首页 > 资讯新闻 > 增长最快的 Dog Meme 币将于 4 月 20 日(又称狗狗日)推出——最后的购买机会

Fastest-Growing Dog Meme Coin Set to Launch on April 20th, Also Known as Doge Day – Last Chance to Buy

增长最快的 Dog Meme 币将于 4 月 20 日(又称狗狗日)推出——最后的购买机会

发布: 2024/04/04 17:44 阅读: 885

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


增长最快的 Dog Meme 币将于 4 月 20 日(又称狗狗日)推出——最后的购买机会

One of the fastest-growing dog coins, $DOGE20, aims to capitalize on the upcoming Doge Day due to its innovative features and exciting opportunities for investors.

$DOGE20 是增长最快的狗币之一,其创新功能和为投资者带来的令人兴奋的机会,旨在利用即将到来的狗狗日。

It plans to leverage the hype surrounding Dogecoin and other dog-themed cryptocurrencies when it launches on April 20th, 2024, also known as “Doge Day.”

它计划在 2024 年 4 月 20 日(也称为“狗狗日”)推出时,利用围绕狗狗币和其他以狗为主题的加密货币的炒作。

With its launch date approaching, $DOGE20 is poised to ride the excitement generated by Dogecoin enthusiasts, potentially benefiting from endorsements by figures like Elon Musk.

随着发布日期的临近,$DOGE20 有望受到狗狗币爱好者的兴奋,并可能受益于埃隆·马斯克等人物的认可。

Dogecoin20 prepares for Doge Day

Dogecoin20 为狗狗日做准备

The trending new meme coin ‘Dogecoin20‘ (DOGE20) raised more than $10 million in its cryptocurrency presale in late March, meeting its target during the ongoing meme coin craze of Q1 2024. Now, the developers of Dogecoin20 are letting investors purchase $DOGE20 tokens at $0.00022 before the planned launch.

流行的新模因币“Dogecoin20”(DOGE20)在 3 月底的加密货币预售中筹集了超过 1000 万美元,在 2024 年第一季度持续的模因币热潮中实现了目标。现在,Dogecoin20 的开发商允许投资者购买 $DOGE20 代币在计划推出之前价格为 0.00022 美元。

Before its IEO on Uniswap, there are still a limited number of tokens available for purchase. The $DOGE20 team strategically picked April 20th, 2024, as the token’s claim date, a day with special significance for Dogecoin fans worldwide.

在 Uniswap 进行 IEO 之前,可供购买的代币数量仍然有限。 $DOGE20 团队战略性地选择 2024 年 4 月 20 日作为代币领取日期,这一天对于全球狗狗币粉丝来说具有特殊意义。

This date, known as “DOGE Day,” is a celebration of Doge culture and community, honoring the playful origins of Dogecoin and the famous 420 meme. On Doge Day, Dogecoin supporters unite to share jokes, and memes, and show support for the meme coin king.

这个日期被称为“狗狗日”,是对狗狗文化和社区的庆祝活动,旨在纪念狗狗币的有趣起源和著名的 420 模因。在狗狗日,狗狗币支持者联合起来分享笑话和模因,并表达对模因币王的支持。

By launching on this date, Dogecoin20 hopes to connect with the spirit of Doge culture and community. For those interested in joining late, the team announced a ‘Last Chance To Buy’ phase, providing a limited opportunity to get involved before the token hits exchanges.

通过在这一天推出,Dogecoin20 希望与 Doge 文化和社区的精神建立联系。对于那些有兴趣后期加入的人,该团队宣布了“最后购买机会”阶段,在代币进入交易所之前提供了有限的参与机会。

You can purchase it on the project’s website using ETH, USDT, or fiat currency before the launch day. For comprehensive instructions on how to buy $DOGE20, please refer to our detailed guide.

您可以在发布日前使用 ETH、USDT 或法定货币在项目网站上购买。有关如何购买 $DOGE20 的全面说明,请参阅我们的详细指南。

Dogecoin20: Staking rewards and tokenomics


Dogecoin20 (DOGE20) is a token built on the ERC-20 standard, aiming to improve upon Dogecoin by offering upgraded features and a new staking system for earning passive income. Unlike Dogecoin, $DOGE20 uses a more environmentally friendly proof-of-stake consensus mechanism instead of traditional mining methods.

Dogecoin20 (DOGE20) 是一种基于 ERC-20 标准构建的代币,旨在通过提供升级的功能和用于赚取被动收入的新质押系统来改进狗狗币。与狗狗币不同的是,$DOGE20 采用更环保的权益证明共识机制,而不是传统的挖矿方法。

A major highlight of $DOGE20 is its staking program, allowing holders to stake their tokens and earn passive rewards. Through a smart contract, tokens are distributed to all stakers over two years, providing ongoing passive income. According to $DOGE20’s website, current staking rewards exceed 60% APY.

