首页 > 资讯新闻 > 以太坊持有者在上涨 20% 后多元化进入狗狗币竞争对手

Ethereum holders diversifying into dogecoin rival after 20% rally

以太坊持有者在上涨 20% 后多元化进入狗狗币竞争对手

发布: 2023/11/08 17:18 阅读: 607



  • Ethereum is bullish as the price rises toward $2,000.
  • 随着价格上涨至 2,000 美元,以太坊看涨。

  • NuggetRush, the Dogecoin rival, is drawing the attention of ETH holders due to its features and utility.
  • 狗狗币的竞争对手 NuggetRush 因其功能和实用性而吸引了 ETH 持有者的注意。

  • NUGX is up 20%, with the second phase of its presale selling out fast.
  • NUGX 上涨 20%,第二期预售很快售罄。

Crypto investors are always looking for promising decentralized coins to diversify their portfolios, especially with the ongoing growth of Ethereum (ETH). They have taken notice of the upcoming Dogecoin rival, NuggetRush (NUGX).

加密货币投资者一直在寻找有前景的去中心化代币来实现投资组合多元化,尤其是随着以太坊(ETH)的持续增长。他们注意到了即将到来的狗狗币竞争对手 NuggetRush (NUGX)。

With its approach toward meme culture and the recent 20% price surge, NuggetRush is increasingly being examined. NUGX also has new features that distinguish it from other meme-inspired tokens. 

由于其对迷因文化的态度以及最近 20% 的价格飙升,NuggetRush 正受到越来越多的关注。 NUGX 还具有区别于其他受模因启发的代币的新功能。

With a play-to-earn (P2E) game, the platform aims to add value using non-fungible tokens (NFTs), representing its game characters and utility. 


This article delves into NUGX’s presale rally and other features that have been attracting the attention of Ethereum holders.

本文深入探讨了 NUGX 的预售集会以及吸引以太坊持有者关注的其他功能。

NuggetRush: luring diversifying investors


NuggetRush has been dubbed the Dogecoin rival mainly because of its features.

NuggetRush 被称为狗狗币竞争对手,主要是因为它的功能。

The project combines gaming and finance, even offering revenue opportunities to miners in underdeveloped countries. This approach could explain why it is explored, especially by ETH holders.

该项目将游戏和金融结合起来,甚至为欠发达国家的矿工提供创收机会。这种方法可以解释为什么它会被探索,尤其是 ETH 持有者。

In the ongoing NUGX presale, the token is up 20% to 0.012 USDT in stage 2, closer to the ideal 0.020 USDT expected at the end. At this level, it will mark a 100% increase from the initial 0.010 USDT. So far, over 29 million NUGX have been sold, and less than 50% of the allocated tokens remain at this stage.

在正在进行的 NUGX 预售中,该代币在第二阶段上涨了 20% 至 0.012 USDT,接近最终预期的理想 0.020 USDT。在此水平上,它将比最初的 0.010 USDT 增加 100%。到目前为止,已售出超过 2900 万枚 NUGX,现阶段已分配的代币不到 50%。

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Presale investors can claim 50% of their tokens in this round. However, early investors have the priority to claim their tokens first.

预售投资者可以在本轮中领取 50% 的代币。然而,早期投资者有优先权首先领取他们的代币。

NuggetRush features a play-to-earn (P2E) game and has incorporated NFTs as digital assets and game characters, enhancing gameplay. 

NuggetRush 是一款边玩边赚 (P2E) 游戏,并将 NFT 作为数字资产和游戏角色,增强了游戏玩法。

Players can earn real gold, exchanged for rare RUSHGEM NFTs from the gameplay. Additionally, the project offers a staking mechanism, allowing holders to earn up to 20% APY on their staked NFTs.

玩家可以赚取真正的黄金,从游戏中兑换稀有的 RUSHGEM NFT。此外,该项目还提供质押机制,允许持有者通过质押的 NFT 赚取高达 20% 的年化收益。

For ETH holders, NuggetRush may provide opportunities beyond gaming, including a staking mechanism and membership in the Rush Guild. This feature offers governance rights, VIP access, bonuses, discounts, and rewards. 

对于 ETH 持有者来说,NuggetRush 可能会提供游戏之外的机会,包括质押机制和 Rush Guild 会员资格。此功能提供治理权、VIP 访问权限、奖金、折扣和奖励。

Ethereum: resurgence and diversification


Ethereum, a popular altcoin, is trending higher as prices surge. This rally is the largest since the dip on Oct. 12, when it dropped to around $1500.

以太坊是一种流行的山寨币,随着价格飙升,其价格呈走高趋势。此次反弹是自 10 月 12 日跌至 1500 美元左右以来的最大涨幅。

Technical indicators like the Awesome Oscillator (AO) and Relative Strength Index (RSI) support this upward movement. If this trend continues, ETH may reach $1,900 and even climb to $2,000.

真棒震荡指标 (AO) 和相对强弱指数 (RSI) 等技术指标支持这一上涨趋势。如果这种趋势持续下去,ETH可能会达到1900美元,甚至攀升至2000美元。

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您可能还喜欢:Meme 币陷入困境,NuggetRush 吸引投资者关注

Investors are bullish on ETH, citing higher trading volume exceeding $229 billion and a decrease in supply on exchanges, according to Santiment Analytics. Accordingly, more investors are looking at the Ethereum market, drawn by its recent rally and potential for growth in the long term.

Santiment Analytics 的数据显示,投资者看好 ETH,理由是交易量超过 2290 亿美元,而且交易所供应量减少。因此,越来越多的投资者被以太坊市场近期的上涨和长期增长潜力所吸引。

As Ethereum trends higher, investors are also exploring alternatives, including NUGX, for diversification.

随着以太坊走高,投资者也在探索包括 NUGX 在内的替代方案,以实现多元化。



NuggetRush is up 20%, capturing the attention of Ethereum holders. NUGX’s utility and presale success suggest that more investors are considering the project. So far, more ETH holders appear to be diversifying their portfolios with NUGX.

NuggetRush 上涨了 20%,吸引了以太坊持有者的注意力。 NUGX 的实用性和预售成功表明更多投资者正在考虑该项目。到目前为止,更多的 ETH 持有者似乎正在通过 NUGX 实现投资组合多元化。

ETH holders may find growth opportunities with NUGX, given the success of meme coins and NuggetRush’s P2E model.

鉴于 meme 币和 NuggetRush 的 P2E 模式的成功,ETH 持有者可能会在 NUGX 中找到增长机会。

Visit the NuggetRush presale website

访问 NuggetRush 预售网站

Read more: Assessing the synergy of NuggetRush, Polkadot, and Ethereum

阅读更多:评估 NuggetRush、Polkadot 和以太坊的协同作用

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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