首页 > 资讯新闻 > 专家观点:XRP 和狗狗币提供稳定性,但 NuggetRush 带来爆炸性增长潜力

Expert Opinion: XRP and Dogecoin Offer Stability, But NuggetRush Brings Explosive Growth Potential

专家观点:XRP 和狗狗币提供稳定性,但 NuggetRush 带来爆炸性增长潜力

发布: 2024/02/12 06:12 阅读: 244

原文作者:CoinPedia News


专家观点:XRP 和狗狗币提供稳定性,但 NuggetRush 带来爆炸性增长潜力

The post Expert Opinion: XRP and Dogecoin Offer Stability, But NuggetRush Brings Explosive Growth Potential appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

专家意见:XRP 和狗狗币提供稳定性,但 NuggetRush 带来爆炸性增长潜力首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上



  • The SEC won a favourable ruling in its ongoing lawsuit against XRP.
  • 美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 在针对 XRP 的持续诉讼中赢得了有利的裁决。

  • Dogecoin’s (DOGE) whale activity could indicate a major sell-off.
  • 狗狗币(DOGE)的鲸鱼活动可能预示着大规模抛售。

  • NuggetRush’s (NUGX) gaming network could top coin charts after selling over 173 million tokens in its presale.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 的游戏网络在预售中售出了超过 1.73 亿枚代币,可能会位居代币排行榜榜首。

A federal Judge has ruled in favor of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in its ongoing lawsuit against XRP. Dogecoin (DOGE) whale activity on the rise.

一名联邦法官在美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 正在进行的针对 XRP 的诉讼中做出了有利于美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 的裁决。狗狗币(DOGE)鲸鱼活动呈上升趋势。

Still, NuggetRush’s (NUGX) market movements are all investors are interested in. The project is a gaming powerhouse where investors can win valuable gold rewards. Furthermore, it allows NFT staking. Yet, does NUGX meet the criteria of a top ICO network? Find out what experts say.

尽管如此,NuggetRush (NUGX) 的市场走势仍然是投资者感兴趣的。该项目是一个游戏巨头,投资者可以在其中赢得宝贵的黄金奖励。此外,它还允许 NFT 质押。然而,NUGX 是否符合顶级 ICO 网络的标准?听听专家怎么说。

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XRP 在持续的法律问题中遭遇挫折

The XRP community is disappointed after a Federal Judge ordered Ripple Labs to submit its financial records to the SEC. Prior to the ruling, Ripple Labs had resisted the SEC’s request to get files on XRP sales between 2022 and 2023.

联邦法官命令 Ripple Labs 向 SEC 提交其财务记录后,XRP 社区感到失望。在裁决之前,Ripple Labs 拒绝了 SEC 获取 2022 年至 2023 年间 XRP 销售文件的要求。

The announcement could further dampen XRP’s market performance. XRP traded at $0.5826 on January 3. It jumped by 3.3% to $0.6021 on January 11. XRP fell by 8.1% to $0.5531 on January 20 before a 7.1% decline to $0.5138 by February 7.

该公告可能会进一步削弱 XRP 的市场表现。 1 月 3 日,XRP 交易价格为 0.5826 美元。1 月 11 日,XRP 上涨 3.3%,至 0.6021 美元。1 月 20 日,XRP 下跌 8.1%,至 0.5531 美元,到 2 月 7 日,下跌 7.1%,至 0.5138 美元。

XRP was one of the most traded tokens among altcoins in 2023 despite controversies around its court case. Analysts doubt that it could repeat the same feat in 2024. Furthermore, they expect its recent legal setback to reduce its investor sentiment, thus pushing XRP down by 8.4% to $0.4702.

尽管围绕其法庭案件存在争议,XRP 仍是 2023 年山寨币中交易量最大的代币之一。分析师怀疑它是否会在 2024 年重复同样的壮举。此外,他们预计最近的法律挫折将降低投资者的情绪,从而导致 XRP 下跌 8.4% 至 0.4702 美元。

Dogecoin Could Face Major Sell-Off


On February 7, 2024, Data from WhaleAlert showed the movement of 100 million Dogecoin (DOGE) tokens to the Robinhood exchange. The large token transfer triggered rumours of a sell-off in Dogecoin’s (DOGE) community.

