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Euler Network’s $3 Million Haul Outshines Bitcoin and Dogecoin

Euler Network 的 300 万美元收入超越了比特币和狗狗币

发布: 2023/11/25 06:16 阅读: 536

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


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Euler Network 的 300 万美元收入超越比特币和狗狗币的帖子首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

In the landscape of cryptocurrencies, fundraising methods play a crucial role in shaping a project’s trajectory. Euler Network (EUL) has recently made waves by achieving an exceptional feat—raising $3 million in a 24-hour presale. This accomplishment positions Euler Network as a notable player in the competitive crypto market, warranting a closer look at how its fundraising success compares to the early stages of giants like Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE). In this article, we delve into the distinct strategies employed by these projects and how Euler Network emerges as a promising investment opportunity.

在加密货币领域,筹款方法在塑造项目轨迹方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 Euler Network (EUL) 最近因一项非凡壮举而引起轰动——在 24 小时预售中筹集了 300 万美元。这一成就使 Euler Network 成为竞争激烈的加密货币市场中的知名参与者,值得仔细研究其筹款成功与比特币 (BTC) 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 等巨头的早期阶段相比如何。在本文中,我们深入研究了这些项目所采用的独特策略,以及 Euler Network 如何成为一个有前途的投资机会。

Euler Network: The Presale Champion


Euler Network’s accomplishment of raising $3 million in a 24-hour presale speaks volumes about its distinctive strategy and the unwavering support of its community. This rapid injection of capital not only underscores Euler Network’s financial strength but also positions it as a prominent player in the competitive crypto fundraising landscape. 

Euler Network 在 24 小时预售中筹集了 300 万美元,这充分说明了其独特的战略和社区坚定不移的支持。这种快速的资本注入不仅凸显了 Euler Network 的财务实力,也使其成为竞争激烈的加密货币融资领域的重要参与者。

Unlike conventional extended ICOs or token launches, Euler Network distinguishes itself through a bold commitment to launching its mainnet within six months. This unique approach introduces a sense of urgency and dynamism to its fundraising strategy, aligning perfectly with the fast-paced nature of digital innovation and appealing to investors who value both innovation and swift execution.

与传统的扩展 ICO 或代币发布不同,Euler Network 通过大胆承诺在六个月内推出其主网而脱颖而出。这种独特的方法为其融资策略带来了紧迫感和活力,与数字创新的快节奏本质完美契合,并吸引了重视创新和快速执行的投资者。

Bitcoin: The King Going Strong


Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, embarked on its journey with a vastly different fundraising method. Born out of a whitepaper in 2008, Bitcoin’s initial distribution occurred through mining—a process where individuals could contribute computing power to validate transactions and earn newly minted Bitcoins. This decentralized approach aimed to distribute the currency fairly among early adopters. However, with the increasing complexity of mining and the rise of mining pools, the distribution landscape evolved, leading to concerns about centralization.

比特币作为加密货币的先驱,以一种截然不同的筹款方式开始了它的旅程。比特币诞生于 2008 年的一份白皮书,其最初的分发是通过挖矿进行的,在这个过程中,个人可以贡献计算能力来验证交易并赚取新铸造的比特币。这种去中心化的方法旨在在早期采用者之间公平地分配货币。然而,随着挖矿复杂性的增加和矿池的兴起,分布格局发生变化,引发了人们对中心化的担忧。

Bitcoin’s fundraising method, while revolutionary for its time, lacked the structured and rapid capital influx seen in Euler Network’s presale. The gradual and decentralized mining process of Bitcoin laid the groundwork for the crypto industry but lacked the speed and precision that Euler Network’s fundraising model exhibits.


Dogecoin: With a Different Approach


Dogecoin, introduced in 2013, emerged as a playful cryptocurrency initially created as a joke. Unlike Bitcoin’s mining-based distribution, Dogecoin relied on a faster block generation time, making it more accessible for users. Its early distribution involved tipping and giveaways within online communities, contributing to its friendly and approachable image. Dogecoin’s fundraising strategy was informal, community-driven, and aligned with its light-hearted origins.

狗狗币于 2013 年推出,是一种有趣的加密货币,最初是作为一个笑话而创建的。与比特币基于挖矿的发行版不同,狗狗币依赖于更快的区块生成时间,使其更容易被用户使用。它的早期分发涉及在线社区内的小费和赠品,有助于塑造其友好和平易近人的形象。狗狗币的筹款策略是非正式的、社区驱动的,并且与其轻松的起源相一致。

While Dogecoin gained popularity and a strong community following, its initial fundraising method lacked the structured approach and rapid capital accumulation seen with Euler Network. Euler’s presale success highlights the importance of a well-defined and time-sensitive fundraising strategy in today’s competitive crypto landscape.


Euler Network’s Strategic Edge


In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, fundraising strategies play a pivotal role in determining a project’s success. Euler Network’s achievement of raising $3 million in a 24-hour presale stands out as a testament to its strategic approach and the community’s confidence in its vision. While Bitcoin and Dogecoin pioneered the crypto space with innovative methods, Euler Network positions itself as a better investment opportunity by combining a structured, time-sensitive approach with a commitment to swift execution.

在动态的加密货币世界中,筹款策略在决定项目成功方面发挥着关键作用。 Euler Network 在 24 小时预售中筹集了 300 万美元的成绩,证明了其战略方针和社区对其愿景的信心。虽然比特币和狗狗币以创新方法开创了加密领域,但 Euler Network 通过将结构化、时间敏感的方法与快速执行的承诺相结合,将自己定位为更好的投资机会。

Euler Network’s six-month mainnet launch timeline, coupled with its rapid and substantial capital influx, reflects a paradigm shift in the crypto fundraising landscape. The project’s commitment to transparency, community involvement, and a forward-thinking model positions Euler Network as an attractive option for investors seeking both innovation and speed in the competitive crypto market. As the crypto industry continues to evolve, Euler Network’s strategic edge in fundraising sets a compelling precedent for future projects aiming to make their mark in this dynamic ecosystem.

Euler Network 六个月的主网启动时间表,加上其快速而大量的资本涌入,反映了加密筹款格局的范式转变。该项目对透明度、社区参与和前瞻性思维模型的承诺使 Euler Network 对于在竞争激烈的加密货币市场中寻求创新和速度的投资者来说是一个有吸引力的选择。随着加密货币行业的不断发展,Euler Network 在筹款方面的战略优势为未来旨在在这个动态生态系统中留下印记的项目树立了令人信服的先例。

Reveal Euler Network’s Enigmatic Horizons:


Website: http://eulernetwork.com/ 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EulerNetwork 
Telegram: https://t.me/eulernetwork

网站:http://eulernetwork.com/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/EulerNetwork Telegram:https://t.me/eulernetwork


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