首页 > 资讯新闻 > Fantom 的 DeFi 革命足以挑战 Pepe 的 Meme 币受欢迎程度吗? WW3 Shiba 通过 Memecoin 策略寻找鲸鱼

Is Fantom’s DeFi Revolution Enough to Challenge Pepe’s Meme Coin Popularity? WW3 Shiba Seeks Whales With Its Memecoin Strategy

Fantom 的 DeFi 革命足以挑战 Pepe 的 Meme 币受欢迎程度吗? WW3 Shiba 通过 Memecoin 策略寻找鲸鱼

发布: 2024/07/24 22:02 阅读: 988



Memecoins: Game-Changers in Cryptocurrency


Memecoins, a burgeoning force within the cryptocurrency realm, have captivated the imaginations of crypto enthusiasts. Fantom, Pepe, and WW3 Shiba stand out as prominent examples, each boasting vibrant communities and distinctive offerings.

Memecoins 是加密货币领域的一股新兴力量,它吸引了加密货币爱好者的想象力。 Fantom、Pepe 和 WW3 Shiba 都是突出的例子,每个都拥有充满活力的社区和独特的产品。

Fantom: Sonic Upgrade to Bolster Its Position


Fantom's impending Sonic upgrade is a driving force behind its recent surge in popularity and valuation. This upgrade promises to transform the project's transaction-handling capabilities, enabling it to potentially process an impressive 2,000 transactions per second.

Fantom 即将进行的 Sonic 升级是其近期人气和估值飙升的推动力。此次升级有望改变该项目的交易处理能力,使其每秒能够处理令人印象深刻的 2,000 笔交易。

The upgrade will not only enhance Fantom's scalability but also streamline transaction completion times. As a result, Fantom anticipates gaining a competitive advantage over other blockchains.

此次升级不仅将增强 Fantom 的可扩展性,还将简化交易完成时间。因此,Fantom 预计将获得相对于其他区块链的竞争优势。

Pepe's Strength Soars Over 700%


Inspired by the iconic internet meme, Pepe has ascended market ranks, tripling its price and boasting a market capitalization of over $5.14 billion. The launch of Pepe Unchained, a Layer 2 Ethereum-based iteration, has further enhanced the currency's appeal by reducing transaction costs and improving its scalability.

受到标志性互联网迷因的启发,Pepe 的市场排名不断提升,其股价上涨了两倍,市值超过 51.4 亿美元。 Pepe Unchained(基于以太坊第 2 层的迭代)的推出通过降低交易成本并提高其可扩展性进一步增强了该货币的吸引力。

Pepe now stands apart from other meme coins by embracing sophisticated blockchain solutions. This has drawn attention to the evolution of meme coins from mere online jocosities to viable investment opportunities. Analysts foresee continued bullish performance for Pepe, a trend supported by its 706% appreciation in the past year.

Pepe 现在通过采用复杂的区块链解决方案而从其他模因币中脱颖而出。这引起了人们对模因币从单纯的在线玩笑到可行的投资机会的演变的关注。分析师预计 Pepe 的表现将持续看涨,这一趋势受到过去一年 706% 升值的支撑。

WW3 Shiba: Gaming, Social Impact, and 100x Potential

WW3 Shiba:游戏、社会影响和 100 倍的潜力

WW3 Shiba defies traditional cryptocurrency and digital gaming boundaries. It is a community-driven movement with a noble social mission: rescuing dogs from war.

WW3 Shiba 挑战了传统加密货币和数字游戏的界限。这是一项社区驱动的运动,具有崇高的社会使命:将狗从战争中拯救出来。

Currently in presale at $0.001 per token, WW3 Shiba aims not only to disrupt the multi-billion-dollar gaming market but also to leave an indelible mark on society.

目前,WW3 Shiba 的预售价格为每个代币 0.001 美元,其目标不仅是颠覆价值数十亿美元的游戏市场,而且还为社会留下不可磨灭的印记。

With its 100x potential appreciation, it emerges as the prime contender in the meme coin landscape. It seamlessly merges gaming, humanitarianism, and the prospect of significant returns.

凭借其 100 倍的潜在升值潜力,它成为模因币领域的主要竞争者。它将游戏、人道主义和显着回报的前景无缝地融合在一起。

For More Information:


Website: ww3shiba.com


Twitter: https://t.me/ww3shiba_portal



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