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Harambe AI Token – Going Beyond Memes

Harambe AI 代币 – 超越模因

发布: 2024/01/30 19:30 阅读: 694

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence


Harambe AI 代币 – 超越模因

Cryptocurrencies and so-called “meme coins” have become all the rage recently, ever since popular meme coins like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu and other similar mem-inspired coins entered the crypto scene.


Bitcoin and Ethereum were seen as the top crypto coins for a long time. However, that is slowly starting to change as their prices and accessibility are skyrocketing, making them nearly impossible for smaller retail investors to invest in. Meme coins are becoming an attractive investment for many who cannot afford the inflated prices of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

比特币和以太坊长期以来被视为顶级加密货币。然而,随着它们的价格和可访问性飙升,这种情况正在慢慢开始改变,使得小型散户投资者几乎不可能投资它们。对于许多无力承担比特币和以太坊价格上涨的人来说,Meme 币正在成为一种有吸引力的投资。

What Is The Difference Between A Meme Coin And A Coin?

Most meme coins are trading instruments, unlike Ethereum and other utility currencies tied to specific Blockchain features. Major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, USD Coin, XRP, Cardano, Solana and Polygon are not considered meme coins.

Meme 币和硬币有什么区别?大多数 Meme 币都是交易工具,与以太坊和其他与特定区块链功能相关的实用货币不同。比特币、以太坊、美元币、XRP、Cardano、Solana 和 Polygon 等主要加密货币不被视为模因币。

Meme coins are sometimes identified with animated characters or animal meme images. Some of the most popular meme coins include Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, and some lesser-known ones include Floki, Baby Doge, Bok, and Pepe.

模因币有时会被识别为动画人物或动物模因图像。一些最受欢迎的模因币包括狗狗币和柴犬币,还有一些不太知名的币种包括 Floki、Baby Doge、Bok 和 Pepe。

However, although these meme-inspired tokens do not regularly make headlines, their potential to earn nine-figure market capitalizations is massive. CoinMarketCap lists around 1,300 meme coins, with a daily trading volume of $1,000,000.

然而,尽管这些受模因启发的代币并不经常成为头条新闻,但它们赚取九位数市值的潜力是巨大的。 CoinMarketCap 列出了大约 1,300 个 meme 币,每日交易量为 1,000,000 美元。

In other instances, some mem coins, which many consider a joke, somehow attract enough followers who want to invest money or invest in the token.

在其他情况下,一些被许多人认为是笑话的 mem 币却以某种方式吸引了足够多想要投资或投资代币的追随者。

Meme Coins and Harambe AI Token

For a meme coin to be successful, it needs to offer real value, and should be more than just a joke. Secondly, a meme coin should have an active community with active engagement, shared goals and a sense of belonging to fuel the hype and ultimately drive the price.

Meme 币和 Harambe AI 代币 Meme 币要取得成功,它需要提供真正的价值,而不仅仅是一个笑话。其次,模因币应该有一个活跃的社区,具有积极参与、共同目标和归属感,以推动炒作并最终推动价格。

This is where Harambe AI token steps in. This revolutionary token isn’t just a crypto-currency, it’s the world’s first AI-powered hedge fund, ready to disrupt the financial landscape with emotionless, and laser focused trading strategies.

这就是 Harambe 人工智能代币的用武之地。这种革命性的代币不仅仅是一种加密货币,它还是世界上第一个人工智能驱动的对冲基金,准备以冷静、专注的交易策略颠覆金融格局。

Harambe AI Token's secret weapon is Game Theory Optimization, a masterful AI crypto trading strategy crushing human biases like greed and fear. Harambe Token isn’t just a meme. It’s a revolution. Forget doge memes and dog-eat-dog markets.

Harambe AI 代币的秘密武器是博弈论优化,这是一种精湛的人工智能加密交易策略,可以消除贪婪和恐惧等人类偏见。 Harambe 代币不仅仅是一个模因。这是一场革命。忘掉狗狗迷因和狗咬狗的市场吧。

Harambe AI Token's AI-driven strategy allows it to effortlessly navigate the market's peaks and troughs. The token's remarkable adaptability to new market conditions positions it as a robust force, capable of delivering consistent returns.

Harambe AI 代币的人工智能驱动策略使其能够轻松驾驭市场的高峰和低谷。该代币对新市场条件的卓越适应能力使其成为一股强大的力量,能够提供稳定的回报。

While Harambe AI’s token initially drew attention for its connection to the iconic meme, its true potential lies in its dedication to financial volatility. Investors aren’t just following a trend; they are backing a project that integrates the strengths of AI and traditional finance, establishing a sturdy foundation for sustainable growth.

虽然 Harambe AI 的代币最初因其与标志性模因的联系而引起关注,但其真正的潜力在于其对金融波动的贡献。投资者不仅仅是在追随趋势,而是在追随趋势。他们正在支持一个整合人工智能和传统金融优势的项目,为可持续增长奠定坚实的基础。

Harambe AI – Meme Fun Meets AI Finance

Imagine a digital piggy bank that learns about money on its own and makes smart trades for you. That’s the idea behind Harambe AI token, a cryptocurrency token with an AI trading bot as its brains.

Harambe AI – Meme Fun 遇见 AI Finance 想象一个数字存钱罐,它可以自行了解金钱并为您进行智能交易。这就是 Harambe AI 代币背后的想法,这是一种以人工智能交易机器人为大脑的加密货币代币。

Harambe AI Token, built on the ERC-20 standard, is generated and deployed as smart contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain, ensuring fungibility and interchangeability. These tokens boast a myriad of applications, serving purposes from transactions for various functions, goods, and services to representing assets, rights, ownership, or access.

