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FLOKI (FLOKI) Price Prediction 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030

FLOKI (FLOKI) 价格预测 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 和 2030

发布: 2024/02/28 06:17 阅读: 670

原文作者:crypto.ro global


FLOKI (FLOKI) 价格预测 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 和 2030

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive price prediction for FLOKI (FLOKI), a cryptocurrency that has been gaining increasing attention in the digital asset market.

本文的目的是为数字资产市场日益受到关注的加密货币 FLOKI(FLOKI)提供全面的价格预测。

Our aim is to offer you an educated forecast, helping you make informed decisions about your potential investments in FLOKI.

我们的目标是为您提供有根据的预测,帮助您就 FLOKI 的潜在投资做出明智的决策。

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of our predictions, we will base them on a range of crucial factors. These include, but are not limited to, market trends, trading volumes, technological advancements, and regulatory developments.


We will delve into how the overall market sentiment can impact FLOKI’s price, how increased trading volumes can indicate a growing interest in the coin, and how technological advancements within the FLOKI network can potentially influence its value.

我们将深入研究整体市场情绪如何影响 FLOKI 的价格、交易量的增加如何表明人们对代币的兴趣不断增长,以及 FLOKI 网络内的技术进步如何可能影响其价值。

FLOKI (FLOKI) Fundamental Analysis











47252 万美元





Project Name FLOKI
Symbol FLOKI
Current Price $ 0.000049
Price Change (24h) 30.17%
Market Cap $ 472.52 M
Volume (24h) $ 278,155,428
Current Supply 9,570,484,057,264

FLOKI (FLOKI) is currently trading at $ 0.000049 and has a market capitalization of $ 472.52 M.

FLOKI (FLOKI) 目前的交易价格为 0.000049 美元,市值为 472.52 M 美元。

Over the last 24 hours, the price of FLOKI has changed by 30.17%, positioning it 142 in the ranking among all cryptocurrencies with a daily volume of $ 278,155,428.


FLOKI (FLOKI) Long-Term Price Prediction

FLOKI (FLOKI) 长期价格预测





0.0055 美元


0.0090 美元


0.0110 美元




0.0090 美元

0.0107 美元

0.0125 美元



0.0091 美元

0.0105 美元








0.0410 美元

Year Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
2025 $0.0055 $0.0074 $0.0090
2026 $0.0110 $0.0136 $0.0163
2027 $0.0090 $0.0107 $0.0125
2028 $0.0078 $0.0091 $0.0105
2029 $0.0143 $0.0182 $0.0223
2030 $0.0271 $0.0334 $0.0410

FLOKI Price Prediction 2025

2025 年 FLOKI 价格预测

In 2025, we estimate FLOKI may reach a low of $0.0055, average around $0.0074, and potentially hit a high of $0.009 due to the increased adoption and implementation of regulations in the crypto market.

到 2025 年,我们估计 FLOKI 可能会达到 0.0055 美元的低点,平均约为 0.0074 美元,并且由于加密货币市场法规的采用和实施的增加,可能会达到 0.009 美元的高点。

The rising interest in altcoins, combined with FLOKI’s dedicated community, could fuel an optimistic price increase and expand its role in the crypto market.

人们对山寨币的兴趣不断上升,再加上 FLOKI 的专注社区,可能会推动乐观的价格上涨,并扩大其在加密货币市场中的作用。

FLOKI Price Prediction 2026

2026 年 FLOKI 价格预测

As progress continues, 2026 may see even more impressive growth with FLOKI’s price potential reaching as high as $0.0163.

随着进展的继续,2026 年 FLOKI 的价格潜力可能高达 0.0163 美元,增长幅度可能会更加惊人。

Its lowest price might be around $0.0110, with an average price of $0.0136.

其最低价格可能约为 0.0110 美元,平均价格为 0.0136 美元。

This hypergrowth will be driven by the broader use of cryptocurrency and FLOKI’s potential buzz in the online community.

这种高速增长将由加密货币的更广泛使用和 FLOKI 在在线社区中的潜在热度推动。

FLOKI Price Prediction 2027

2027 年 FLOKI 价格预测

In 2027, a correctional phase could see prices dipping slightly, the lowest price might be around $0.0090 and could reach a high of $0.0125, with an average at $0.0107.


Such corrections are common after such bullish cycles and can create a healthy platform for another bull run in the future.


FLOKI Price Prediction 2028

2028 年 FLOKI 价格预测

Continuing the correction in 2028, FLOKI’s lowest price could be around $0.0078, with an average of $0.0091 and a potential high of $0.0105.

2028 年继续回调,FLOKI 最低价格可能在 0.0078 美元左右,均价为 0.0091 美元,潜在高点为 0.0105 美元。

This would likely be a consolidation period for FLOKI, which is normal and healthy in bull market cycles.

