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Ethereum Whale Faces Liquidation, ETH Price Nosedive


发布: 2024/07/05 01:03 阅读: 902

原文作者:Coingape News Media



Ethereum Whale Faces Liquidation as Prices Dip


A prominent Ethereum whale is nearing liquidation due to the ongoing decline in ETH prices. The whale deposited 12,374 ETH into Compound and borrowed $31.4 million in stablecoins. If Ethereum's price falls to $2,984, the whale's long positions will be liquidated.

由于 ETH 价格持续下跌,一只著名的以太坊巨鲸正接近清算。鲸鱼将 12,374 ETH 存入Compound,并借入了 3140 万美元的稳定币。如果以太坊价格跌至 2,984 美元,鲸鱼的多头头寸将被清算。

Ethereum is currently trading at $3,124, down from $3,500 earlier this week. The 10.42% decline since Monday has raised concerns about the whale's potential liquidation. The situation worsened on with a 3.03% drop, followed by a slight rise and another 3.09% decline.

以太坊目前的交易价格为 3,124 美元,低于本周早些时候的 3,500 美元。自周一以来 10.42% 的跌幅引发了人们对鲸鱼潜在清算的担忧。情况进一步恶化,下跌 3.03%,随后小幅上涨,再次下跌 3.09%。

Crypto Market Volatility


The market turmoil has seen significant activity among large holders. Another whale recently purchased 9,425 ETH worth over $30 million from Binance. This wallet also made significant altcoin purchases, totaling $120 million.

市场动荡导致大股东活跃。另一位鲸鱼最近从币安购买了 9,425 个 ETH,价值超过 3000 万美元。该钱包还大量购买了山寨币,总额达 1.2 亿美元。

The acquisition included BNB, MATIC, LINK, AVAX, and meme coins like Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, Pepe Coin, and Floki. The ETH purchase was the largest transaction.

此次收购包括 BNB、MATIC、LINK、AVAX 以及 Shiba Inu、Dogecoin、Pepe Coin 和 Floki 等模因币。购买 ETH 是最大的一笔交易。

Ethereum's price drop follows Bitcoin's recent decline. Sales from major players and miners have driven Bitcoin lower since Monday. Analyst Charles Edwards has observed increased selling by long-term Bitcoin holders.

以太坊的价格下跌是在比特币最近下跌之后发生的。自周一以来,主要参与者和矿商的抛售导致比特币走低。分析师查尔斯·爱德华兹(Charles Edwards)观察到,长期比特币持有者的抛售有所增加。

Glassnode data indicates a 374,000 Bitcoin negative flow, representing approximately $24 billion worth of Bitcoin being sold. Additionally, the U.S. and German governments have sold large amounts of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Glassnode 数据显示,有 374,000 个比特币出现负流量,相当于价值约 240 亿美元的比特币被出售。此外,美国和德国政府还出售了大量比特币和以太坊。


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