2024 年 2 月 7 日,WhaleAlert 的数据显示,1 亿狗狗币 (DOGE) 代币转移到 Robinhood 交易所。大规模代币转移引发了狗狗币(DOGE)社区抛售的传言。

Furthermore, the announcement could adversely impact Dogecoin’s performance in the market. DOGE traded at $0.0912 on January 2. Over two weeks later, DOGE had fallen by 13.8% to $0.07854 on January 19. DOGE then recovered slightly, rising by 1.9% to $0.0801 on February 7.

此外,该公告可能会对狗狗币的市场表现产生不利影响。 1 月 2 日,DOGE 的交易价格为 0.0912 美元。两周后,1 月 19 日,DOGE 下跌 13.8%,至 0.07854 美元。随后,DOGE 略有回升,2 月 7 日上涨 1.9%,至 0.0801 美元。

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) decline reflects the waning investor sentiment for the meme coin industry. Solana meme coins like BONK have also recorded a decrease in investor sentiment. Some analysts say Dogecoin (DOGE) will remain in the red zone if meme coin investor sentiment keeps falling. 

狗狗币(DOGE)的下跌反映了投资者对模因币行业情绪的减弱。像 BONK 这样的 Solana meme 代币也记录了投资者情绪的下降。一些分析师表示,如果迷因币投资者情绪持续下跌,狗狗币(DOGE)将继续处于红色区域。

Others say the market will go bullish at the end of Q1 2024, thus triggering a Dogecoin increase. This could push DOGE up by 7.4% to $0.0741. Dogecoin is probably not a good crypto to buy now.

其他人表示,市场将在 2024 年第一季度末看涨,从而引发狗狗币上涨。这可能会推动 DOGE 上涨 7.4% 至 0.0741 美元。狗狗币现在可能不是一个值得购买的好加密货币。

NuggetRush Could Usher In a New Generation of Play-to-Earn Networks

NuggetRush 可能会迎来新一代的 Play-to-Earn 网络

NuggetRush (NUGX) is steadily winning hearts in the blockchain gaming community, leading to narratives that could inspire future P2E networks. The platform allows investors to turn their gaming activities into an avenue to earn financial rewards. However, its gaming features are even more unique.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 正在区块链游戏社区中稳步赢得人心,引发了可能激发未来 P2E 网络的故事。该平台允许投资者将他们的游戏活动变成赚取经济回报的途径。然而,它的游戏功能更加独特。

NuggetRush (NUGX) will be the first of its kind where gamers can earn financial value for mining natural resources in a 3D landscape. The game allows players to customize their NFT characters for a more personalized experience. 

NuggetRush (NUGX) 将是同类游戏中的第一个,玩家可以通过在 3D 景观中开采自然资源来赚取经济价值。该游戏允许玩家自定义他们的 NFT 角色,以获得更加个性化的体验。

NuggetRush (NUGX) also comes with skilled NFT characters whose role is to act as workers in fulfilling your mining ambitions. You can set up as many mining operations as you can handle.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 还配备了熟练的 NFT 角色,他们的角色是充当工人来实现您的采矿野心。您可以设置尽可能多的采矿作业。

The game allows you to increase your mining workforce. Furthermore, it offers adequate machinery to help boost the efficiency of your mining operations. NuggetRush (NUGX) stands out for allowing collaborations on its mining adventures. 

该游戏允许您增加采矿劳动力。此外,它还提供足够的机械来帮助提高采矿作业的效率。 NuggetRush (NUGX) 因其允许在采矿冒险中进行合作而脱颖而出。

You can belong to a group of gamers in its ecosystem. Each time your group completes challenges, you receive a share of the rewards. Furthermore, you enjoy a mining efficiency boost.


These reward offers are available to community members. Thankfully, NuggetRush’s (NUGX) blockchain ICO will run for a few weeks before it closes. You can join now, becoming an early participant in one of the most exciting gaming networks. 

这些奖励优惠可供社区成员使用。值得庆幸的是,NuggetRush (NUGX) 的区块链 ICO 将在关闭前运行几周。您现在就可以加入,成为最令人兴奋的游戏网络之一的早期参与者。

Investors who want to HODL have already bought over 173 million tokens. NUGX, after rising by 80%, now trades at $0.018. The next phase of its growth will occur after its listing. However, NUGX must first jump to its listing price of $0.020.

想要持有的投资者已经购买了超过 1.73 亿个代币。 NUGX 在上涨 80% 后,目前交易价格为 0.018 美元。其下一阶段的增长将发生在上市后。然而,NUGX 必须首先升至 0.020 美元的上市价格。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

访问 NuggetRush 预售网站


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