首页 > 资讯新闻 > 尽管价格下跌,以太坊持有者仍在增加; Ripple 和愤怒的 Pepe Fork 在价格上涨的预期中增长

Ethereum Holders Increase Despite Price Drop; Ripple and Angry Pepe Fork Grow In Anticipation Of A Price Pump

尽管价格下跌,以太坊持有者仍在增加; Ripple 和愤怒的 Pepe Fork 在价格上涨的预期中增长

发布: 2024/06/24 21:06 阅读: 558

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


尽管价格下跌,以太坊持有者仍在增加; Ripple 和愤怒的 Pepe Fork 在价格上涨的预期中增长

Ethereum (ETH) Holders Increase Despite Price Fluctuations


Despite the current bearish market, the number of Ethereum (ETH) holders has been steadily climbing. Since December 2023, the quantity of ETH wallets has consistently grown, while Bitcoin wallets have diminished. This suggests that investors anticipate a future price increase for ETH.

尽管当前市场看跌,但以太坊(ETH)持有者数量仍在稳步攀升。自2023年12月以来,ETH钱包的数量持续增长,而比特币钱包的数量却在减少。这表明投资者预计 ETH 未来价格将会上涨。

The launch of Ethereum ETFs and the SEC's withdrawal of its investigation into Ethereum's studio, Consensys, further support this sentiment. Experts predict a breakout for ETH, with potential highs of $5,000 this year.

以太坊 ETF 的推出以及 SEC 撤回对以太坊工作室 Consensys 的调查进一步支持了这种情绪。专家预测 ETH 将突破,今年可能达到 5,000 美元的高点。

Surge of Interest in Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)

人们对 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 的兴趣激增

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) has recently emerged as a noteworthy cryptocurrency project. Within days of its ICO launch, APORK surpassed $100,000 and has since raised over $148,000. Investors have been drawn to its innovative approach in the meme coin market.

Angry Pepe Fork(APORK)最近成为一个值得注意的加密货币项目。在 ICO 推出后的几天内,APORK 的融资额就超过了 100,000 美元,此后已筹集了超过 148,000 美元。投资者被其在模因币市场的创新方法所吸引。

APORK aims to cleanse the meme space of "zombie coins" while rewarding community members with its unique "Conquer to Earn Mechanism." As zombie coins are defeated, the staking APY rises, positioning APORK as a promising coin to hold. Its limited supply of 1.9 billion tokens also sets it apart from other meme coins.

APORK 旨在清理“僵尸币”的 meme 空间,同时以其独特的“征服赚取机制”奖励社区成员。随着僵尸币被击败,质押 APY 上升,将 APORK 定位为一种有前途的代币。其 19 亿枚代币的有限供应也使其与其他模因币区分开来。

Ripple (XRP) Gains Interest Amidst SEC Developments

Ripple (XRP) 在 SEC 的发展中获得关注

Ripple (XRP) has been impacted by recent developments in its ongoing lawsuit with the SEC. Despite initial expectations of a settlement over $2 billion, reports suggest that it may not exceed $10 million.

Ripple (XRP) 受到与 SEC 正在进行的诉讼的最新进展的影响。尽管最初预计和解金额将超过 20 亿美元,但有报道称其可能不会超过 1000 万美元。

This has triggered a surge of investor interest in XRP, as evidenced by the increasing Open Interest. Many believe that a major price spike for Ripple is imminent, with potential highs of $3 before year-end.

这引发了投资者对 XRP 的兴趣激增,未平仓合约的增加就证明了这一点。许多人认为 Ripple 的价格即将大幅上涨,年底前可能达到 3 美元的高点。

Top Altcoins to Watch


The positive sentiment surrounding Ethereum, Ripple, and Angry Pepe Fork makes them compelling altcoins for potential gains in the second half of 2023.

围绕以太坊、Ripple 和 Angry Pepe Fork 的积极情绪使它们成为极具吸引力的山寨币,有望在 2023 年下半年实现潜在收益。

While Ethereum and Ripple offer substantial growth opportunities, Angry Pepe Fork's incentivized model and limited supply has the potential to drive its price up significantly this year.

虽然以太坊和 Ripple 提供了巨大的增长机会,但 Angry Pepe Fork 的激励模式和有限的供应有可能在今年大幅推高其价格。


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