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Flare Network Unveils FAssets, Eyeing $800B Crypto Market Boost

Flare Network 推出 FAssets,着眼于 800B 美元的加密市场提振

发布: 2023/12/07 06:06 阅读: 240



Flare Network 推出 FAssets,着眼于 800B 美元的加密市场提振

The Flare Network has announced the launch of its FAssets system, a platform designed to integrate non-smart contract digital assets like XRP, Bitcoin, and Dogecoin into the realm of decentralized applications (DApps). This move is poised to tap into an estimated $800 billion in digital assets currently sidelined due to their inability to engage in smart contract functionalities.

Flare Network 宣布推出 FAssets 系统,该平台旨在将 XRP、比特币和狗狗币等非智能合约数字资产集成到去中心化应用程序 (DApps) 领域。此举有望利用目前因无法参与智能合约功能而被搁置的约 8000 亿美元数字资产。

FAssets Link Traditional Crypto with DeFi

FAssets 将传统加密货币与 DeFi 联系起来

The Flare Network, through its innovative FAssets system, is setting a new precedent in the digital currency landscape. By allowing the conversion of traditional cryptocurrencies into FAssets on their network, they are effectively bridging the gap between conventional digital assets and the burgeoning field of decentralized finance (DeFi). This integration means users can now engage their non-smart contract tokens in DeFi activities, potentially earning yields and unlocking new value streams.

Flare Network 通过其创新的 FAssets 系统,正在数字货币领域树立新的先例。通过允许将传统加密货币转换为网络上的 FAsset,它们有效地弥合了传统数字资产与新兴的去中心化金融 (DeFi) 领域之间的差距。这种集成意味着用户现在可以将其非智能合约代币参与 DeFi 活动,从而有可能赚取收益并释放新的价值流。

FAssets are created by minting the original digital assets on the Flare Network and transforming them into ERC20 tokens. These tokens can then partake in DeFi practices within the Flare ecosystem and across other networks, courtesy of the LayerCake bridging protocol. This expansion significantly enhances the utility and applicability of previously limited digital assets.

FAssets 是通过在 Flare 网络上铸造原始数字资产并将其转换为 ERC20 代币而创建的。然后,借助 LayerCake 桥接协议,这些代币可以参与 Flare 生态系统和其他网络中的 DeFi 实践。这种扩展显着增强了以前有限的数字资产的实用性和适用性。

Independent Agents Power FAssets’ Decentralized Nature

独立代理增强 FAsset 的去中心化性质

Distinguishing itself from other wrapped asset systems, the FAssets framework is designed to be trustless. Users do not need centralized intermediaries to engage their tokens in smart contract activities. The independence of the FAssets system is largely attributed to Flare’s native data acquisition protocols. The Flare Time Series Oracle provides decentralized price feeds, while the Stake Connector ensures trustless verification of transactions on the original blockchain.

与其他包装资产系统不同的是,FAssets 框架被设计为无需信任的。用户不需要中心化中介机构即可将其代币参与智能合约活动。 FAssets系统的独立性很大程度上归功于Flare的原生数据采集协议。 Flare Time Series Oracle 提供去中心化的价格反馈,而 Stake Connector 可确保原始区块链上交易的无信任验证。

Three types of assets support the functionality of FAssets, the original digital asset, Flare’s native token collateral, and additional collateral in the form of stablecoins or wrapped Ethereum. The minting and redeeming processes of FAssets are facilitated by independent agents, enhancing the system’s decentralized nature.

三种类型的资产支持 FAssets 的功能,即原始数字资产、Flare 的原生代币抵押品以及稳定币或包装以太坊形式的附加抵押品。 FAsset 的铸造和赎回过程由独立代理推动,增强了系统的去中心化性质。

The launch of the FAssets system by Flare Network represents a significant leap forward in the integration of traditional digital assets with DeFi. By enabling cryptocurrencies like XRP, Bitcoin, and Dogecoin to participate in smart contract functionalities, a vast pool of untapped value is now accessible. This could lead to a surge in DeFi activities, further cementing its position in the financial world.

Flare Network 推出 FAssets 系统,代表着传统数字资产与 DeFi 融合的重大飞跃。通过使 XRP、比特币和狗狗币等加密货币参与智能合约功能,现在可以获取大量未开发的价值。这可能会导致 DeFi 活动激增,进一步巩固其在金融界的地位。

Read Also: Binance Announces Compensation Plan Post AEUR Stablecoin Surge

另请阅读:币安宣布 AEUR 稳定币激增后的补偿计划



The post Flare Network Unveils FAssets, Eyeing $800B Crypto Market Boost appeared first on CoinGape.

Flare Network 推出 FAssets,着眼 800B 美元加密货币市场提振后,首先出现在 CoinGape 上。


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