这可能是 FLOKI 的盘整期,这在牛市周期中是正常且健康的。

FLOKI Price Prediction 2029

FLOKI 2029 年价格预测

The year 2029 might see another bull run with the lowest price at $0.0143, average price at $0.0182, and the highest at $0.0223.

2029 年可能会出现另一场牛市,最低价格为 0.0143 美元,平均价格为 0.0182 美元,最高价格为 0.0223 美元。

This rejuvenation could be brought on by new advancements in blockchain technology stimulating demand for FLOKI.

这种复兴可以通过区块链技术的新进步来刺激对 FLOKI 的需求。

FLOKI Price Prediction 2030

FLOKI 2030 年价格预测

Finally, by 2030, the increased adoption of FLOKI, combined with overall crypto market maturity, should propel prices to new heights.

最后,到 2030 年,FLOKI 的采用率增加,加上整体加密货币市场的成熟度,应该会将价格推向新的高度。

As such, we expect the lowest price to be around $0.0271, averaging $0.0334, and potentially peaking at an impressive $0.0410.

因此,我们预计最低价格约为 0.0271 美元,平均为 0.0334 美元,峰值可能达到令人印象深刻的 0.0410 美元。

This robust prediction reflects a highly optimistic crypto market scenario and FLOKI’s growth potential in the long term.

这一稳健的预测反映了高度乐观的加密市场情景和 FLOKI 的长期增长潜力。

FLOKI (FLOKI) Technical Analysis


  • Zoom


  • Hour


  • Day

  • Week


  • Month

  • Year

  • All Time


  • Type


  • Line Chart


  • Candlestick


Technical Analysis is the study of past market data, most commonly price and volume, to forecast future price trends.


It is largely used by active traders and investors to predict future price movements of assets, including cryptocurrencies like FLOKI.

它主要被活跃的交易者和投资者用来预测资产的未来价格走势,包括 FLOKI 等加密货币。

This method involves looking for patterns and trends in price charts, and using statistical figures to predict future outcome.


Some of the most common indicators used in technical analysis are as follows:


  • Trend Lines: These are diagonal lines drawn on a price chart that represent the direction in which a cryptocurrency is moving. A trend line can either be upward, downward or sideways, indicating bullishness, bearishness or a neutral market respectively.
  • 趋势线:这些是价格图表上绘制的对角线,代表加密货币的移动方向。趋势线可以向上、向下或横向,分别表示看涨、看跌或中性市场。

  • Volume: This indicates the number of coins being traded. A high trading volume often implies strong investor interest and can signify the start of a new trend.
  • 交易量:这表示正在交易的代币数量。高交易量通常意味着投资者的强烈兴趣,并可能意味着新趋势的开始。

  • Relative Strength Index (RSI): This is a momentum indicator that measures the speed and change of price movements. A high RSI often indicates overbought conditions while a low RSI can indicate oversold conditions.
  • 相对强弱指数(RSI):这是衡量价格变动速度和变化的动量指标。高 RSI 通常表明超买状况,而低 RSI 则可能表明超卖状况。

FLOKI Price Predictions FAQs

FLOKI 价格预测常见问题解答

What is FLOKI?


FLOKI is a meme-based cryptocurrency, inspired by Dogecoin and other similar digital assets. Its name is derived from Elon Musk’s own Shiba Inu, named ‘Floki.’ It was created as an experiment in decentralized spontaneous community building.

FLOKI 是一种基于模因的加密货币,受到狗狗币和其他类似数字资产的启发。它的名字源自埃隆·马斯克自己的柴犬“Floki”。它是作为去中心化自发社区建设的实验而创建的。

What determines FLOKI’s price?


The price of FLOKI, like other cryptocurrencies, is determined by supply and demand dynamics in the market. Factors contributing to this include investor sentiment, trends in other cryptocurrency markets, global economic conditions, technological developments, and regulatory news.

与其他加密货币一样,FLOKI 的价格由市场的供需动态决定。造成这种情况的因素包括投资者情绪、其他加密货币市场的趋势、全球经济状况、技术发展和监管新闻。

Can FLOKI reach $1?

FLOKI 能达到 1 美元吗?

As with any cryptocurrency, it’s impossible to predict with certainty whether FLOKI will ever reach $1. This would require a significant increase in market cap and widespread adoption, as well as broader acceptance of cryptocurrencies.

与任何加密货币一样,不可能准确预测 FLOKI 是否会达到 1 美元。这需要大幅增加市值和广泛采用,以及更广泛地接受加密货币。

Disclaimer: This article’s FLOKI price predictions are speculative and for informational purposes only, not financial advice. Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and unpredictable. Investors should conduct their own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The authors and publishers are not liable for any financial losses incurred.

免责声明:本文的 FLOKI 价格预测属于推测性的,仅供参考,并非财务建议。加密货币市场高度波动且不可预测。投资者在做出任何投资决定之前应进行自己的研究并咨询财务顾问。作者和出版商对由此造成的任何经济损失不承担任何责任。


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