Harambe AI Token 基于 ERC-20 标准构建,作为智能合约生成并部署在以太坊区块链上,确保可替代性和可互换性。这些代币拥有无数的应用程序,服务于从各种功能、商品和服务的交易到代表资产、权利、所有权或访问权的用途。

As a community-driven endeavor, token holders wield governance stakes. The project's goal is to distribute a substantial portion of tokens to the community through mechanisms like presale or redistributions, fostering active community involvement in development, marketing, and decision-making.


The presale, offering tokens at a discounted rate before market listing, will make 30% of the total supply (690,000,000 tokens) available. An additional 40% will be earmarked for initial DEX liquidity, establishing a decentralized exchange (DEX) market similar to platforms like Uniswap, enabling direct cryptocurrency trades without intermediaries.

预售是在上市前以折扣价提供代币,将提供总供应量(690,000,000 个代币)的 30%。另外 40% 将指定用于初始 DEX 流动性,建立类似于 Uniswap 等平台的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 市场,实现无需中介的直接加密货币交易。

Harambe Token stands out with its AI trading bot, employing artificial intelligence and advanced algorithms for autonomous cryptocurrency trading. The bot dynamically adapts to new data, fine-tunes strategies, and identifies patterns beyond human perception.

Harambe Token 以其人工智能交易机器人脱颖而出,采用人工智能和先进算法进行自主加密货币交易。该机器人动态适应新数据、微调策略并识别超出人类感知的模式。

Profits from trading top cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are utilized to buy back and burn Harambe AI Tokens, reducing supply and enhancing token value. Additionally, profits are redistributed to token holders, providing them with passive income. This innovative approach contrasts with traditional hedge fund systems known for high fees and limited transparency.

交易比特币和以太坊等顶级加密货币的利润用于回购和销毁 Harambe AI 代币,从而减少供应并提高代币价值。此外,利润被重新分配给代币持有者,为他们提供被动收入。这种创新方法与以高费用和有限透明度而闻名的传统对冲基金系统形成鲜明对比。

This meme coin integrates cutting-edge technology, featuring a neural-network trading bot competing with elite crypto traders. The project actively repurchases its tokens, augmenting rarity and value, while profits flow back passively to the Harambe community.

这款模因币集成了尖端技术,具有神经网络交易机器人,可与精英加密货币交易者竞争。该项目积极回购其代币,增加稀有性和价值,而利润被动地回流到 Harambe 社区。

The revolutionary AI trading bot aspires to surpass leading crypto traders. The project has garnered testimonials and tweets from supporters, highlighting its unique technological edge.


In a broader context, Harambe Token emerges as a pivotal player in the evolving cryptocurrency landscape. While Bitcoin laid the foundation for decentralized digital currencies, tokens like Harambe are redefining possibilities in this space. The fusion of advanced technologies, strategic financial approaches, and community-driven initiatives positions Harambe AI Token as a herald of the future for cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

在更广泛的背景下,Harambe 代币成为不断发展的加密货币领域的关键参与者。虽然比特币为去中心化数字货币奠定了基础,但像 Harambe 这样的代币正在重新定义这个领域的可能性。先进技术、战略金融方法和社区驱动举措的融合使 Harambe AI 代币成为加密货币爱好者未来的先驱。

Why Harambe AI Token is More Than Just Hype

Harambe AI Token isn't just another coin floating in the crypto sea. It's a trailblazer, blazing a path of innovation with its AI-powered engine, ambitious goals, and community-driven spirit.

为什么 Harambe AI 代币不仅仅是炒作 Harambe AI 代币不仅仅是加密货币海洋中漂浮的另一种硬币。它是一位开拓者,凭借人工智能驱动的引擎、雄心勃勃的目标和社区驱动的精神开辟了一条创新之路。

Forget slow, clunky bots; Harambe's AI is a turbocharged trading champion, constantly learning and adapting to market movements. It's like having a super-smart financial advisor on speed dial, always ready to score you the best deals.

忘掉缓慢、笨重的机器人吧! Harambe 的人工智能是一个涡轮增压的交易冠军,不断学习和适应市场走势。这就像在快速拨号上有一个超级聪明的财务顾问,随时准备为您提供最好的交易。

Harambe focuses on strategic growth, building awareness hand-in-hand with genuine understanding. They're not just shouting in a crowded market; they're creating a community of informed believers.

Harambe 专注于战略增长,通过真正的理解携手建立意识。他们不只是在拥挤的市场里大喊大叫;他们正在创建一个由知情信徒组成的社区。

In the crypto world, collaboration is key. Harambe is forging alliances with developers, influencers, and even charities, building a thriving ecosystem where everyone wins. It's like the Avengers Assemble of the Blockchain, with innovation as their superpower.

在加密世界中,协作是关键。 Harambe 正在与开发商、影响者甚至慈善机构结成联盟,建立一个繁荣的生态系统,让每个人都受益。这就像区块链的复仇者联盟,以创新为超能力。

Harambe Token isn't just a token; it's a movement. It's about using the power of AI and community to reshape the future of finance and build a cleaner, brighter tomorrow. So, buckle up, because Harambe's journey is just beginning, and it's one you won't want to miss.

Harambe 代币不仅仅是一个代币;这是一个运动。它是关于利用人工智能和社区的力量重塑金融的未来,建设一个更清洁、更光明的明天。所以,系好安全带,因为 Harambe 的旅程才刚刚开始,这是您不想错过的旅程。


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