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Flare and Kinetic partner to expand defi capabilities

Flare 和 Kinetic 合作拓展 defi 能力

发布: 2023/12/15 06:11 阅读: 970



Flare 和 Kinetic 合作拓展 defi 能力

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Flare, a blockchain optimized for data, is partnering with Kinetic, a lending and borrowing platform, to bolster the development of decentralized finance (defi) applications on the Flare network.

Flare 是一个针对数据进行优化的区块链,它正在与借贷平台 Kinetic 合作,以促进 Flare 网络上去中心化金融 (defi) 应用程序的开发。

According to an exclusive press release shared with crypto.news, this collaboration aims to introduce lending and borrowing capabilities, deepen liquidity, and help build a robust defi ecosystem on Flare.

根据 crypto.news 分享的独家新闻稿,此次合作旨在引入借贷功能,深化流动性,并帮助在 Flare 上建立强大的 defi 生态系统。

Under the partnership, Kinetic, backed by Rome Blockchain Labs, will provide a seamless platform for Flare users to participate in defi activities and earn block rewards using their supplied digital assets. 

根据合作伙伴关系,Kinetic 在罗马区块链实验室的支持下,将为 Flare 用户提供一个无缝平台,让他们参与 defi 活动并使用他们提供的数字资产赚取区块奖励。

The platform will also utilize Flare’s native price oracle, the Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO), to ensure accurate and decentralized price feeds for lending and borrowing activities. 

该平台还将利用 Flare 的原生价格预言机 Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO),以确保借贷活动的准确且去中心化的价格供给。

Additionally, Kinetic will integrate FAssets, a technology developed by Flare Labs, to enable non-smart contract tokens like Bitcoin (BTC), XRP Ledger (XRPL), and Dogecoin (DOGE) to engage in defi activities.

此外,Kinetic 将集成 Flare Labs 开发的技术 FAssets,使比特币 (BTC)、XRP Ledger (XRPL) 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 等非智能合约代币能够参与 DeFi 活动。

The Kinetic launch will initially be on Coston2, Flare’s testnet, providing a dynamic and interactive environment for users to engage, provide feedback, and gain insights. This initial rollout will allow for thorough testing and refinement of the platform before its official launch on the mainnet.

Kinetic 的发布最初将在 Flare 的测试网 Coston2 上进行,为用户提供一个动态的交互式环境,以参与、提供反馈和获得见解。此次首次推出将允许在主网上正式发布之前对该平台进行彻底的测试和完善。

Hugo Philion, CEO and co-founder of Flare, said: 

Flare 首席执行官兼联合创始人 Hugo Philion 表示:

“Rome Blockchain Labs has demonstrated exceptional expertise in developing financial markets across multiple blockchains, and we are thrilled to have them collaborate with Kinetic on Flare. This partnership will showcase the power of FAssets by enabling decentralized lending and borrowing against non-smart contract assets like BTC, XRP, and DOGE.”

“罗马区块链实验室在跨多个区块链开发金融市场方面展示了卓越的专业知识,我们很高兴他们与 Kinetic 就 Flare 进行合作。此次合作将通过支持 BTC、XRP 和 DOGE 等非智能合约资产的去中心化借贷来展示 FAssets 的力量。”

Jake Hunsbusher, core contributor at Kinetic, said their users will now put their tokens to use and “spearhead a new era of financial empowerment.”

Kinetic 的核心贡献者 Jake Hunsbusher 表示,他们的用户现在将使用他们的代币,并“引领金融赋权的新时代”。

Kinetic has also partnered with Watchpug and Immunefi, who oversee the platform’s smart contract audits and bug bounty programs.

Kinetic 还与 Watchpug 和 Immunefi 合作,后者负责监督该平台的智能合约审计和错误赏金计划。

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

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Source: https://thebittimes.com/flare-and-kinetic-partner-to-expand-defi-capabilities-tbt73693.html



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