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Ethereum Restaking EigenLayer Goes Live On Coinbase, What’s Next?

以太坊重新抵押 EigenLayer 在 Coinbase 上上线,下一步是什么?

发布: 2024/06/19 00:02 阅读: 865

原文作者:Coingape News Media


以太坊重新抵押 EigenLayer 在 Coinbase 上上线,下一步是什么?

Ethereum's EigenLayer Now Fully Trading on Coinbase

以太坊的 EigenLayer 现已在 Coinbase 上全面交易

Ethereum's restaking protocol, EigenLayer, has been officially launched in full trading mode on Coinbase International Exchange, igniting renewed enthusiasm in the cryptocurrency market. This notable move for EigenLayer enhances returns by utilizing Ether staking to support the Ethereum blockchain.

以太坊重质押协议EigenLayer已在Coinbase国际交易所正式上线全交易模式,点燃了加密货币市场新的热情。 EigenLayer 的这一显着举措通过利用以太质押来支持以太坊区块链来提高回报。

The launch has fueled optimism among investors, who perceive it as a potential catalyst for market growth.


EigenLayer's Full Trading on Coinbase


Coinbase International Exchange's announcement has garnered attention within the crypto community. The exchange has transitioned EigenLayer's EIGEN-PERP pre-launch market into full trading mode, allowing for diverse order types such as limit, market, stop, and stop-limit orders.

Coinbase国际交易所的公告引起了加密社区的关注。该交易所已将 EigenLayer 的 EIGEN-PERP 预发布市场转变为完整交易模式,允许限价、市价、止损和止损限价订单等多种订单类型。

This transition follows a brief post-only mode period, during which users could post and cancel limit orders without matching trades. The shift to full trading mode has generated excitement among investors, holding the potential to boost market sentiment significantly.


Influential exchanges like Coinbase and Binance often sway crypto markets through positive announcements. The market's focus now centers on EigenLayer's innovative features and its implications for Ethereum staking.

像 Coinbase 和 Binance 这样有影响力的交易所经常通过积极的公告来影响加密市场。现在市场的焦点集中在 EigenLayer 的创新功能及其对以太坊质押的影响上。

EigenLayer's Restaking Capability

EigenLayer 的重放能力

EigenLayer's core appeal lies in its restaking capability. This feature magnifies returns for investors by enabling them to deposit Ether coins in support of the Ethereum blockchain. This unique approach offers a new avenue for maximizing yields within the Ethereum ecosystem, appealing to investors seeking enhanced staking returns.

EigenLayer 的核心吸引力在于其重质押能力。此功能使投资者能够存入以太币来支持以太坊区块链,从而放大了投资者的回报。这种独特的方法为以太坊生态系统中的收益最大化提供了一条新途径,吸引了寻求更高质押回报的投资者。


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