GOAT Network Launches Alpha Mainnet, Bringing Sustainable BTC Yield to Bitcoin and Dogecoin Holders
山羊网络启动Alpha Mainnet,将可持续的BTC产量带到比特币和Dogecoin持有者
GOAT Network today launched its Alpha Mainnet, introducing the first decentralized platform offering sustainable Bitcoin-based rewards. This launch provides Bitcoin and Dogecoin holders with direct access to decentralized finance (DeFi) opportunities, positioning Bitcoin for a central role in the future of Web3.
山羊网络今天推出了其Alpha Mainnet,引入了第一个分散的平台,提供基于可持续的比特币的奖励。 该发布会为比特币和狗狗币持有者直接获得分散的财务(DEFI)机会,从而将比特币定位为在Web3的未来中发挥核心作用。
"GOAT Network's Alpha Mainnet is a significant milestone for our team and a game-changer for Bitcoin and Dogecoin," said Kevin Liu, co-founder of GOAT Network. "BTC and DOGE holders will finally be able to do more than just hold their assets."
山羊网络联合创始人凯文·刘(Kevin Liu)说:“山羊网络的Alpha Mainnet是我们团队的重要里程碑,也是比特币和Dogecoin的游戏规则改变者。” “ BTC和Doge持有者最终将能够做更多的事情,而不仅仅是持有资产。”
GOAT Network's sustainable BTC yield is achieved through novel decentralized sequencers and proof-of-stake models for Bitcoin. The network invites external sequencer node operators to stake Bitcoin or Dogecoin in exchange for operational control and a share of transaction revenue.
山羊网络的可持续BTC收益率是通过新颖的分散序列仪和比特币的验证模型实现的。 该网络邀请外部音序器节点操作员赌注比特币或狗狗币,以换取运营控制和交易收入的份额。
This decentralized sequencer model allows everyday users to lock Bitcoin and Dogecoin, with both sequencer node operators and users potentially earning the same annual Mining Rewards Rate. These deposits fuel liquidity on GOAT Network's decentralized financial market, crucial for the network's success. The BTC-DOGE dual-staking model reflects GOAT Network's commitment to becoming a platform for the people's coins.
该分散的音序器模型允许日常用户锁定比特币和狗狗币,序列器节点运算符和用户可能会赢得相同的年度采矿奖励速率。这些存款为山羊网络的分散金融市场带来了流动性,这对于该网络的成功至关重要。 BTC-DOGE双稳定模型反映了山羊网络对成为人们硬币平台的承诺。
GOAT Network employs a unique economic model: transaction fees are paid in wrapped BTC, which is then converted into a yield-bearing BTC token and subsequently decomposed into a principal token and another yield-bearing token, similar to the model used by Pendle. This generates sustainable BTC yield for both sequencer node operators and everyday users who lock BTC or DOGE into a GOAT Network node or participate in the network's BTCFi and MemeFi dApps.
山羊网络采用独特的经济模型:交易费用是在包装BTC中支付的,然后将其转换为具有屈服的BTC令牌,随后将其分解为主要令牌和另一个带有屈服的令牌,类似于Pendle使用的模型。 这将为Sequencer节点运算符和日常用户生成可持续的BTC收益率,这些操作员将BTC或Do锁定到山羊网络节点或参与网络的BTCFI和Memefi Dapps。
By enabling sustainable yields while maintaining secure holdings for both Bitcoin and Dogecoin, GOAT Network bridges the gap between Bitcoin and DeFi, and introduces the emerging field of MemeFi.
Some of GOAT Network's DeFi dApps include Avalon Finance, LayerZero, Oku, and GOATSwap.
山羊网络的某些DEFI DAPP包括Avalon Finance,LayerZero,Oku和Goatswap。
The mainnet launch empowers Bitcoin and Dogecoin holders, transforming these assets from passive holdings into active, yield-generating assets. This aims to energize the communities surrounding these cryptocurrencies.
主网发射赋予比特币和狗狗币持有者,将这些资产从被动持有转变为积极的产生产生的资产。 这旨在激发这些加密货币周围的社区。
"GOAT Network's launch brings Bitcoin and Dogecoin into the heart of DeFi, unlocking massive opportunities," said Liu. "No more choosing between holding and earning yields."
刘说:“山羊网络的发射将比特币和狗狗币带入了Defi的核心,从而释放了巨大的机会。” “在持有和赚取收益率之间不再选择。”
To enhance the alpha mainnet launch and move beyond the limitations of one-time airdrops, GOAT Network introduces the One Piece Project. This project allows users to bridge native BTC, BTCB, or DOGE into GOAT Network, mint a soulbound NFT, and engage with launch partner dApps GOATSwap (), Oku (), and Artemis (). Users can earn rewards by transacting on these dApps, with additional rewards available as new dApps launch and new activities are incentivized.
为了增强Alpha Mainnet发射并超越了一次性空调的局限性,山羊网络介绍了一件项目。 该项目允许用户将本机BTC,BTCB或Doge桥接到山羊网络,造成soulbound NFT,并与启动伙伴Dapps Goatswap(),Oku(),Oku()和Artemis()互动。 用户可以通过在这些DAPP上进行交易来赢得奖励,随着新的DAPP启动和新活动的激励,还可以提供其他奖励。
GOAT Network offers two reward systems: GEC (GOAT Energy Cube) and GOAT Points. GEC tracks user contributions and participation, while GOAT Points focus on liquidity provision and trading activities. GOAT Points will be converted into GOATED tokens after the Token Generation Event (TGE). Users can learn more at OnePiece.GOAT.Network.
山羊网络提供了两个奖励系统:GEC(山羊能量立方体)和山羊点。 GEC跟踪用户的贡献和参与,而山羊则关注流动性提供和交易活动。 在代币生成事件(TGE)之后,山羊点将转换为Goated代币。 用户可以在onepiece.goat.network上了解更多信息。
GOAT Network prioritizes asset security. Similar to Ethereum Layer 2 networks, GOAT Network aims to inherit Bitcoin mainnet security through BitVM2, a technology currently in testnet (BitVM2.GOAT.network).
山羊网络优先考虑资产安全性。 与以太坊2层网络类似,山羊网络旨在通过BITVM2(BITVM2.GOAT.NETWORK)中的技术继承比特币主网安全性。
The Alpha Mainnet launch paves the way for GOAT Network's broader ambitions, including a public mainnet launch and TGE later in 2025, and expansion to other major blockchain ecosystems.
Alpha Mainnet发射为山羊网络的更广泛的野心铺平了道路,包括公共主网和2025年晚些时候TGE,并扩展到其他主要区块链生态系统。
About GOAT Network
GOAT Network is the first sustainable BTC yield chain, powered by Decentralized Sequencers using multi-coin PoS. Its mission is to transform BTC and DOGE into active, yield-generating assets.
山羊网络是第一个可持续的BTC屈服链,它由使用多石油POS的分散测序仪提供支持。 它的任务是将BTC和Doge转变为积极的产生产生的资产。
Disclaimer: This press release does not constitute investment advice. Readers should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions. No liability is assumed for any losses incurred.
免责声明:此新闻稿不构成投资建议。 读者应在做出任何投资决策之前进行自己的研究。 对于任何造成的损失,都不承担任何责任。