$DOGE20 的一大亮点是它的质押计划,允许持有者质押他们的代币并获得被动奖励。通过智能合约,代币在两年内分发给所有利益相关者,提供持续的被动收入。根据 $DOGE20 的网站,目前的质押奖励超过年化收益的 60%。

Specifically, 15% of the total $DOGE20 supply is set aside for staking rewards, with 12.5% distributed in the first year to reward community members. This staking system encourages long-term holding and community involvement.

具体来说,$DOGE20 总供应量的 15% 用于质押奖励,其中 12.5% 在第一年分配用于奖励社区成员。这种质押系统鼓励长期持有和社区参与。

$DOGE20 plans to address the problem of endless inflation found in Dogecoin by setting a maximum circulating supply of 140 billion tokens. The project’s tokenomics plan includes different allocations, such as 25% for the presale, 25% for marketing, 25% for the treasury, 15% for staking rewards, and 10% for liquidity on decentralized exchanges (DEX).

$DOGE20 计划通过设定 1400 亿代币的最大流通供应量来解决狗狗币无休止的通货膨胀问题。该项目的代币经济计划包括不同的分配,例如25%用于预售,25%用于营销,25%用于财务,15%用于质押奖励,10%用于去中心化交易所(DEX)的流动性。

Check out our $DOGE20 price prediction for insights on its future value.

查看我们的 DOGE20 美元价格预测,了解其未来价值。

Dogecoin20: Strategic roadmap and growing hype


Dogecoin20 has gained attention in the meme coin and DOGE community due to its strategy and effective marketing efforts. High-profile endorsements in the crypto world can have a significant impact. Elon Musk’s association with Dogecoin has become almost legendary, influencing market trends in remarkable ways.

Dogecoin20 凭借其策略和有效的营销努力,在 meme 币和 DOGE 社区中获得了关注。加密世界中的高调认可可能会产生重大影响。埃隆·马斯克与狗狗币的联系几乎成为传奇,以显着的方式影响着市场趋势。

His recent tweets about Dogecoin have not only benefited DOGE but also had a ripple effect, benefiting coins like $DOGE20. These endorsements act as a catalyst, thrusting $DOGE20 into the limelight and indicating its potential for rapid growth.

他最近关于狗狗币的推文不仅使 DOGE 受益,而且还产生了连锁反应,使像 $DOGE20 这样的代币受益。这些认可起到了催化剂的作用,使 $DOGE20 成为众人瞩目的焦点,并表明其快速增长的潜力。

While comparing its influence to Musk’s is speculative, the buzz surrounding $DOGE20 hints at a significant market impact. The popular crypto YouTube channel 99Bitcoins, boasting over 700k subscribers, recently posted an optimistic video about $DOGE20, further stimulating interest.

虽然将其影响力与马斯克的影响力进行比较是推测性的,但围绕 $DOGE20 的讨论暗示着其对市场的重大影响。拥有超过 70 万订阅者的热门加密货币 YouTube 频道 99Bitcoins 最近发布了一段关于 $DOGE20 的乐观视频,进一步激发了人们的兴趣。

Additionally, the $DOGE20 team is running an extensive marketing campaign, advertising on various crypto and financial media platforms like Cointelegraph, CryptoSlate, and Business Insider. This broad promotion aims to increase awareness and draw a wider audience to this new meme coin project.

此外,$DOGE20 团队正在开展广泛的营销活动,在 Cointelegraph、CryptoSlate 和 Business Insider 等各种加密和金融媒体平台上做广告。这一广泛的促销活动旨在提高人们对这个新模因硬币项目的认识并吸引更广泛的受众。

The project has planned out a roadmap with six stages, with the first stage concentrating on a successful presale launch and marketing activities. The second stage introduces the staking system and rewards distribution.


Stages three and four involve launching the decentralized exchange (DEX) and holding a token generation event (TGE) for presale investors to receive their tokens. Stage five will see the introduction of Dogecoin20’s DEX liquidity pool to support smooth trading.

第三和第四阶段涉及启动去中心化交易所(DEX)并举办代币生成活动(TGE),以便预售投资者接收他们的代币。第五阶段将引入 Dogecoin20 的 DEX 流动性池以支持平稳交易。

Stage six looks ahead, emphasizing establishing sustainable long-term staking rewards. The whitepaper suggests adding new features to enhance the token’s usefulness in the future. To take part in the $DOGE20 presale, visit dogecoin20.io.

第六阶段展望未来,强调建立可持续的长期质押奖励。白皮书建议添加新功能以增强代币未来的实用性。要参加 $DOGE20 预售,请访问 dogecoin20.io。



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