首页 > 资讯新闻 > 专家认为 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 是比狗狗币 (DOGE) 更好的投资

Experts Consider Pandoshi (PAMBO) A Better Investment Than Dogecoin (DOGE)

专家认为 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 是比狗狗币 (DOGE) 更好的投资

发布: 2024/02/12 15:31 阅读: 790



In the ever-diversifying world of cryptocurrency, experts are turning their attention towards Pandoshi (PAMBO) as a potentially superior investment compared to the well-known Dogecoin (DOGE). With its innovative approach to decentralized finance (DeFi) and a solid foundation built on community engagement and advanced technology, Pandoshi is quickly gaining traction among crypto investors. 

在日益多元化的加密货币世界中,专家们将注意力转向 Pandoshi (PAMBO),认为与众所周知的狗狗币 (DOGE) 相比,Pandoshi (PAMBO) 是一种潜在的优质投资。凭借其创新的去中心化金融 (DeFi) 方法以及建立在社区参与和先进技术之上的坚实基础,Pandoshi 正在迅速赢得加密货币投资者的青睐。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Is Stalling

Dogecoin, celebrated as the inaugural meme coin with a humorous nod to Bitcoin, has captivated users with its community-led spirit and extensive adoption. However, of late, Dogecoin’s momentum has hit a standstill, further compounded by Elon Musk’s noticeable withdrawal from publicly endorsing Dogecoin, which previously fueled much of its popularity. This recent period of stagnation, coupled with a lack of significant advancements in utility and development, has led investors to explore emerging alternatives within the meme coin arena, seeking dynamic prospects with potential for growth.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 陷入停滞狗狗币被誉为首个模因币,以幽默的方式向比特币致敬,以其社区主导的精神和广泛的采用吸引了用户。然而,最近狗狗币的势头陷入停滞,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)明显退出公开支持狗狗币,这进一步加剧了狗狗币的势头,而狗狗币此前曾在很大程度上推动了狗狗币的受欢迎程度。最近一段时期的停滞,加上实用性和开发方面缺乏重大进展,导致投资者在模因币领域探索新兴替代品,寻求具有增长潜力的动态前景。

Click Here to Participate in the Pandoshi Presale

点击此处参与 Pandoshi 预售

Pandoshi (PAMBO)

Pandoshi is quickly making its mark in the crypto world, attracting attention with its innovative approach and successful early-stage fundraising. Having secured over $4.5 million, the project has solidified investor trust in its vision to revolutionize the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. Unlike the common meme coin narrative, Pandoshi distinguishes itself as an independent and decentralized platform, focusing on decentralization, the protection of financial privacy, and enabling governance by its community.

Pandoshi (PAMBO)Pandoshi 凭借其创新方法和成功的早期筹款而迅速在加密货币世界中崭露头角。该项目已筹集超过 450 万美元,巩固了投资者对其彻底改变去中心化金融 (DeFi) 领域愿景的信任。与常见的模因币叙事不同,Pandoshi 将自己定位为一个独立的去中心化平台,专注于去中心化、保护金融隐私以及实现社区治理。

Constructed on a Layer-2 network that utilizes the Proof of Stake protocol, Pandoshi presents a more environmentally friendly option compared to traditional Proof of Work models. The platform boasts a variety of features, including decentralized exchanges (DEX), the user-friendly Pandoshi Wallet, Metaverse gaming, educational projects like Pandoshi University, and crypto-compatible prepaid cards, all while bypassing traditional KYC checks.

Pandoshi 构建在利用权益证明协议的第 2 层网络上,与传统的工作量证明模型相比,Pandoshi 提供了更环保的选择。该平台拥有多种功能,包括去中心化交易所 (DEX)、用户友好的 Pandoshi 钱包、Metaverse 游戏、Pandoshi 大学等教育项目以及加密兼容的预付卡,同时绕过传统的 KYC 检查。

At the core of Pandoshi’s ecosystem lies the PAMBO token, originally issued on the Ethereum blockchain and designed with a deflationary model in mind. This model involves buying PAMBO tokens at market value and then permanently retiring them from circulation to increase their scarcity and, consequently, their value.

