGE)最初是作为更传统的加密货币的异想天开的替代品而创建的,现已显示出显着的市场弹性。狗狗币目前的价格为 0.09047 美元,过去一个月的价值增长了 11.68%。这种增长反映了狗狗币在加密货币世界中所占据的独特地位,这通常是由强大的社区和流行文化影响力推动的。

In comparison to Bitcoin and Ethereum, Dogecoin’s more lighthearted approach and lower transaction costs have carved out a niche for itself, particularly in social media tipping and small online transactions. Despite this, Dogecoin’s recent performance and cult following suggest it may continue to be a significant player in the cryptocurrency space. 


However, next to coins like Dogecoin, Ethereum emerges as a stronger candidate due to its broader utility, technological infrastructure, and significant role in the burgeoning DeFi and NFT sectors. As the market evolves, the interplay between these diverse crypto assets will shape the landscape, with Ethereum positioned as a possible frontrunner in overtaking Bitcoin’s dominance.

然而,除了狗狗币等加密货币之外,以太坊因其更广泛的实用性、技术基础设施以及在新兴的 DeFi 和 NFT 领域的重要作用而成为更强大的候选者。随着市场的发展,这些不同的加密资产之间的相互作用将塑造格局,以太坊可能成为超越比特币主导地位的领跑者。



Pullix (PLX): Unique Hybrid Model and User Security

Pullix (PLX):独特的混合模型和用户安全

Pullix (PLX), a novel trading exchange, is redefining the crypto trading landscape by bridging the gap between decentralized and centralized exchanges. With its innovative approach, Pullix is tackling the persistent liquidity problem in the DeFi space. By offering a unified platform, Pullix aims to simplify access to liquidity and facilitate seamless global asset trading.

Pullix(PLX)是一家新型交易交易所,它正在通过弥合去中心化交易所和中心化交易所之间的差距来重新定义加密货币交易格局。 Pullix 凭借其创新方法,正在解决 DeFi 领域持续存在的流动性问题。通过提供统一的平台,Pullix 旨在简化流动性获取并促进无缝的全球资产交易。

At the core of Pullix’s philosophy is the hybrid model, blending the benefits of both centralized and decentralized exchanges. This approach not only enhances trading experiences but also emphasizes user security, a critical aspect often overlooked in the crypto world. 

Pullix 理念的核心是混合模型,融合了中心化和去中心化交易所的优点。这种方法不仅增强了交易体验,还强调了用户安全,这是加密世界中经常被忽视的一个关键方面。

Pullix ensures users maintain full control over their assets, echoing the maxim “Not your keys, not your coins” and providing the security features typical of centralized exchanges.

Pullix 确保用户对其资产保持完全控制,呼应“不是你的钥匙,不是你的代币”的格言,并提供中心化交易所典型的安全功能。

Pullix is set apart by its focus on solving liquidity issues. The platform incentivizes liquidity provision, aiming to offer better rates and more competitive pricing. This feature is expected to attract a broad user base, potentially increasing the demand for PLX tokens. Pullix’s off-chain order book facilitates institutional, liquid, and slippage-free trading, with a speed advantage that rivals traditional centralized perpetual exchanges.

Pullix 的独特之处在于它专注于解决流动性问题。该平台激励流动性提供,旨在提供更好的利率和更具竞争力的定价。这一功能预计将吸引广泛的用户群,从而可能增加对 PLX 代币的需求。 Pullix 的链下订单簿有利于机构化、流动性和无滑点交易,具有可与传统中心化永续交易所相媲美的速度优势。



For more information regarding Pullix’s presale see links below: 

有关 Pullix 预售的更多信息,请参阅以下链接:

Visit Pullix 


Join The Pullix Communities

加入 Pullix 社区

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