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Honda Rides Into The Metaverse With A New Web3 Gameplay

本田凭借新的 Web3 游戏进入虚拟宇宙

发布: 2024/01/23 08:41 阅读: 552



本田凭借新的 Web3 游戏进入虚拟宇宙

  • Honda, in collaboration with Darewise and Animoca Brands Japan, is ready to race in the Life Beyond metaverse, with a new Web3 automotive gameplay. 
  • 本田与 Darewise 和 Animoca Brands Japan 合作,准备通过全新的 Web3 汽车游戏玩法在 Life Beyond 虚拟宇宙中驰骋。

Honda and the metaverse: the new Web3 gameplay with Darewise and Animoca Brands

Honda 和虚拟宇宙:Darewise 和 Animoca Brands 的全新 Web3 游戏玩法

Darewise, a subsidiary of Animoca Brands and the company behind the Life Beyond metaverse, together with Animoca Brands Japan, has announced a new collaboration with Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

Animoca Brands 的子公司、Life Beyond 元宇宙背后的公司 Darewise 与 Animoca Brands Japan 共同宣布与本田汽车有限公司建立新的合作关系。

At stake, there is the development of a new Web3 automotive gameplay, related to transportation and vehicles in Life Beyond, the upcoming AAA science fiction game.

在即将推出的 AAA 科幻游戏《Life Beyond》中,开发与交通和车辆相关的新 Web3 汽车游戏玩法至关重要。

“Our branches @Darewise and @Animocabrandskk have announced a collaboration with @HondaJP to develop together a gameplay related to transportation and vehicles in @LifeBeyond the next AAA science fiction game developed by Darewise.”

“我们的分支机构@Darewise 和@Animocabrandskk 宣布与@HondaJP 合作,在Darewise 开发的下一款AAA 科幻游戏@LifeBeyond 中共同开发与交通和车辆相关的游戏玩法。”

In practice, the collaboration will see world-class innovation and the expertise of the Honda team integrated into Life Beyond, to usher in a new era of transportation in the world of Dolos, the planet where Life Beyond takes place.

在实践中,此次合作将把世界一流的创新和本田团队的专业知识融入到 Life Beyond 中,从而在 Life Beyond 所在的多洛斯世界开启一个新的交通时代。

Specifically, Honda and Darewise will collaborate on the development of new game elements such as game objects, activities, and ordinal objects. 

具体来说,本田和 Darewise 将合作开发新的游戏元素,例如游戏对象、活动和序数对象。

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Honda In The Life Beyond Metaverse: The Upcoming AAA Sci-fi Web3 Game

Honda In The Life Beyond Metaverse:即将推出的 AAA 科幻 Web3 游戏

With this partnership, Honda actively participates in the “concept art” of a vehicle, to traverse the world of Dolos, the setting of the game Life Beyond. 

通过这种合作关系,本田积极参与车辆的“概念艺术”,以穿越多洛斯的世界,这是游戏《Life Beyond》的背景。

In this regard, Benjamin Charbit, CEO of Darewise, stated:

对此,Darewise 首席执行官 Benjamin Charbit 表示:

“We are excited to establish a deep relationship with Honda as our key automotive partner. In addition to adding utility and style to the game, we believe that the ideation and innovation generated from this collaboration will greatly enhance the gaming experience.”


For Honda, this is not the first appearance in a metaverse. In fact, already last July 2022, Honda had presented its virtual world within the famous video game Fortnite, designed for Twitch, called Hondaverse.

对于本田来说,这并不是第一次出现在虚拟宇宙中。事实上,早在 2022 年 7 月,本田就在为 Twitch 设计的著名视频游戏《堡垒之夜》(Fortnite) 中展示了其虚拟世界,名为 Hondaverse。

In practice, on Hondaverse, there are custom Fortnite maps, within which streamers and players can challenge each other with virtual parkour races and trivia questions. 

实际上,在 Hondaverse 上,有定制的《堡垒之夜》地图,主播和玩家可以在其中通过虚拟跑酷比赛和问答题互相挑战。

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The Partnership With FCF Pay To Accept Crypto

与 FCF Pay 合作接受加密货币

In addition to the metaverse, the Tokyo-based auto giant, Honda, seems to also be open to embracing the crypto world. 


And indeed, last October 2023, thanks to the partnership with FCF Pay, Honda began accepting payments in crypto such as Ripple (XRP) and Dogecoin (DOGE) for the purchase of its products.

事实上,去年 2023 年 10 月,由于与 FCF Pay 的合作,本田开始接受 Ripple (XRP) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 等加密货币支付来购买其产品。

Customers can both purchase and rent the company’s products, using as many as 46 cryptocurrencies supported by FCF Pay for Honda.

客户可以使用 FCF Pay for Honda 支持的多达 46 种加密货币购买和租赁该公司的产品。

The post Honda Rides Into The Metaverse With A New Web3 Gameplay appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

本田以新的 Web3 游戏玩法进入虚拟世界的帖子首先出现在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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