PAMBO 代币是 Pandoshi 生态系统的核心,该代币最初在以太坊区块链上发行,并在设计时考虑了通货紧缩模型。该模型涉及以市场价值购买 PAMBO 代币,然后将其永久退出流通,以增加其稀缺性,从而提高其价值。

A critical component of the project, the decentralized exchange, uses transaction fees to buy back and retire PAMBO tokens, thereby reducing their availability and boosting their market value.

该项目的一个关键组成部分是去中心化交易所,它使用交易费用回购和退役 PAMBO 代币,从而降低其可用性并提高其市场价值。

Now in its concluding presale phase, Pandoshi is on the verge of completing its launch sequence, giving investors one last chance to purchase PAMBO tokens at the presale price of $0.01 before they become publicly tradable. This phase is generating significant buzz, signifying the end of an extensively planned presale journey and showcasing the project’s growth and the keen interest it has generated among investors.

目前,Pandoshi 已进入预售阶段,即将完成其启动序列,为投资者提供最后一次机会,在 PAMBO 代币公开交易之前以 0.01 美元的预售价格购买它们。这一阶段引起了巨大的轰动,标志着广泛计划的预售旅程的结束,并展示了该项目的发展及其在投资者中产生的浓厚兴趣。

Pandoshi has issued a total of 2 billion PAMBO tokens, with half allocated for the presale. The remaining tokens are strategically distributed to maintain liquidity, with 20% directed towards decentralized platforms such as Uniswap, 10% for major centralized exchanges like Coinbase and Binance, and 20% for marketing initiatives, including bonus programs and giveaways.

Pandoshi 共发行了 20 亿枚 PAMBO 代币,其中一半用于预售。其余代币经过战略分配以维持流动性,其中 20% 用于 Uniswap 等去中心化平台,10% 用于 Coinbase 和 Binance 等主要中心化交易所,20% 用于营销活动,包括奖金计划和赠品。

Pandoshi is on a mission to leave a significant mark in the DeFi landscape, supported by a strategic plan for continued growth and ecosystem enhancement.

Pandoshi 的使命是在 DeFi 领域留下重要印记,并得到持续增长和生态系统增强的战略计划的支持。

The beta release of the Pandoshi Wallet on the Google Play Store, highlighted on their Twitter, marks a major milestone achieved during the presale period, indicating an expansion in its support for EVM-compatible chains and plans to include non-EVM chains. An iOS version of the wallet is also in the pipeline, aiming to broaden the project’s reach.

Twitter 上强调的 Google Play 商店上 Pandoshi 钱包的测试版发布标志着预售期间实现的一个重要里程碑,表明其对 EVM 兼容链的支持扩大,并计划包括非 EVM 链。 iOS 版本的钱包也在酝酿之中,旨在扩大该项目的覆盖范围。

The debut of the Pandoshi Wallet has markedly improved the project’s standing in the market, boosting investor confidence in its dedication to the DeFi sector, commitment to open-source innovation, and community-led governance. This move has sparked a wave of investor enthusiasm, with many eagerly joining the presale.

Pandoshi 钱包的推出显着提高了该项目的市场地位,增强了投资者对其对 DeFi 领域的奉献、对开源创新的承诺以及社区主导治理的信心。此举引发了投资者的热情,许多人踊跃参与预售。

Pandoshi stands out as a compelling investment choice, thanks to its dynamic ecosystem and well-thought-out token economics. Interested parties are invited to purchase PAMBO tokens via the project’s official site, where comprehensive guidance on the process is available.

得益于其动态的生态系统和深思熟虑的代币经济学,Pandoshi 成为引人注目的投资选择。欢迎感兴趣的各方通过该项目的官方网站购买 PAMBO 代币,该网站提供了有关流程的全面指导。

Click Here to Participate in the Pandoshi Presale

点击此处参与 Pandoshi 预售

Visit the links below for more information about Pandoshi (PAMBO):

有关 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的更多信息,请访问以下链接:

Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/



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